The old woman's voice trembled: "Lin Nan, something is wrong here, we are trapped by the dark force.

Lin Nan held her hand and tried to stay calm: "Don't be afraid, let's keep going, as long as we stick to it, we will find the place of the ceremony." "

In complete darkness, they fumbled forward, and every now and then they heard hissing sounds and strange hallucinations. Lin Nan's heart beat faster, and he felt an invisible force trying to distract him.

Suddenly, they felt the air around them become unusually cold, and their breath condensed into a white mist. A ghostly shadow appeared ahead, like a lost soul.

The voice of the shadow sounded: "You have come here, but you can't save anyone. The dark forces have awakened and the ritual is irreversible.

Lin Nan gritted his teeth and responded loudly: "We will never give up, darkness cannot overcome hope." The

shadow suddenly pounced on them, but Lin Nan violently waved the talisman and emitted a bright light that dispersed the shadow. Their flashlights re-lit and they kept going.

They finally came to the site of the ceremony, a huge underground cave. There are ancient markers and instruments, as well as an altar with mysterious objects.

Lin Nan and the old woman stood at the site of the ceremony, facing the objects and ancient marks on the altar. They understand that only by properly cracking the ritual can the rise of the dark forces be stopped.

The old woman trembled and said, "Lin Nan, we must find the right instrument and the correct order, otherwise everything will fail."

Lin Nan concentrated his attention and began to study the marks on the altar. His fingers touched an ancient stone slab, and suddenly, he saw a blurry pattern, as if it were a key.

He turned to the old woman: "I think I found a clue, there is a key here, maybe it is the key to unlocking the ritual." The

old woman nodded nervously, her eyes full of expectation: "Then try to use it."

Lin Nan carefully inserted the key into a groove in the altar. Suddenly, the underground cave began to tremble, and mysterious forces were swimming around. They heard a creepy roar, and the dark forces seemed to be in the last resistance.

Lin Nan quickly read the ancient markers, trying to find clues to the next step. He discovered a complex pattern that seemed to require a specific instrument to unravel.

The old woman asked nervously: "What do you see, are there any clues?" Lin

Nan gritted her teeth: "We need to find a special instrument, which must be inserted into the altar at the right moment of the ceremony." "

They started scouring around the place, hoping to find this instrument. Every second is a tense wait, and the dark forces are growing, threatening their safety and the future of the village.

Finally, in one corner, they found a stone platform on which was placed a strange instrument that seemed to fit the mark on the altar. Lin Nan carefully removed the instrument and brought it back to the altar.

They stood in front of the altar, ready to take the final step. Lin Nan inserted the instrument into the altar, while the old woman held the amulet, ready to fight against any counterattack of the dark force.

Lin Nan and the old woman stared at the light on the altar, not knowing what would happen in the end. The altar began to tremble, and the underground cave seemed to resonate. Suddenly, the top of the altar began to slowly open, revealing an object shining with a mysterious light.

Lin Nan's voice was full of surprise: "What is that?" The

old woman was also shocked: "I'm not sure, but it seems to be the core of this ritual." They

approached the altar and looked closely at the object. It is an ancient vessel that appears to have been made of an unknown material. Inside the container, there is a bright gemstone that exudes mysterious powers.

Lin Nan carefully reached out to touch the gem, and suddenly, his palm was impacted by a powerful energy, and he felt as if he was integrated into the gemstone and saw endless illusions.

The old woman called nervously: "Lin Nan, how are you?" Lin

Nan's voice came from the gemstone: "I... I saw something, an ancient wisdom and power, and they seemed to be associated with this village.

The old woman was worried: "Can you control it?" Lin

Nan tried to stay calm: "I will do my best." This gemstone could be the key to stopping the dark forces. They

decided to take the gem out, but Lin Nan realized that it would not be easy. The gemstone seems to be so tightly connected to the altar that it is difficult to separate.

The old woman said anxiously, "We must take out the gemstone, otherwise the ceremony cannot be completed."

Lin Nan concentrated his energy and tried to use the power he felt to separate the gemstones. However, this process is fraught with risk as the power in the gemstone seems to resist.

Lin Nan held the glowing gemstone and felt that it seemed to be connected to his heart. He felt an influx of power, but at the same time he felt the oppression of dark forces.

The old woman asked nervously, "How are you,

Lin Nan?" Lin Nan tried to stabilize his emotions: "I feel that this gemstone contains an ancient wisdom and power. It is the key to unlocking the forces of darkness. "

They knew that now they had to put the gemstone in the right place to completely stop the ritual from continuing." Lin Nan began to study the ancient markings, trying to find the proper location of the gemstone.

The old woman's voice was full of expectation: "Did you find it?"

Lin Nan nodded: "Yes, I saw a mark, which seems to be the destination of this gemstone." They

carefully placed the gemstone in the center of the mark, and in an instant, the entire underground cave began to tremble and the dark force hissed. The gems begin to emit a bright glow that repels the darkness.

The old woman plucked up the courage and said, "We must persevere and not allow the darkness to prevail again." "

Lin Nan and the old woman joined forces to fight against the dark forces, and their determination and hope became the most powerful weapons. The gemstone's glow grew brighter and brighter, gradually covering the entire underground cave.

The resistance of the dark forces became weaker and weaker, and eventually, they were completely repelled. Lin Nan and the old woman felt a sense of victory as they knew that they had succeeded in stopping the rise of darkness.

Lin Nan was stunned by the powerful energy released by the gem, and he faltered, eventually losing consciousness. The old woman screamed in horror: "Lin Nan, don't leave me!" She

hurriedly rushed to Lin Nan's side and tried to wake him up. The gem's light continues to twinkle, but it also reveals uncontrollable tendencies, unleashing furious power.

The old woman took a deep breath and tried to stabilize the situation, saying, "We can't let the power of the gems get out of hand. I have to find a way to stabilize it.

She began searching for ancient marks and charms, trying to understand how to control this energy. Time was urgent, because the dark forces were still threatening them, and Lin Nan's life was hanging by a thread.

Finally, in an ancient book, the old woman finds a charm that can help stabilize the gemstone's energy. She clutched the amulet and began chanting the ancient incantation.

The spell created a powerful force that formed a radiant barrier around the gem, controlling its energy. The dark forces are no longer threatening, and calm has returned to the underground caverns.

The old woman breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked anxiously at Lin Nan, who had lost consciousness. "We have to find a way to free him as soon as possible, otherwise his life could be threatened," she whispered.

The old woman looked anxiously at Lin Nan, who had lost consciousness, and she knew that his life was in danger. Suddenly, the air in the underground cave began to become extremely cold, and the gemstone emitted an even more intense glow.

She turned back abruptly and found that the dark forces were gathering again, this time more powerful, as if to devour everything. Her voice trembled: "We are running out of time, I have to stabilize this gem." The

old woman took a deep breath and began chanting the spell again, trying to keep the gem in control. But dark power kept pouring in, forming a terrifying vortex that attracted Lin Nan's body over.

Lin Nan's voice came from the whirlpool: "Old woman, I feel a powerful force, and it is attracting me. I seem to have entered some kind of netherworld.

The old woman shouted loudly at a loss: "Lin Nan, you must resist! Don't be swallowed by the dark power!" Lin Nan

tried his best to resist the temptation of the netherworld, but he felt his consciousness gradually blurred, and his body was pulled by invisible forces. He sees visions and fragments of memories in the netherworld, seemingly the past of villages and mysterious forces.

The old woman stood anxiously next to the gem, trying to stabilize the situation, she said: "Lin Nan, you must come back, you can't let the dark power defeat you!" In the

netherworld, Lin Nan felt that his strength was gradually restored, and he decided to resist unrelentingly, not letting the darkness occupy his heart. He responded, "I won't give up, old woman. I will come back and we face the darkness together. Lin

Nan finally returned to the underground cave after resisting the temptation of the netherworld. His body felt weak, but his will was indestructible.

The old woman breathed a sigh of relief and asked with concern, "Are you all right

, Lin Nan?" Lin Nan trembled slightly, and he said, "I feel the presence of a cold and ghost, they are trying to invade my soul in the netherworld.

The old woman frowned: "This place is full of the aftermath of dark forces, we must be careful not to let them approach." "

They decided to move on, taking gems with them, trying to find their way to deeper places. The labyrinth of underground caves seems endless, filled with mysterious symbols and aged dust.

Suddenly, a group of ghosts appeared in front of them, their shapes distorted and their eyes fierce. A ghost let out a sharp roar and pounced on them.

The old woman wields an amulet in an attempt to dispel the ghosts: "We can't let them stop our advance!"

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