With the help of Gao Wanli, the agent who intercepted Thor finally did not shoot, which allowed Thor to finally rush into the room where Mjolnir was stored after some fighting.

I have to say that even if Thor loses Thor’s divine power, it is not something that ordinary humans can block casually, unless it is an agent of the level of Hawkeye and Natasha.

Because that guy is really born with brute strength, reckless, like a cow.

In the control room, Coulson, Gao Wanli and Natasha were not in a hurry to move, and even stopped the agents outside, just watching Thor step by step towards Mjolnir that was placed on the workbench.

Finally, Thor reached out to grab Mjolnir’s grip, but when he tried to pick up his hammer, as usual, he found that Mjolnir didn’t move.

“What’s going on?” Thor shouted in confusion, gritted his teeth, and continued to lift Mjolnir with all his strength, but there was nothing he could do with Mjolnir.

Thor’s Hammer, which should have belonged to Thor, has lost the qualification to pick it up again.

Thor let go of his hand in disbelief, muttering in disbelief, “Why? Don’t you really want to forgive me? Are you really going to banish me completely? Father. ”

Thor raised his head and roared against the ceiling, knowing that his father, Odin, the king of the gods of Asgard, could see him and hear his voice.

However, Thor did not get an answer, and instantly felt that he had lost his strength and fell to his knees, he really had nothing.

At this time, Coulson used the radio to direct his agents to rush into the room and take Thor, who had completely lost resistance, away.

“I’m going to ask some questions next, do you want to come together?” Coulson asked the two women.

“There’s nothing to do anyway, go check it out,” Gao said indifferently.

Natasha didn’t care.

So the three of them left the control room and walked towards the room where Thor was being held.

Before they arrived, the room was greeted by a guest, Loki from Asgard, who told Thor that Odin hadn’t responded because Odin was dead.

Loki’s mouth is full of lies, fooling Thor, Odin has long been the end of the crossbow, so he can no longer afford to go to war with the Frost Giant.

And this time because of Thor, Odin has exhausted the last of his divine power and has died.

Thor became even more silent because of this, he did not expect this to be the case, so Thor no longer resented, but decided to accept Odin’s last wish and go into self-exile.


“What’s wrong?” In the corridor, Natasha looked curiously at Gao Wanli, who was picking her ears hard with her slender white and tender little hands, as if she was uncomfortable.

“No,” Gao grinned, “It’s just a little uncomfortable to hear some unpleasant sounds.” ”

Now Gao gradually left is no longer ‘Wuxia Amun’, and the superhuman power has finally begun to gradually show his invincibility, so superpowers such as super hearing and super vision have gradually awakened.

So she heard some voices that no one else heard, such as Loki’s whispering or something.

“That guy,” Gao shook his head, “it’s really not cute at this stage.” ”

Neither Natasha nor Coulson knew what Gao was talking about.

Coming to the door of the room where Thor was being held, the three pushed the door and entered.

It was a room with nothing but a chair, and a single bed.

Thor was not locked up, which was still more respectful of him, and Thor didn’t mean to run at all, just sat there with dull eyes, honestly, and the performance just now was completely different.

Of course, Gao Wanli knew what was happening and what made him so depressed, so he couldn’t help but pout and complain: “Hey, you really believe your brother’s nonsense?” Have you forgotten that Loki is the god of trickery? ”

Coulson and Natasha on both sides squinted at Gao Wanli together, thinking that they did not stop her, but both chose to watch Gao Wanli’s performance with their arms folded.

“What do you mean?” Thor finally seemed to come to life, turned his head to look at Gao Wanli, and when he saw that it was a beautiful girl wearing a pair of loose short sleeves and brown skinny jeans, and stepping on a pair of small black shoes under her feet, she couldn’t help but be dazzled, especially the beautiful big eyes that shone brightly, which made people want to see the feelings contained in them carefully.

Gao Wanli frowned, although Thor didn’t mean to offend, at least he didn’t stare at her thirty-six D, but Gao Wanli still felt unhappy.

“Gouge out your eyeballs, and look again, your dad is going to die and has the leisure to look at beautiful women?” Gao rolled his eyes.

The barrage complained one after another: “Hey, who says that he is a beautiful woman, goddess, let’s be reserved and reserved.” ”

But no one denies that Gao is a beauty.

Thor’s eyelids jumped and jumped, only he had an intuition, as if Gao gradually left the so-called “eye-gouging” not as casual talk, but as a meaning.

Of course, he definitely didn’t know now, Gao Wanli really knew that his eyeballs would be gouged out.

“What did you just say? You mean, Loki lied to me? Thor finally came to his senses and asked Gao Wanli: “Is what you said true?” Is my father still alive? ”

Gao Wanli said with a look of course: “Isn’t that of course, he is Odin.” ”

Yes, that’s Odin, the king of the gods of Asgard, even the powerful and matchless Thor’s power comes from Odin, and Thor, who is now in the prime of life, is not Odin’s opponent, how can Odin die so easily.

“Damn Loki,” Thor cursed immediately, he was once again tricked by his own cheap brother, of course, Thor didn’t know that Loki was ‘cheap (picked up)’.

“I’m going back to Asgard, I’m going to debunk Loki’s tricks, that guy,” Thor got up from his chair and yelled that he was going back to Asgard now.

Gao gradually left unceremoniously, and a basin of cold water was poured over: “Recognize the reality, you even lost Mjolnir, even if you go back, what can you do?” ”

Thor really became depressed, yes, he was no longer qualified to match Mjolnir, with this downcast look, even if he went back.

“But I can’t watch Loki’s conspiracy succeed, there must be something wrong with my father, in case Loki takes the opportunity against him,” Thor had to worry about Odin’s situation, since Loki could act so recklessly, it meant that something was wrong with Odin’s body.

Gao Wanli looked at Thor with pitying eyes: “Silly boy, that child seems to care about your father more than you, so you better honestly experience on Earth.” ”

Barrage: “In other words, the goddess’s old problem has been committed again, right?” This is already a spoiler, right? However, the way she spoke for Loki was beautiful. ”

“Upstairs, I’m also a rocky fan, get to know me.”

“Lucky will be lucky.”

“The two in front, this is the goddess’s live broadcast room, you give me out.”

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