Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 226: The horrific 'Violet Chicken Roll'

With the addition of the 'Golden Evolution Technique', even the instant 'Explosion Magic' is extremely powerful.

So this alien soldier who couldn't see his face, didn't know his name, didn't even know his race, and only shot an arrow quietly ended his sinful life.

After killing him, Finney turned to look at Thor's situation while looking for other enemies.

The battle resumed again. Although there were only six more of them, the battlefield changed the previous disadvantage of Warnerheim in an instant.

Thor's hammer was waving everywhere, and the enemy basically couldn't resist his hammer. Sif and the three warriors guarded around him, forming a team, preventing the enemy from watching, and also helping Thor to block the sneak attack.

Fini had to admit that he was indeed not as experienced as Thor and Sif in this kind of battle on the battlefield, unless the situation was that he was alone and surrounded by enemies, like the Chitauris he faced back then.

But now there are many wounded civilians in Warnerheim around him, and he doesn't dare to use 'Blast Magic' on a large scale. He can only find the target at close range and release it in the face.

But after fighting for a while, Fini suddenly found that the surrounding enemies were actually avoiding him.

Some even turned around and ran away when they saw him look over, which made him a little baffled.

What Fini didn't know was that among these rebels, in addition to the indigenous rebels in Warnerheim, there were also some recruited interstellar predators.

Although these plunderers usually burn, kill, and plunder, they are also extremely greedy for life and fear of death, so they observe the dangers more carefully.

They found that if they were hit by Thor's hammer or Sif's sword, at most, they would be seriously injured and most likely would not die. of.

Especially for some who tried to play dead to get through, Fini would turn around and make up for it, and even surrendering didn't work.

Although they are arrogant and arrogant, they also look at people. When they encounter a ruthless character like Fini, they are also afraid, so they flee without fighting.

Feeney didn't know this, but he couldn't just watch his experience baby escape.

Then there was a slightly strange scene on the field.

Wherever Fini went, the enemy retreated instantly, and one by one began to flee in all directions, as if Fini had a plague on him.

"Don't run!"

Fini was furious in his heart. When he first came, the first one was attacked. Now he wanted to fight hard, but the other party didn't show any respect.

If it goes on like this, he will lose 100% to Thor.

At this moment, the beam of Rainbow Bridge appeared again, and groups of golden soldiers appeared from the beam, and the army of Asgard arrived.

Seeing this scene, Finney was a little anxious. His experience was already running away, and now there are so many people who are robbing experience.

And all the rebels present, after seeing the arrival of Asgard's army, knew in their hearts that it was impossible to win again.

Especially the few people who were being chased by Fini, under the threat of death behind them, as if feeling that these Asgards were rescue soldiers, immediately dropped their weapons, ran to their positions, and shouted:

"Surrender, I surrender, I will be captured!"

When the Asgardian soldiers who had just come over and were preparing to fight saw this scene, they couldn't help but stay for a while, their eyes were slightly confused, as if they didn't understand what was going on.

"Don't run!"

Fini also heard the shouts of these people. While expressing contempt for the spinelessness of these people, he deliberately shouted to the soldiers of Asgard: "Be careful!"

The Asgardian soldier, who had always felt that things were not normal, immediately raised his spear after hearing Fini's 'reminder', and looked at the few people running over on alert.

"I want to surrender, I really want to..."

Several people were anxious, but before the words were finished, Fini's had quickly caught up with them, the crimson magic circle shone, and under the baptism of flames, several people ended their sinful lives.

"Ah, it's Lord Helsed!"

"Why is he here?"

"It's really him!?"

Fini's iconic 'ghost haunt' and brilliant 'explosive magic' made some of the Asgardian soldiers instantly recognize his identity and were surprised.

"Go and save people!"

Fini didn't care that they knew him, looked at the surrounding battlefield, and said something to them.

People with strength will be respected there. Although Feeney is not their superior, the soldiers still obeyed the order and began to rescue the surrounding civilians in Warnerheim.

Although Fini stopped the surrender of the few people just now, but he couldn't stop the general trend, so after he eliminated a few more enemies, everyone put down their weapons and looked like they were no longer resisting, making it difficult for him to take another shot.

Looking at the rebels who were detained by the soldiers and prepared to be locked in the cell first, Feeney could only watch it, hoping that they would struggle for a while, and let him take advantage of the situation to solve it.

Unfortunately, when these rebels saw Fini's scarlet eyes staring at them, they were as obedient as a baby, and they didn't mean to resist at all.

Just when Feeney was disappointed with them, Thor found him and said:

"Heimdall said that there are several other places nearby that are also being fought. Sif, I, and Fandral are going to lead a team of soldiers to support first. Hogan and Vorstag will stay here to take care of the situation. How about you?"

"I'll go as well!"

Finney replied without thinking.

In fact, he didn't gain much experience on the battlefield just now. First, the enemy was too weak, and they were all soldiers. Second, the opponent ran away when they saw him, wasting a lot of time chasing Er nodded, then hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your fried chicken nugget rolls have a therapeutic effect. Would you mind calling some people to help those injured."

"no problem!"

Fini thought that Thor was going to say something, just summon some 'Violet Chicken Nuggets', and immediately said: "You send someone to find something to serve, and I will summon it now."

"it is good!"

Thor immediately told the soldiers to find the huge clean box in the village, and then Fini began to perform under the surprised and curious eyes of everyone.

As if it was raining, the sky started to rain with the 'Violet Fried Chicken Roll'.

Right at this moment, Feeney's 'Violet Chicken Roll' has evolved again. The most important thing is that this evolution is not a food attribute, but the initial evolution-like quantity, which has doubled.

It reached the terrifying level of six in one second!

What is the concept of six fried chicken nuggets in one second? Three hundred and sixty rolls can be made in one minute, twenty-one thousand six hundred in one hour, and in a whole day, that is...


When Finney, who was summoning, thought of this number, he couldn't help but be startled. Finney felt that wherever he went in the future, all the fried chicken nugget shops could declare bankruptcy.

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