Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 246: Heimdall who wants to stop

But just when Fini made the decision to fly into the air to cast a real 'exploding magic', he suddenly felt an extremely cold aura from the front and rear at the same time.

The ground under his feet condensed a thick layer of ice almost instantly, and the energy flames on his body couldn't help but dim, and even the nearby frost giants shivered, showing how cold it was.

Fini was startled, but he didn't have time to think about it. The air dance technique rose directly from the ground. He didn't stand still because he had to maintain the 'City of Ghoul', but he felt that there would be more frost giants standing there. Just entering the boundary.

However, the three of them have seen Fini flying before, so they are also prepared for Fini's lift-off.

Fabti, who was not involved in the freezing, immediately used the ice spell that had been brewing for a long time after seeing Fini lift off, and a huge ice wall instantly fell from Fini's head.

With the blessing of 'Breathing Technique' and 'Golden Evolution Technique', Fini's senses are so sharp that Heimdall's eyes can detect it, not to mention an ice wall so close.

Fini didn't panic, didn't raise his head, he thought calmly, and in a short moment, many ways of coping flashed through his mind.


Fini chose the safest and safest method, stretched out his hand and held the 'Food of the White Dragon' on his chest and teleported.

Since creating the Food of the White Dragon, Fini has seldom used it, and has almost never used it in battle except to teleport to Asgard with it before.

One is that he currently consumes too much space gems, and the other is the container of 'Food of the White Dragon'.

Although vibranium is a metal that is enough to amaze dwarves, it is not dwarves who create the "Food of the White Dragon", so although Fini can barely use the power of gems, it will cause great loss to vibranium.

Unlike the infinite gloves made by the dwarves, as long as you don't snap your fingers, you can use the power of gems at will.

But fortunately, I absorbed a lot of time value in the battle this time. After using it, I can completely recover it with 'Kikedi: Four Bullets'.

Seeing Fini disappear suddenly in a burst of blue light, all the frost giants looked astonished, looking for Fini's figure everywhere.

Fortunately, Fini didn't teleport too far, just outside the palace.


Fini looked at the 'Food of the White Dragon' with the slightest cracks on his chest, and his heart ached. When he was teleported to Asgard before, he prepared for a long time, and he was extra careful so that he did not cause any damage.

But how could the emergency situation just now allow him to prepare for another half a day, which is why the current result is caused.

Because he was worried that the damage of the food of the white dragon would cause the power of the space gem to go out of control, Fini didn't care that Odin and Gu Yi might be peeping, and immediately summoned the 'Kike Emperor', preparing to return it to the state before use.

"Emperor Keke: Four Bullets!"

An ancient pistol appeared in Fini's hand. After injecting the bullet made by time value into the pistol, he aimed it at the 'White Dragon's Food' on his chest.


After a shot.

The cracks on the 'Food of the White Dragon' recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye it returned to its previous appearance.

Fini didn't expect the three of them to hide among the soldiers and attack, but the battle is only a matter of winning or losing. He once threatened Thor with a hammer, so he wasn't too angry or angry.

I also feel a little distressed about the time value consumed just now, but fortunately, this is just what happened just now, so the time value consumed is not much. Compared with the absorption from the frost giants, it is almost a drop in the bucket.

After the boat almost capsized in the gutter, Finney didn't dare to be careless. The three of them almost made him suffer with just one sneak attack. Maybe there are other trump cards that can perish together.

"Come out, blue-eyed white dragon!"

Although he was a little worried in his heart, he couldn't give up so much experience left, so Fini prepared to use "Blast Magic" to verify his previous ideas and solve the remaining experience.

The reason why the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was summoned was because he was worried that the opponent had some unknown hole cards, so it was safer to summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

The huge blue-eyed white dragon quickly attracted the attention of the frost giants.

When they came out of the palace, the three saw Fini who was singing 'Blast Magic' on the back of the blue-eyed white dragon.

"What creature is that?"

When Belest saw the blue-eyed white dragon, he couldn't help but flash a trace of fear in his eyes. With the size of the blue-eyed white dragon, he could be called a giant beast even in Jotunheim.

"What is he doing?"

Although Fabti was also shocked by the Blue Eyes White Dragon, she was more concerned about what Fini was doing at this time.

"I am the Explosion Mage,"

"The man who chases and explores the power of magic,"

"Ignorant, ignorant, arrogant frost giants,"

"You will pay the real price for your actions!"

Listening to Fini's words, the faces of the three of them were ugly, but what made them even more ugly was the huge range of crimson magic circles that appeared in the sky.

"Stop him now!"

"You must not let him use this magic!"

Listening to the hurried voices of his mother and younger At this moment, Helbrindy suddenly thought of the reason why Feeney was called the 'white butcher' in the intelligence. Ten thousand enemies, the white figure is like a butcher from the abyss.

He thought this information was just an exaggeration of the rumors, but looking at the vast magic circle, he felt an inexplicable tremor in his heart.

What if the rumors are true! ?

In fact, in terms of area damage, except for those weapons that are technically out of specification, there are not many Fini's in the entire universe.

Just like Thor, he is not much worse than Fini in overall strength, but in such a situation where there are so many enemies, his area damage is far worse.

Seeing the huge magic circle emerging in the air, there are actually people who are more anxious than Fabuti and the others.

Just as Fini was chanting and preparing to activate the 'Explosion Magic', a huge beam of colorful beams suddenly dropped from the sky above his head.

Rainbow Bridge in Asgard!

It turned out that Heimdall saw that Fini was planning to use such a huge explosion magic, and was going to send Fini back to Asgard to interrupt the magic.

Fini was always on guard while singing, so he found out the first time the Rainbow Bridge fell.

Although he was a little surprised by Heimdall's behavior, Fini didn't intend to be teleported back.

After giving a quick command to the blue-eyed white dragon, Fini avoided the rainbow bridge that wanted to send him back.

Seeing Fini dodging the Rainbow Bridge's teleportation, Heimdall's eyes flashed with surprise, but he couldn't make the Rainbow Bridge turn, so he had no choice but to close the Rainbow Bridge first.

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