Abomination and Hulk fought, and they only saw each other in their eyes, not caring about Gao Wanli, who was standing on the sidelines.

But Gao gradually left but did not intend to be a little transparent, she frowned and looked at the picture of hating the Hammer Hulk, but she was not worried that the Hulk would eventually be unable to defeat the abomination, the more it dragged into the later stage, as the Hulk was provoked, attacked, and hurt, the more powerful he became.

That is to say, unless there is an accident, the Hulk can definitely turn over, this is certain, it is better to say that the movie is made like that….

What Gao is worried about now is that the destructive power of the two big guys is too terrible, the nearby cars are like toys, and they are not kicked away by children, but by adults who either kick off or pound.

And there are still a large number of people around here who have not had time to evacuate, not only on the street, but also in residential areas, and there must be more residents in the surrounding residential buildings.

Clenching his fists, Gao Wanli took a long breath: “I have to help, I can’t let the two of them make trouble like this anymore, otherwise even the entire Manhattan district will be destroyed by them.” ”

Her purpose in coming to the edge of the battlefield so close was originally planned, but the two big guys ignored her.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was all cheering her on, and some people gave Gao Wanli advice: “Goddess, Hulk, and Abomination have strong defenses, but you can aim at their joint attacks.” ”

“Don’t forget that you learned karate and sanda,” also barrage reminded Gao that she is not only a grandmaster of Bajiquan, but also learned karate and sanda through the system.

Karate originated from Tang Shou and is a very domineering martial art, very particular about speed and crispness, and the lethality of attacks, often with a one-hit kill.

Therefore, karate also includes kicking, hitting, falling, holding, throwing, locking, winching, reverse moves, point points and other techniques.

Sanda is not to mention, as a modern fighting technique, it pays attention to attacking with head, fingers, palms, punches, elbows, shoulders, knees, legs and other parts, and the main techniques are hitting, kicking, holding, falling, falling, etc., as well as elbows and knees.

Coupled with the Bajiquan, if you fight strategically, it is with the defense power of Hulk and Abomination, and it may not be able to have the power of a fight.

Gao gradually left her heart with some calculations, she was just a little flustered when facing the two ‘monsters’.

But think that she once even the Iron Overlord burst empty-handed, and now the enemy she faces is only flesh and blood after all.

“Everyone is fighting empty-handed, who is afraid of whom,” Gao shouted loudly, but she didn’t move under her feet, looking more like a bluff.

A burst of laughter and laughter streaked by, amused by the way Gao Wanli stood in place and yelled.

Can you imagine a girl of one meter and seven meters yelling at two big guys who are definitely more than two or three meters tall?

However, when Gao Wanli really decided to make a move, everything came again without warning.


She turned into a bullet, even faster than the speed of a bullet, and hit Abomination directly.

Abomination at this time is stepping on the Hulk and attacking the Hulk with a bow left and right.

Just as Abomination raised his fist and was about to punch Hulk’s head again, Gao gradually left.

She jumped high and landed on Abomination’s back, and before Abomination could react, she reached out and grabbed the arm that was raised high.

Gao Wanli’s body is very slim compared to normal people, rather than just the right perfection, after all, it is a goddess, not only the appearance is in line with everyone’s aesthetics, but even the body is transformed according to the perfect proportions.

But in front of the two big guys, it’s like the difference between chopsticks and noodles, not that something is bad, but that it looks too fragile.

To be honest, whether it was Abomination or Hulk, one of their arms was almost thicker than Gao Wan’s whole person, but now, she boldly reached out and grabbed Abomination’s arm.

The audience in the live broadcast room became worried again, and after recovering from the decisive attack of Gao Wan, they couldn’t help but worry that her arm would be torn off by abomination.

But the truth is that the arm of abomination did not fall, but was firmly grasped by the small hand that gradually left.

Hateful was stunned, and then roared: “You little bug, you dare to come and hinder me?” I’m going to tear you off. ”

Gao Wanli snorted coldly, she didn’t come to fight, she came to fight.

“Silly big man, help me,” Gao shouted from the Hulk below, and then saw her grab the abomination hand with both hands and slam it in the opposite direction.

The Hulk didn’t know what Gao Wanli meant at first, but now he understood, and immediately grabbed the other arm of Abomination that was pounded on his face, quickly got up, and also wrestled it into Abomination’s back.

The behavior of the two completely angered the hatred, mainly because it really hurt when the arms were carried by the two in an unnatural position.

“Get out of my way,” he yelled, and Abomination struggled with all his might, first pushing his knee away from the larger Hulk, and with his other hand, he grabbed Gao Wanli from behind, and smashed Gao Wanli into the distance with all his strength.


Gao was smashed into a wall to mourn the family in silence.

“Abominable,” climbing out of the hole, Gao moved his arm away.

She is fine, now she is not the first time to get the superhuman bloodline, although the level of the superhuman bloodline has not been improved, but she has always basked in the sun, and the sun’s rays are her source of power.

On the other side, Abomination wanted to continue chasing Gao Wanli, but the Hulk had already gotten up, and the two big guys continued to punch me and punch each other.

“Come again.”

Gao Wanli’s eyes widened, she was aroused to not admit defeat, obviously on the head, no longer cowering, with an incomparably confident momentum and a heroic posture of divine martial arts, she jumped hard and pounced on the battlefield again.

However, when she was about to approach behind Abomination, Abomination was obviously prepared, and without looking back, she waved her thick right arm, accurately flew Gao Wanli away again, and swung her heavy fist to the side of Hulk’s face, knocking the Hulk in front of him to a stumbling.

Don’t underestimate the abhorrent combat experience, he is an experienced veteran himself, and now he has such a powerful power, but not the Hulk that Dr. Banner has become, and the opponent who can be easily defeated by Gao Wanli who has only had one combat experience.

Banner himself is a scientist first and then a Hulk, and he is not a professional combatant.

Gao Wanli is just an ordinary person before crossing, even an otaku who lacks exercise.

But as just said, don’t underestimate Hulk’s explosive power and high gradual combat awareness.

Gao Wanli dared to take off his steel suit and the Iron Overlord when necessary, and at this time he also immediately realized: “Before mastering the ability to fly, it seems that it is best not to jump up casually, because it will only become a target for the enemy.” ”

She was gaining experience and immediately adjusted her strategy: “Then attack from below.” Hulk, you hit the top, I hit the bottom. ”

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