Bah me!

If I don't have morality, morality can't kidnap me!

At this moment, he planted a seed and quietly waited for him to grow into a towering tree.

Tony is releasing himself at the moment, and his Palladium Ark reactor is about to kill him...


This means that he will soon die, all this is only a matter of time, at most half a year to live.

Tony, who spends days drinking, always invites Chen Xi, but he has no interest in those parties, and they are all very rotten.

On this day, Chen Xi was shopping with Qin Gray, Gwen was practicing martial arts with Boda, Wanda went to the company, and he was secretly dating Qin Gray Lala's little hand, just like being a thief.

Now he hasn't even completely managed Gwen, and if he is caught stepping on another boat, it is estimated that he will be gazed....

However, he feels that he is a steel egg, and it is estimated that something is too likely to happen, after all, the mortal sword An can hurt him in the slightest?

Chen Xi deliberately shaved his beard and changed into a handsome suit with hot vision in the morning, and combed his hairstyle into an adult.

Why Superman still has a beard, he is really puzzled, if Superman's beard is collected, it is estimated that he can make a super evil weapon.

It's just that after a few days, Jean Grey seems to have become a lot haggard, and she can also see her exhaustion in her eyes.

"Did you run into a problem?"

"It's not about the mutant registration bill, we just want a little bit of basic human rights, why should we be turned into beasts...,"

Jean Grey muttered sadly, she dared to show her vulnerable side in front of her lover, she had to pretend to be strong and brave in front of others...

"Leave it to me."

Chen Xi's right hand tightly held Qin Grey's small hand, and the other hand firmly grasped the steering wheel of Ferrari, isn't it all one-handed to drive Ferrari?

When women are most helpless, no one is allowed to say a word.

And Chen Xi's sentence handed over to me, which instantly broke Qin Gelei's fragile psychological defense.


Jean Grey was touched, how could this not make her angry....

"Shh! Don't talk, we don't need it.

Chen Xi quickly gagged with his hand, allowing Qin Gelei to swallow the words she wanted to express.


Qin Grey finally showed a touching smile, at this moment she completely let go of her defenses, what could not be satisfied with having her own man to shield her from the wind and rain?

In fact, as superheroes they are really tired, Charles's compromise does not change any good feelings, they are just being used.

Chen Xi also sometimes thought about getting her to quit the X-Men.

But think about it, you can interfere with anyone's fate at will, like a high god to fool their fate.

Not only does he have to decide the life and death of each character and the fate of each character in the movie world, he prefers to play tricks in Marvel.

But for his own woman, he always felt that it seemed more meaningful to have a superhero career that he fought for.

At present, he does not seem to have any urgent matters, except for the funding of Ivan Vanko, everything else has settled.

The road should be taken step by step, and the meal should be eaten bite by bite.

"Host, it's a big job, do you want to take it?"

Just then the system suddenly spoke.

"Oh, what kind of work?"

Chen Xi was curious, even the system said that it was a big job?

"Ding, trigger epic missions to help mutants completely change their social status and let them enjoy human treatment."

"Ding, the task reward is to be determined, depending on the size of the host to complete the task, the reward will be justice points, the minimum completion of the task conditions after the trigger reward is not less than 500,000, the highest task has no upper limit!"

Groove!! Abuses!!

This is really heifer handstand, cow ..... Soaring sky!!


Excited, Chen Xi slammed on the brakes without warning and stopped directly on the street...

He was really shocked by the huge reward, which was simply an unprecedented explosive reward!

"You... Why are you suddenly so excited? "

The co-pilot's Qin Gray would probably have been thrown out by him without warning if she wasn't wearing a seat belt, but this also made her big baby hurt.

"Ahem, it's okay, suddenly thought of a way to get you out of your current predicament, hahaha."

Chen Xi laughed casually, not telling the truth.

But others don't care, it's just a horn banging, all kinds of trash talk...

"Fak!! It's amazing to drive a Ferrari! Fak! "

Fark Squid!! Is it your home to drive Ferrari Road, Fak!!

"Oh! Shett! Lao Tzu hates rich people the most! Fak! Looking

at these people spitting on the stars, angry faces, and unobstructed insults, Chen Xi shook his head.

Poor sand sculptures, poor desert culture, scolding people can't scold tricks, really step on the horse pitiful....

Look at us again, the cheating characters are not repeated for ten minutes.

So in order for them to no longer be embarrassed, Chen Xi decided to help them and stop cursing people in the future, and Nian Li turned into a fist and smashed their full teeth one by one....

In an instant, this group of people squinted in horror and rolled all over the ground holding their heads, and their hearts were terrified, could it be that they were too bad to hear and be punished by God???

"You are a violent maniac...,"

Qin Gray gave him a blank look, didn't people scold you twice, or is it your fault, you have not left a single tooth left, how much does this cost!

Did you know that in New York, a whole dental implant and a BMW Five Series are gone?

"No, no, no, I didn't do it, it was God."

Chen Xi directly threw a serious pot, anyway, there is no God in this Marvel universe, just dump it to him casually, and have the ability to cross the universe to hammer me!

At that time, it depends on whether the OAA old man will do it, and you will be done!

"You're a..." The

system couldn't stand it.

"Get out!"

After Chen Xi finished the system, he immediately showed a smile on his face and invited Qin Gelei, "Do you want to go to the amusement park?" Carousel or Ferris wheel? "

Carousel and Ferris wheel?"

When Qin Gray heard this, his vision was a little blurred...

What a distant memory is this?

The last time she rode the carousel and the Ferris wheel was when she was ten years old.

At that time, she was still so carefree, how good it would have been if it hadn't been that accident!

"Carousel and Ferris wheel."

Chen Xi nodded, staring deeply into her eyes and saying word by word:

"Don't regret the past, because it's already passed, and don't worry about the future, because tomorrow hasn't come yet."

"The only thing we can grasp is today!"

"Don't think about the past, don't fear the future, live in the present!"

He knew that Jean's negative emotions were controlled deep in his heart by Charles with a mental cage, and this old guy didn't know the truth that blocking is never better than neglecting?

When Dark Qin Grey broke out, the dark negative emotions that had accumulated for many years directly pinched him to death...

"Don't think about the past, don't fear the future, live in the present..." Qin

Gelei murmured Chen Xi's words, the light in her eyes became more and more blazing, and she woke up the dreamer with one word!

"Let's go, I haven't relaxed for a long time."

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