It’s time to go back.

After learning the news of Loki’s appearance on Earth, Gao Wanli immediately took action and went to Odin’s palace to find Odin: “Loki ran to Earth, as if he was planning something. Now that the Nine Kingdoms have ushered in peace again, I don’t think you need to retain your strength anymore, send me back.” ”

When Heldam told Gao about Loki, apparently he also reported to Odin, so Odin was not surprised at all.

And for Gao’s request to leave, Odin did not refuse, and said: “I will let Thor help you together, which is a reward for you helping Asgard.” And after all, Loki is an Asgardian, and I apologize for any damage he may have done to Earth. ”

Odin’s attitude towards Gao Wanli is very sincere, one is that as Gao Wanli’s strength becomes stronger and stronger, Odin is no longer her opponent.

Again, Gao gradually left Asgard for more than two years, and indeed worked hard, and even Thor’s light was covered by her.

There was even a faint rumor in the Nine Kingdoms that Gao Wanli was not only Odin’s youngest daughter, but also the heir of the next king of Asgard, and Thor was compared to him, which can be seen.

Of course, if Gao is willing to marry into the Odinson family, Odin can also pass the throne to her instead of Thor, provided that Gao is willing to agree.

Thor also got the news and quickly got ready, and when he also hurried to the palace to join Gao, Odin took the Eternal Spear and aimed it at the two.

Although the Rainbow Bridge has been broken, there are two weapons in Asgard that have the teleportation effect of the Rainbow Bridge, one is the longsword held by Heldam, which is the key to opening the portal of the Rainbow Bridge, and the other is Odin’s weapon Eternal Spear.

It’s just that because of the gap in strength between the two, Heldam’s strength is definitely not enough to teleport such a strong person as Gao Wanli, in fact, he can’t even teleport Thor.

So in the end, only Odin can cast the Rainbow Bridge teleportation spell.

“Thor, go to Earth to bring Loki back to Asgard, I will judge the villain, and at the same time bring the space gem back to the fairy palace, the power of the earthlings to develop the space gem at will has caused the prying eyes of a terrorist force, only here can protect the safety of the space gem,” Odin explained to Thor before teleporting the two.

Gao gradually left but pouted: “I said old man Odin, have you forgotten that I am an earthling?” I don’t plan to come back this time, so the space gem should continue to stay on Earth, with my protection, it is safer than in the Immortal Palace. ”

Odin’s expression was a little disappointed, it seemed that he did not want Gao to leave, after all, her strength had been recognized in the past two years, and the reason why the Nine Kingdoms ushered in peace so quickly, it can be said that Gao Wanli played a role of more than seventy percent.

Otherwise, maybe Odin would have taken action himself.

At the same time, Odin also had other ideas about space gems: “I still think that it is the most certain to send space gems to the Immortal Palace, if you continue to stay on Earth, are you sure that those careerists will really put space gems in your hands?” ”

Hearing this, Gao Wanli couldn’t help but frown.

Indeed, the power of the space gem will definitely attract prying eyes, maybe even she can’t keep the space gem in her hands all the time, what if the United Nations puts pressure on her? Does she want to be the enemy of the whole world?

But that’s the Infinity Stones, Gao wants to collect it herself, and she expressed this idea to the audience in the live broadcast room more than two years ago.

“Forget it, then give it to you first, and I’ll ask for it later when I need it,” After some consideration, Gao Wanli still promised to give the space gem to the Immortal Palace for safekeeping, anyway, with her relationship with Asgard, if she wants, she can come and get it at any time.

She is the god of war of Asgard, the hero who helped Asgard turn the tide, and a small request should not be a big problem.

“Then, I’ll send you to Earth,” Now that the conditions had been negotiated, Odin didn’t talk any more nonsense, and a terrifying huge power poured out of his body into the Eternal Spear, and then released a colored light from the Eternal Spear to envelop Thor and Gao Wanli.


The Rainbow Bridge’s teleportation spell instantly sent the two away, and when they reappeared, they had already returned to Earth.


At this time, the earth has not noticed the undercurrent, everything is no different from the original, how to live or continue to live.

But for S.H.I.E.L.D., it knew that a big war could break out at any time, so while secretly preparing for it, it finally officially launched the plan.

The Avengers.

Originally, this project had been canceled by the parliamentarians of the United Nations when the research project of the Cosmic Cube was launched, so Gao did not know that the list of Avengers she joined was no longer valid.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, the Avengers project was reactivated by Fury, and he also contacted the ‘freaks’ with special powers, ready to gather them into a team.

Strictly speaking, the Avengers are not part of S.H.I.E.L.D., but are directly responsible to Fury, which is just an emergency squad in an emergency, so there is not even an official official status, you can say that they are heroes, but they are not officially recognized (so the so-called Sokovia Agreement is needed later, which is to be officially codified).

Then when Loki finally appeared, Fury sent Captain America Steve, as well as Black Widow Natasha, and asked Tony the Iron Man, a full three Avengers to arrest Loki.

And just as they were driving the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane to go back, they met Thor and Gao Wanli halfway back just now.

With a flash of thunder, Thor broke into the cabin, and just as he was about to grab the hammer to knock Tony in front of him.


Gao Wanli grabbed Thor’s arm: “If you don’t want to see me pounding Odin, I suggest you put the hammer down.” ”

Gao’s expression was ugly, and this damn fool was too reckless, and he didn’t look at who Tony was.

“Xiao Gao?” Tony’s exclamation came from the steel suit, Tony’s surprised look faded away, his daughter had been away from home for more than two years, he and Pepper had been worried about her safety, and today they finally saw her return.

Then again.

Tony removed the mask of his steel suit, looked at Thor with an inspecting look, and asked in an unkind tone: “What is your relationship with my daughter?” Damn, you guys shouldn’t have been…. ”


Gao gradually pulled Tony’s mask and buttoned it on him: “You better shut up.” ”

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