The scepter that Loki got was actually inlaid with one of the Infinity Stones, which made Gao Wanli inevitable even if he expected it, and even she was a little emotionally out of control to participate in the argument with everyone.

However, she finally woke up with the reminder of the barrage, but it was too late, and she was sent to a room next to the laboratory with Banner by the shock wave caused by the explosion.

The sudden attack made Banner lose control, and after he struggled on the ground, he turned into the Hulk Hulk in a huge roar, and immediately shot away from the only life form beside him.

“Hulk,” Gao Wanli shouted, raising his right hand and pointing at Hulk: “See who I am, we are friends, remember?” ”

The Hulk’s movement paused, and he carefully looked at Gao Wanli.

Although Gao’s outfit has changed, when she met the Hulk before, she was wearing her own combat suit, and now she is wearing Natasha’s combat suit.

However, he finally recognized Gao Wanli, and did not continue to be angry and wanted to strike, but carefully reached over and touched Gao Wanli’s fingers.

Gao gradually left the satisfied Chong Hulk with a smile: “I know you still remember me.” That’s why I said you’re my friend, not Banner. ”

Hulk also smiled as he drifted away.

“Hulk, you have to follow me, remember not to strike at anyone you meet, unless I tell you who the enemy is, just like last time,” Gao told the Hulk.

Hulk is not irrational, but his IQ is only equivalent to that of a child, and he is no longer angry all the time, and he has always been filled with anger, so he looks extremely irritable.

But Gao Wanli is the only one who allows him to stay sane, because Gao Wanli has enough strength to approach him, but does not hurt him, and has helped him defeat the first strong enemy ever (after all, there is only one Invincible Hulk… )。

So Hulk believes in Gao’s departure and is willing to follow her instructions.

So when Gao Wanli appeared in front of people with the Hulk, everyone was surprised to find that the rumored Hulk Hulk did not seem to be so dangerous.

At least when facing the heavily alert S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the Hulk didn’t immediately pounce and attack.

“Everyone, put their weapons down and don’t aim them at us unless you’re enemies,” Gao warned, fearing that someone accidentally pulling the trigger under nervousness would make the Hulk completely lose control.

It was precisely because of her warning that some people reacted.

Around the corner ahead, a group of people hid there, originally they were observing the situation, but now, they quietly aimed their weapons at the Hulk and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A rain of bullets enveloped Gao and the Hulk.

Whether it was Gao Wanli or Hulk, neither of them paid attention to the enemy’s attack, which could not cause them any harm.

However, the Hulk became even more angry because of the sudden attack.

“Hulk,” Gao fading called out loud to Hulk’s name.

But despite her doing so, the Hulk still rushed in the direction of the enemy.

A scream came, and it was conceivable that the fate of the people hiding there must have been miserable.

Gao gradually chased after him quickly, she was faster than the Hulk, and stopped in front of Hulk before he could continue to rush elsewhere.

Gao can’t let the Hulk go, because it’s hard to control his anger, and once he lets go of the big fuss, many things and impressions will be irreversible.

“Hulk, calm me down,” Gao continued to call Hulk’s name.

Hulk also knew Gao Wanli, but the anger in his heart made him unable to calm down, so Hulk turned his head not to look at Gao Wanli, but rushed in the other direction.

“Damn,” Gao Wanli frowned, this big guy would be difficult to control once he started to go crazy, but he couldn’t let it go, if he caused too much damage to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, it would be difficult to make up for it later.

In order to prevent that from happening, Gao Wanli could only grit his teeth and rush towards the Hulk from behind.


Gao Wanli grabbed Hulk’s neck from behind: “Can you calm me down?” ”

If Hulk can calm down, he is not Hulk.

So Hulk grabbed Gao’s foot from behind and threw her out.

Gao Wanli was caught off guard and really suffered a small loss, but this was nothing, and he stabilized his body when he was still in the air, and warned with an unkind face: “If you continue to mess around, I will really be angry, Hulk.” ”

The Hulk turned around and roared at Gao Wanli’s open mouth, “Hulk. ”

Gao Wanli nodded: “Very good, it seems that you really want to fight with me, but I can warn you, don’t be angry if it hurts.” ”

Saying that, Gao gradually flew away and rushed towards the Hulk.

The Hulk also pounced on Gao Wanli, and the two friends still inevitably broke out of this battle.

When the two were about to meet, Gao gradually changed direction violently, and while avoiding the Hulk’s pounce, he clenched his hands into fists against the Hulk’s side waist.

Then without waiting for the Hulk to turn around, Gao gradually walked around behind the Hulk, reached out and grabbed the muscles in Hulk’s waist, and smashed back with Hulk’s upper body.


The whole spaceship seemed to shake, especially the deck under the Hulk was penetrated, and Gao gradually left in order to calm Hulk down, and wanted him to pass out.

But this is the Hulk, how can it be so easily stunned.

So Hulk struggled to shred the deck beside him and fell underneath.

Below this is a special room, where Loki was locked up after he was arrested, it is said that it was originally a room for the Hulk, but now, the person locked up in it has been replaced by Thor, and Loki is standing on the side, next to the seriously injured Coulson.

When he saw the Hulk fall, and then chased Gao away, Loki raised his eyebrows and quietly left the room.

However, he had seen the benefits of high gradual departure, paid more attention to the situation of the Nine Great Kingdoms, and knew the famous name of high gradual departure, and now naturally did not want to confront her.

“How did you get locked up?” Gao Wanli, who had chased down from that hole, looked at Thor speechlessly.

Thor was embarrassed, but still urged, “Let me out, Loki that guy…” ”


A huge shaking interrupted Thor’s words, and under his incredulous gaze, the Hulk punched the glass that closed Thor.

Then, Thor and Hulk fell out of the open hatch together.

There is a mechanism in that ‘room’, and if you shake it too hard, you will open the mechanism and throw the ‘room’ down.

Gao gradually looked condescendingly at the direction where the two stupid guys fell, and sighed helplessly: “These two stupid guys, I said that I made some friends.” ”

Then she turned to look at Coulson, who had fallen there, and comforted: “Don’t worry, I’ll save you.” ”

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