Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 243: Frost Giants

At this time, a large number of frost giants gathered here to rebuild their palaces. In the icy weather, they and the tamed frost giants carried boulders and worked hard.

Fini was in a state of invisibility, watching this scene in the air, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The original strength of the Frost Giants is definitely among the best in the Nine Realms, otherwise they would not be Asgard's mortal enemies, and Odin's eyes were blinded by them, but now they look a bit miserable.

However, he just sighed, Fini actually didn't have a good impression of Frost Giant.

After all, they had invaded the earth in the beginning, and wanted to return mankind to the Ice Age. If there was no assistance from Asgard at that time, the earth would not be what it would be like now.

Falling from the sky, Fini did not cancel the stealth mode, but prepared to quietly investigate the situation first.

Although Lao Fei is dead, but looking at the current situation, they may have a new king, so he thinks it is better to know the information first.

Fini wandered among the frost giants, and relying on the translator he got in Asgard, he was also able to understand the conversation between them.

According to the information he heard along the way, he sorted it out and found that the current frost giant seems to be led by three people.

Chief among them was Fabti, a frost giantess, the wife of Laufe, and the other two were her sons, Helbrindy and Belest.

The three of them are now jointly in charge of the entire Frost Giant Clan.

When he heard the news, Finney was extremely surprised. The first thing that came to his mind was Loki, and he didn't know what Loki would think when he found out about them.

However, Feeney guessed that Loki would only hate and want to destroy Jotunheim even more. He hated the Frost Giants, and he hated his own background. He still felt that he was an Asgardian, the son of Odin. , Loki, **** of tricks.

What's more, he was still abandoned back then.

Abandoning the thoughts of Loki in his head, Fini sneaked into the newly built palace according to the information. The three of them are currently living here. All are Frost Behemoths.

Even the newly built palace is still very simple, and because the frost giants don't like light and heat, everything around is very dark, making Fini's infiltration particularly difficult.

"We should have formed an alliance with Karnira and fought against Asgard together!"

"Shut up, Belest!"

Just as Fini was dizzy and struggling to find the way, suddenly there were a few quarrels in his ears. Following the direction of the sound, he found a stone room.

"Look at the people outside, are they enough for you to start a war?"

The door of the wide stone room was not completely closed, and the sound came from inside. Fini approached the opening of the door, which was relatively loose for him, and peeked at the interior.

There were several large windows in the stone room, so that the room was not so dark, and it also allowed Fini to see the faces of the people who were arguing loudly.

Although in Fini's eyes, the vast majority of frost giants look alike, but the ones in front of them are obviously different.

The first is the size. The three frost giants in front of them are much larger than ordinary frost giants, and they look a bit like real giants.

Then there is the equipment on his body. Fini doesn't know what the living conditions of the frost giants are, but the frost giants outside who are building the palace are very rudimentary.

The armor of the soldiers only protected the most important parts, and at the same time looked very old.

But the equipment on the people in front of them is obviously much more refined. Based on the name he heard just now, Feeney has some guesses about the identities of these people.

However, just as Finney was about to go through the crack of the door and go in to listen to what they were talking about, who knew that as soon as he stepped into the room, an icy aura suddenly spread from his feet and seemed to freeze him.


This is obviously a warning device or spell, specially used to detect outsiders.

Fini was startled, and without thinking too much, the 'breathing method' started instantly. Although the energy of the sun here is very scarce, it was good enough for him to turn on the flame mode.

"Flame Giant!?"

Seeing Fini burning and showing her figure, several people in the room couldn't help but stay for a while.

If the frost giants and the Asgardians still have reasons for hatred and the possibility of mutual understanding, then the frost giants and the flame giants are completely disliked by each other.

Frost giants like cold and wet environments, heat and flames are not only annoying to them, but also a weakening and torment for them. In contrast, the flame giants do the same.

Both races are extremely environment-conscious races, so although they both know each other, they rarely see each other's race.

Now that a 'flaming giant' suddenly appeared on his own territory, the surprise was no less than finding that Odin was dancing with Gungnir.

However, they were only surprised by the appearance of the flames blazing all over Fini's body. After careful observation, they found that Fini did not seem to be the flame giant in their are you? "

However, because of the "haunted by evil spirits", they didn't immediately think of Fini to the Earthlings or Asgardians. There are so many strange races in the universe, and no one can guarantee that they know all of them.

After turning on the flame mode, the frozen breath spreading from his feet disappeared, which made Fini heave a sigh of relief, and then heard the other party's interrogation.

Fini looked up at the three tall frost giants who surrounded him in front of him, thinking about what to do next.

Meanwhile, Asgard.

Heimdall of the Observatory passed through countless planets and saw Fini who was discovered by the Frost Giant.

In fact, Fini guessed well. Odin didn't want Fini to go to Jotunheim, but he didn't want to restrict Fini's behavior, so he secretly ordered Heimdall to send Fini to the farthest distance from the Frost Giant when teleporting. s position.

But unfortunately, he didn't expect that even so, Fini found the gathering place of the frost giants.

"He met the Frost Giants!"

After hesitating for a while, Heimdall reported to Odin through his own abilities.

"Well, I see, let's see what he's going to do first, don't interfere with him!"

After hearing this, Odin couldn't help frowning. After giving an order, he thought about what the purpose of Fini's going to Jotunheim was.

And Fini was also a little helpless at this time. He didn't expect to be discovered so quickly. Sure enough, he was still not suitable for the job of scout. Looking at the three people who were on guard in front of him, he sighed and said hello:


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