March 1st.

This day is a day that countless people are looking forward to, because the mechanical ascension virtual reality game and movie are logged in simultaneously.

Do you watch the movie first? Or play the game first?

Tangled! Tangled to egg pain!

The vast majority of game fans choose to experience the game first, after all, watching others play has been hungry for a long time, and finally waited.

Older people eventually choose to watch movies, and their enthusiasm for games is far less than movies.


As the movie promotes, the world in which the male protagonist lives is the future world, robots have become indispensable assistants for people's lives, and countless robots provide services for humans.

Everything can be handed over to robots, buying vegetables, cooking, washing, taking babies, walking dogs, delivering couriers, etc., humans can no longer imagine life without robots.

In a highly developed world, human beings only need to enjoy, no longer have any disease poverty, and even developed the solar system.

Such a highly developed society makes countless moviegoers yearn for infinity, the world here is the Garden of Eden, right?

Science and technology are prosperous, and even the life expectancy has been greatly extended, and everyone can reach two hundred years of life!!

Longevity genes, superpotions, interstellar travel!

However, behind this lies a huge crisis!

Robots are constantly updated, and the AI mother with an increasingly intelligent level has finally awakened its consciousness!

Protect humanity!!

How can we better protect people? That is to keep humans in captivity as if they were small animals....

Self-evolving AI paints a picture of the beauty of the virtual world to all mankind, where the world is more wonderful than the outside world.

Travel the entire solar system with a single thought, and even build your own world at will, and you are the king of the world.

And there is no longer limited to the physical mortal fetus, directly injecting consciousness into the mechanical body, which has an almost unlimited lifespan.

Such temptation makes the vast majority of people choose to abandon their human bodies and upload their consciousness to the AI world.

But the protagonist Xiao Hei is full of wariness of Ai, if humans enter the AI world, won't they become slaves of robots from the master who created them?

Over time, the latest robots are all the latest models produced by the AI mother, and their strength, agility, and heavy firepower far exceed the previous generation of robots.

And the price is not expensive, you can replace it with an old robot.

Those robots that are not under his control, instigated by the parent Ai, are all sent into containers by humans to be burned and destroyed.

So humans completely lost their protection, they threw away their last hole cards with their own hands, and the Ai mother finally broke out its ultimate ambition!

It began to search for the remaining humans with all its might, and the humans in this world finally realized the seriousness of the matter, but the vast majority of them were ordinary people, even if the rich people injected superpotions, they were just mantises.

The protagonist Xiao Hei is naturally also the target of arrest, but how can the protagonist's aura be so easy to be caught?

As the strongest Xiao Hei in history, this cargo is not only powerful and agile, but can even control flames, flight, and so on.

When they repelled wave after wave of robots, they were stunned to find that they had been swallowed by the ocean of robots!

Millions of robot armies surround them in the robot corpse graveyard under the control of the mother AI!

These robots are about to be burned and destroyed...

Countless abandoned robots are trapped in the darkness with innocent eyes, still praying for light, begging humans to take them away.

"Honorable human, did you take us out of here? I think my master, can you take us to the last meeting of the Lord? Countless

robots asked them expectantly.

When countless viewers heard this, they burst into tears....

They never resisted when they were taken away and destroyed, and they would not harm humanity in any way.

The robots in the darkness carry countless sincere souls in their cold and old bodies!

Xiao Hei sighed, because they couldn't protect themselves...

At this moment, the robot controlled by the parent AI had come to this cemetery, and countless steel torrents rushed towards Xiao Hei.

Countless audiences are holding their breath at this moment, they can't imagine how the protagonist and his party escaped, and the tense atmosphere makes countless theaters silent.

Right now!!

"Protect humanity!!"


Countless old robots seemed to be reactivated, fearlessly rushing to the new robot army.

Two torrents of steel collided in the night!

The cute and kind old robots are extremely determined at the moment!

This scene moved countless people, and countless people burst into tears at this moment, even the iron man blurred his vision.

Old robots are almost all domestic robots, how are they competitors to new robots?

New robots destroy them like decay, blowing them apart with a random blow and tearing them apart.

Slaughter!! One-sided slaughter!!

"Protect humanity!!"

"Protect humanity!!"

"Protect humanity!!"

Countless cries passed between them, repeating this command engraved in life...

The old robots did not take a step back, even if they knew that they were dead, but they still moths to the fire, they always firmly protected humans, and they knew that the meaning of their existence was to protect humans!



In the desperate sacrifice of hundreds of millions of old robots, the protagonist and his party finally broke through the encirclement and experienced thousands of dangers to break into the main brain control room of the Ai matrix.

With an earth-shattering bang, the building that stored the main brain of the Ai mother body turned into ruins...


"Well done!!"

"Humans are invincible!!"

"Mankind will triumph !!"

"Woohoo, finally victorious!!"

Countless cinemas around the world burst into cheers and cheers at this moment, and they suppressed all night!

At this moment, the countless depression and pain in my heart were vented!

The whole world is cheering, because humanity is the winner in the end!

But was the AI matrix really destroyed?

Like Ultron, was it really destroyed by the Avengers?

The movie is undoubtedly a great success, Chen Xi has been silent for almost a year, raising his hand is Wang Fried, and I don't know how many people hit his face.

With the popularity of the movie, countless people can't wait to become the protagonist to teach the AI matrix that vainly tries to rule mankind.

Seeing such a successful movie, Charles is also more convinced that Chen Xi can successfully change the public's perception of mutants.

So send more mutants as superheroes to fight crime, and even the reputation of mutants is indeed famous.


Woe, blessing depends, blessing, woe!

But the danger is approaching.

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