God knows what qualities it takes to lift Mjolnir, at least for now, Gao Wanli is qualified to pick up Mjolnir.

“I knew that with superhuman qualifications, I would definitely be qualified to pick up Mjolnir,” Barrage shouted excitedly.

There was also a barrage that expressed a different opinion: “What does it have to do with Superman, do you mean that all Kryptonians are good people?” This is the goddess’s own character qualified to pick up Mjolnir’s hammer, okay. ”

That’s right, the high gradient that can pick up Mjolnir has nothing to do with whether she is Superman or not, Superman is only a Kryptonian after all, and there are good people and bad people among Kryptonians.

Could it be that those Kryptonians with evil intentions are also qualified?

Obviously not, the only reason is that Gao is gradually detached from his character.

“Is my character noble?” Gao Wanli continued to fly in outer space, and even she herself was full of disbelief.

She doesn’t believe how noble her character is, you see that she is lazy and selfish, how can she not be qualified?

“Because you’re not doing anything for yourself, but to protect others, right? So you got the approval of Mjolnir? “There’s a barrage that mentions the idea.

Gao Wanli acted in the name of a hero and experienced only two events in total, one against the Ten Commandments Gang and one against Abomination.

These two actions, Gao gradually separated, respectively, to protect Tony and protect more people from the threat of abomination.

No matter what Gao thinks of herself, her actions can be called heroic.

“So I became Thor?” Gao’s expression gradually bloomed, turning into a bright smile, brandishing Mjolnir and shouting: “I am Thor, the god of thunder, for the glory of the northern god.” ”


The barrage is overwhelming, isn’t this that meme.

She played happily, but Coulson on the ground was going crazy, this girl ‘snatched’ Mjolnir and ran, was it afraid of crime and absconded?

No, it’s an ownerless thing, why won’t it run away?

Besides, you can’t run that and you can’t run that….

Anyway, it means that after all, there is still Tony in New York, and Gao is not far from running.


When it was almost dark, she played for a day before returning home, mainly to test the abilities and effects of Thor’s power and Mjolnir.

Gao Wanli returned to Coulson, wearing a woman’s fish-scale chain mail, a long bright red cloak on her back, a battle dress with a chain mail hem on her lower body, a delicate helmet on her head, and a pair of wings on it, giving her a female version of Thor.

“Little things are quite interesting,” facing Coulson’s scrutinizing gaze, Gao gradually smiled awkwardly, and quickly put the Mjolnir in his hand back to its original place.

Then with a ‘boom’, the ‘Thor’s appearance’ on Gao gradually withdrew from her body instantly, and all the symbols brought by Thor’s power were rapidly receding, and in a blink of an eye, she changed back to the image of Superwoman and stood there.


“What about my clothes?” Gao exclaimed, she was now only wearing Supergirl’s combat suit, but the clothes she was wearing outside were gone.

It seems that when the power of Thor was activated, those clothes that were only made of ordinary materials were turned into flying ash.

“Damn, don’t play anymore,” Gao cursed through gritted teeth, quickly rushed into Coulson’s car, and found the change of clothes he carried with him from his personal space, and hurriedly dressed them.

Now of course, she doesn’t need to hide from Tony and Pepper anymore, so her personal space can finally come in handy, such as clothes or whatever.


Outside, Coulson knocked on the car window.

Gao Wanli, who put his pants over his skirt indiscriminately, lowered the window and asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Coulson pointed in the direction of Mjolnir: “Since you can pick it up, it’s better to do me a favor and send it to a nearby city, otherwise we can’t build a base here specifically for it.” And you can also take it back and study what kind of material this is made of. ”

Gao Wanli had already put on his pants, and now he looked down at the nondescript clothes on his body, and couldn’t help sighing, and took his pants off again.

“What a hassle,” Gao opened the door and reappeared as Supergirl (exactly like the cover).

Coming to Mjolnir again, Gao Wanli once again easily picked up the hammer, and this time she was not thrown out by her own power again.

At the same time, Gao Wanli also once again transformed into the goddess of thunder, wearing armor and a cape, and walked over heroically, and even Coulson was stunned.

“Let’s go,” Gao Wanli said hello, pulling the car door and sitting in.

As if he had just reacted, Coulson quickly opened the door and started the car, and the two drove towards the city again.

It has to be said that the energy of S.H.I.E.L.D. is still very large, and Coulson quickly applied for a temporary stronghold in New Mexico, and a team of people immediately came to follow Coulson’s dispatch.

During the evening debriefing, Coulson suggested to Fury that Gao take the hammer back to headquarters.

Gao Wanli said differently: “I think it’s better to stay here, maybe its owner will chase after it at any time, maybe it can win over an ally.” ”

“To be honest,” Fury, who was on the other side of the phone, interrupted Gao unceremoniously.

Gao Wanli really said truthfully: “I don’t want to go to some S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, let me help, please have a temperance, really I am your subordinate?” ”

You’re welcome….

Gao Wanli has long known that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by Hydra, so she doesn’t want to get close to S.H.I.E.L.D., let alone bring Mjolnir over, in case something really goes wrong, at this stage, maybe she still has to solve it, annoying to death.

Besides, she didn’t really intend to take away the power that belonged to Thor, and only Thor deserved the title of Thor, at least she thought so.

Or perhaps, because Gao gradually left this idea, not to peek at Mjolnir and Thor’s power itself, she just wanted to see it, so she was recognized by Mjolnir?

You see, when Gao gradually put down Mjolnir’s hammer, didn’t Thor’s power disappear immediately?

What’s more, Portal is Odin’s own son, and he is not the fake one, how can he really deprive Thor of his power.

Fury on the other side of the phone thought and thought, and finally agreed to Gao’s idea: “Then leave Mjolnir over there, you take good care, if the owner of the hammer can communicate, of course, it is best, if the owner of the hammer is malicious, let Superwoman deal with it.” Of course, my side will also send you support, and I will let Black Widow pass. ”

Natasha is coming?

(PS: Thanks to ‘Frost and Snow’ for the support of the change vote.) Thank you to ‘Mao Yihao’ for your tip support, grateful. )

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