In the end, Coulson convinced Fury that Jane could join her team and continue her research with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D.

And there is also the advantage that S.H.I.E.L.D. will open up the relevant information it already has to Jane, provide research funds, and even support personnel when necessary, and give certain permissions.

It is better to say that Jane’s team is already about to become the external staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jane’s team had a doctor named Eric, who was still complaining at the time, and he was most afraid of S.H.I.E.L.D., because he knew a doctor who was very good in the field of gamma rays, and he became a fugitive because of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Gao Wanli guessed that what Eric said might be Banner, for the sake of Hulk’s face, Gao Wanli told the truth: “In fact, it is just General Ross’s willfulness, and it has nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.” ”

Eric looked at Gao in surprise, it looked like she was only about eighteen years old, still a child: “You also know the doctor?” ”

Gao Wanli shook his head decisively: “No, I know the big guy hiding in his body, and that is my friend.” ”

After that alliance vs. abomination, Gao and Hulk have obviously become friends, at least Hulk didn’t attack her, didn’t they.

With Hulk’s IQ, it is difficult for anyone to get close to him, and Gao gradually leaves Hulk voluntarily willing to approach, which is rare, indicating that Gao gradually leaves and is regarded as a friend by him.

There is no way, only Gao gradually leaves to call him Hulk, and has enough strength to get close to him without hurting him, which is rare.

In this way, for now, this is a happy ending.

However, the plot could not have been so smooth, and in the afternoon, when Jane returned to take her team and was about to officially move in, they were attacked on the way.

Loki sent the Destroyer to Earth using the Rainbow Bridge of the Fairy Palace, a weapon created by Odin to deal with threats from certain dark stars, but now activated by Loki and sent to Earth.

He still kills Thor, because he fears that Thor could regain his power at any time and return to Asgard to ruin his entire plan.

And Loki’s instructions also included Gao Wanli, so when Jane and his party drove to the S.H.I.E.L.D. stronghold, the Destroyer not only chased after him, but also immediately fired a fiery impact at Gao’s window room.

Maybe not by that name….


The whole room exploded.

Then before anyone could worry about her, a figure appeared in everyone’s eyes, standing at the window, she looked down at the destroyer chasing on the ground, her eyes widened and beautiful, and she released a bright blue laser.

“Who doesn’t,” Gao shouted, this is her new ability after her bloodline has improved, laser laser eyes, which is a necessary trick for Superman.

It’s just that the color of the high-gradient laser laser is blue, perhaps the lasers of Superwoman are blue, and only the lasers of Superman are red.

The high gradient laser instantly hit the unsuspecting destroyer, and the powerful and terrifying force not only knocked the destroyer away, but also left a deep trace on the ground.


Gao slipped out of the room again, except that her image was a little embarrassed, and her blouse was burned, revealing a black sleeveless shirt hidden inside, with an ‘S’ logo on it.

Because the combat uniform is a tights, it perfectly sets off the exaggerated figure of the high gradient, and if you look at the cover, you can see how lacking the fabric of the top of the combat uniform is.

There are also pants, the two trouser legs are burned to pieces, and even the flames still continue to burn.

Gao Wanli has taken care of a lot, anyway, it is not the first time, he has long been accustomed to the fact that whenever a big war comes, the ordinary clothes worn outside will definitely be the first to be destroyed.

So she completely transformed into a superhuman image in mid-air, and landed straight on the destroyer who was just about to get up.


When Gao gradually stepped down with her legs heavy, it was as if the earth was trembling, and the street was dusty, which was caused by her to create a big pit.

Describe the surrounding environment in advance, because Gao Wanli can lift Mjolnir, so there is no need to establish a stronghold outside the city, so this is on the streets of the city.

Even though the city may not be as bustling as New York City, no, or definitely not as bustling as New York City, and not as densely populated, it is also in the city.

In just the first round, the double destruction of High Fade and Destroyer will cause significant damage to the city.

“I’ll take him outside,” Gao Wanli also noticed this, so he immediately took action, grabbed the Destroyer’s shoulders with both hands, turned around and made a rear throwing motion, and the huge force threw the Destroyer far away.

She knew that the destroyer was not so easy to destroy immediately, so she threw the destroyer out of the city, and immediately chased after it, ready to kill it outside the city.

In this way, both Gao Wanli and the Destroyer left everyone’s sight.

“Is that her power,” Natasha asked softly, leaning closer to Coulson.

Although she learned some information about Gao Wanli, she didn’t understand all of it, and this was the first time she had seen the power of Gao Fade so directly.

Coulson nodded: “She is a veritable hero, she can fly, she is powerful, and she is responsible.” ”

Natasha nodded silently.

Jane and his group on the side looked in amazement in the direction of Gao Wanli and the Destroyer, only Thor frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the other side, Gao Wanli chased the destroyer and was thrown out by her, all the way to a red rock cliff outside the city.

New Mexico is desolate, and more than half of the land is desert.


The destroyer fell, causing a puff of dust and shaking the entire red rock cliff.


Suddenly, the destroyer shot a hot ray of light at Gao Wanli who was chasing him from behind, which was the attack method he had destroyed Gao Wanli room before.

Gao gradually did not dodge, his eyes lit up with blue light, and he also shot laser lasers.

The two energy light waves collided together in an instant, and there was no difference between victory and defeat in a short time.

However, soon, the blue laser laser on Gao Wanli’s side began to press, gradually suppressing the Destroyer’s light, and Gao Wanli also continued to approach the Destroyer rapidly.

Finally, the high gradient laser completely suppressed the destroyer’s light, and the unblocked laser light hit the destroyer’s head directly.

At the same time, Gao gradually fell from the sky, grabbed the hands of the destroyer who was still struggling to attack her with her left and right hands, stepped on its chest with both feet, and continued to attack the destroyer’s head with a laser laser, while kicking hard with both feet, pulling hard with both hands, accompanied by a scream, the destroyer’s arms were torn off by her.

Then Gao gradually left and erupted into the chest of the destroyer, which was more terrifying than when the Hulk burst into abomination, and in the end, even Asgard’s secret weapon, the destroyer, finally could not withstand it and was completely reduced to pieces.

“Loki, you really annoyed me.”

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