However, this time Eric miscalculated. He did not discover that all the vampires in the secret stronghold had evolved into Fangire. A total of fourteen Fangire were gathered in the stronghold.

Fortunately, Eric has mastered his own power, and with the blessing of Ascension Ixa, these low-level Fangire are no match for him at all.

Facing the powerful Eric, the Fangires did not choose to resist desperately, but immediately thought of transferring Experimental Subject Q.

After realizing their intentions, Eric naturally would not let them get their way.

However, during the conflict, Experimental Subject Q went berserk.

"What? Experimental subject Q went berserk? What happened?"

The more Mu En heard, the more confused his mind became, and he immediately asked.

Eric looked at Mu En, took a deep breath and said.

"Mu En, Experimental Subject Q is not a human, she is a Fangire, and she is an extremely special Fangire."

"Experimental subject Q is Fangire?"

Mu En didn't believe Eric's words. He, Kurim and Stark had obviously examined her. The data showed that she was obviously a human being. Could it be that the data also lied.

"It's unmistakable. I saw it with my own eyes. She is Fangire, and she is also a Fangire with extremely terrifying power. I saw her directly obliterating several low-level Fangires with her hands raised, and then used her power to attack me in Fangire form. There is still some kind of special suppression. So, in the end, I couldn't keep her and let her run away."

The special suppressive power directly wiped out many vampires, leaving Fangire undetectable.

Various clues flashed through Mu En's mind, and Mu En quickly identified a special Fangire.

"Queen! Clown Bat!"

When he thought of this, Mu En immediately woke up kivat.

"My subordinate is here, Your Highness King."

Kivat flew out of the corner of the laboratory and appeared in front of everyone, when he saw Eric.

"Hello, brave rook."


Eric looked at this strange little bat with strange eyes.

Mu En ignored Eric and asked directly.

"Clown Bat, how much do you know about Queen?"

Under the influence of Mu En, kivat seems to belong to the Queen faction, so it is appropriate to ask it about Queen matters.

Soon Mu En learned all the information about Queen from kivat. For example, the Queen's abilities will be inherited. When the previous Queen dies or encounters other situations, the Queen's power will choose the next Queen. The unawakened Queen is no different from ordinary humans; the Queen's ability is judgment. Fangire can decide Fangire's life or death. Moreover, the power possessed by Queen after awakening is second only to King.

Listening to kivat's words, Mu En became more and more certain that Experimental Subject Q was Fangire's Queen.

"And Your Highness King, there is a very special kind of awakening in the Queen's awakening. When the Queen awakens, there is a very low chance that she will revive the memories of previous Queens."

Chapter 161, seven "I"

On the street, a girl looked at the strange world in front of her with confused eyes. A person is walking on the street, not knowing where he is coming from or where he is going.

In her mind, she vaguely remembered the smile of a young man and the promise he made to herself. He said to herself that one day his nightmare would be dispelled.

But who is he? Who am I?

Walking into a chaotic area, several gangsters discovered the girl. They saw the delicate face under the long black hair, a pair of blue eyes like gems, and the bumpy figure shrouded in a white gown. I couldn't help but whistle, and evil thoughts came to my mind.

Several people gathered around whistling.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, where are you from, little beauty? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Yes, yes, what are you doing here? Are you alone?"

"Would you like to play with us? I guarantee that you will be ecstatic and happy."

The girl looked at the few gangsters in confusion.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Several people had evil smiles on their faces, and a pair of sneaky eyes kept circling her body.

"Hey, hey, we are all good people, specially helping poor and cute little girls like you."

"That's right, little sister, come with us. It's getting cold now. It's so cold outside."

"Come on, I guarantee it will be something you will never forget."

As she spoke, one person was about to grab her hand. The moment that person touched her, a domineering force burst out instantly, knocking the gangsters around her to the ground.

The girl's pupils turned into pitch black, and her delicate and pretty face became a little colder and more charming.

"A bunch of scum dare to pay my attention. Don't you want to live?"

The domineering temperament of a person in a superior position is clearly visible.

"His grandma's stinky bitch is so shameless, right? I have to show you some color!"

A young gangster said as he pulled out a switchblade from his waist and rushed towards the girl.

However, a disdainful smile appeared on her face, and she raised her hand to pinch it.

The little bastard froze, as if an invisible big hand had grabbed his neck and slowly lifted him up.

Others were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, what kind of super power is this!

"Let me go! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Huge pressure pressed on his body, and the air in his lungs was squeezed out bit by bit. The suffocating feeling made him feel desperate.

"Ah! Witch!"

One of the gangsters fled the scene in fear. When the others saw this, they ignored their companions and fled the scene in a crawl, fearing that they would be next.

At this moment, the girl felt a severe headache, and her pupils returned to gem-like blue again.

"What's wrong with me? What am I doing?"

As he spoke, he let go of his hand, held his head in a daze, and fled towards the alley.

While running away, countless memories poured into her mind. These memories were both familiar and unfamiliar. They seemed to belong to different people, but they seemed to belong to the same person.

The memories of six people. These six people have different lives and different names, but in the end they have the same identity.

"I'm Queen?!"

Queen looked up at himself reflected in the glass window. In the reflection, he saw seven of himself. Although they all had the same face, their temperaments were completely different.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Queen felt as if huge memories were hitting her brain like a flood.


With a wailing cry, she almost fell to the ground. After a long time, she struggled to get up, as if she remembered something.

"No, I am who I am, I am Ashilia."

Aixilia, a poor person who had lived in an orphanage since she was a child, was taken out of the orphanage by someone when she was ten years old. She thought her happy life had begun. But who would have thought that the tragedy had just begun. The person who adopted him was Faith, the vampire lord in charge of the vampire sublimation plan, and the reason why he was chosen was precisely because she was the Queen of this generation.

In the days that followed, she spent year after year in the cold laboratory, forgetting herself in the horrific human experiments.

Who knows when one day, Mu En will appear and break this sad fate.

Suddenly, Ashelia came to Long Island, a famous wealthy neighborhood in New York.

In a certain memory in Aixilia's mind, she once lived here and left behind an independent villa and property.

Pursuing the path in this memory, although she didn't know how many years had passed, the place had changed a lot, but she still found the path of the past.

An independent luxury villa appeared in front of her, and an iron gate blocked her way.

And she subconsciously walked to the flower garden and took out an iron box under a tile. What was in the iron box was the key to the door.

Opening the door, Aixilia stared at everything in front of her. Everything seemed so strange and yet so familiar.

But her physical exhaustion no longer allowed her to think too much. She walked into the villa, closed the door and fell on the bed.

In the attic of the villa, a pair of eyes that had been sealed for many years slowly opened, and their scarlet pupils seemed to sense something.


New Vampire Empire.

In the dimly lit building, a young man with blond hair and blue eyes was sitting in the most luxurious room on the top floor of the building. He was sitting on a soft sofa, holding a goblet in his hand, and the scarlet liquid followed him. His hand was shaking in the wine glass.

A small sofa made this young man feel like he was sitting on a throne.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a smartly dressed woman walked into the office.

"Sir! If you have any questions, please report them."

The man played with the goblet and glanced at her.

"Say it."

The woman said with a trembling voice.

"Lord Qi, the queen, the queen, she, she is missing."


With a crisp sound, the red wine glass in the man's hand was crushed to pieces, but the liquid in the glass did not spill out but turned into a scarlet sphere suspended in front of him.

"Then why are you still standing there? Go find it! Do you want me to take action myself?"

"Yes, I obey."

On the other side, in the Blood Church of the Vampire Empire.

The bishop stood on the altar and stared at a sharp blade inserted in the highest position of the church.

"Lord Bishop."

A man who looked like a servant walked into the church.

"Lord Qi, the queen is missing."

"Oh? Did he disappear? Was it done by Kamen Rider and the others?"

"Master Qi, this is what happened."

From the mouth of the teaching servant, Bishop knew the ins and outs of the matter and went to buy it.

"I understand, you go down first."

After the servant left, a happy smile appeared on Bishop's face.

"Great, now Queen has finally awakened. Now there is only one last step left, only one last step left."

As he spoke, he looked at the golden blade again.

"Although we have to rely on the power of these despicable low-born people, everything is worth it for the glory of the Fangire clan."

As he said this, he narrowed his eyes slightly. After planning for so many years, he was finally going to succeed. But the more times like this come, the more cautious he must be. After thinking for a moment, he decided to prepare the last insurance.

Chapter 162: Negotiating with Bashar again

After listening to kivat's introduction, everyone in the base fell silent.

It took a long time for Stark to speak.

"Don't be too nervous, everyone. Eric has unintentionally bought us a lot of time. Now as long as we find Queen before the vampires, we can have an extra chance of winning, right?"

Frank nodded.

"Yes, what we need to do now is to find the Queen before the vampires can."

Mu En frowned and said.

"No, I don't think so. I think now is our chance to exterminate the vampires. The current vampires will definitely send more manpower to look for Queen. In this way, their manpower will be scattered, which is the best time for our attack. opportunity."

Mu En pressed his hands on the table and said in a deep voice.

"On the contrary, if we find Queen first, then the vampires will inevitably transfer all their energy to us. By then, the pressure we will face will become extremely huge."

As soon as these words came out, both Frank and Stark fell silent, because what Mu En said did make sense. Now that the vampires are scattered in search of Queen, it is indeed an opportunity to attack.

But Kurim opened his mouth and said.

"But we don't even know where the vampire's stronghold is."

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