Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 376: Young Flash

"Who is this person? Why should I help me?"

Not only was the flashback stunned by this sudden attack, he was instantly knocked out.

Even Barry, who had not climbed up on the ground, was a little dumbfounded. He had just seen it very clearly. The man who appeared suddenly was just like them, a newly emerged speeder.

It's just that this speeder seems to be a bit different from them, and the Flash can guarantee that he should never have seen this speeder before.

The lightning that appeared on him was white, somewhat similar to the speed he had beaten before.

However, the uniform he was wearing was red. Although it was very different from the uniform he was wearing at the time, it was more textured, but he could still see some similarities.

In particular, there was a lightning mark on his chest.

"Hi, hello, I am the Flash, you can call me Barry Allen!"

After the white lightning figure flew back against the flash, he stretched out his hand to Barry who was still on the ground and introduced himself at the same time!

"How come another Barry Allen?"

At this time, the Flash Barry stared blankly at the other person's outstretched hand, and then listened to him smile and introduce himself in a somewhat naive voice.

Flash Barry's heart was suddenly surprised by the sudden Flash.

What the **** is going on, why are there currently three Barry Allen in this world?

And the Flash very clearly felt that the Barry Allen, who claimed to be the Flash, was not the same as himself, and it should not be the remnant of time that he accidentally created.

Probably just another Flash from a different planet.

"Is it a Flash in other parallel universes?"

This speculation rose in Barry's mind, but he didn't know which parallel universe of the Flashman this Flashman was in front of him.

"thank you for your help!"

However, Barry chose to believe the other party, put his hand on the other party's hand, and then stood up from the ground with the help of the other party.

"Hello, I believe you have seen it. I am also the Flash, and it is also called Barry Allen."

After slowly getting up, the Flash Barry introduced himself to the Flash who helped himself.

"Wow, is your name Barry Allen? It's so cool! Do you come from other parallel universes?"

Barry can clearly feel that the flash man in front of him should be very young, and his heart is still in a relatively naive and lively stage.

Unlike myself, after experiencing the impact of so many things, my heart has long lost that innocence.


"Cough, let's talk about these things later! Let's solve the immediate crisis first! This man is our old enemy, he is very powerful and cruel, so be careful!"

At this time, in the face of some naive little flashes, the Flash Barry is looking very dignified.

Because he saw the reverse lightning after being hit by a few tens of meters, and fell heavily on the ground, he had already climbed up from the ground, and he looked at them with an evil expression.

He didn't seem to have been hurt by that moment, and he still didn't show any fear in the face of the two Flashes.

And he even gave a smile that seemed evil!

"Oh, there are two Flashes in this world, which is really interesting."

Although Flashback is also somewhat surprised at this time, he is surprised that there will be two Flashes in this world, regardless of him but without any fear, because he is very clear that as long as the Flash has the common weakness.

"Although you are two people, I dare to guarantee that you can never defeat me, because, you all have a fatal weakness, that is, to treat the kindness that the enemy should never have!"

Backlash flashed slowly with that unique voice, and mocked the two Flashes in front of him.

When the last word fell, he ran up and rushed towards the two Flashes on the opposite side.

"No, he is going to do it. You will take him to New York City as soon as possible, looking for a blocking help called Justice League. I will hold him back!"

The mature Flashman found the action of flashing back, and then quickly pointed to the unconscious props bari on the ground, and said to the small flash next to him.

"No, I'll stop him, you will send him away."

However, Little Flash did not obey Barry's command, but instantly turned into a white lightning, ushered in the opposite flash.

"No, you can't beat him!"

Seeing this scene, the Flash Barry felt bad, he had already noticed it, the little flash that had just helped himself was just a rookie who had not gained the magic power for a long time.

Even though he has strong self-confidence at this time, he can't beat the opponent when he uses speed to the extreme.

It may even be absorbed by the flashback to absorb the remaining fast power in his body.

So at this time, the Flash did not care about the unconscious props division Barry, and also turned into a yellow lightning, rushing along with the small flash.

He can only pray at this time, the two shot together, and can quickly subdue the reverse lightning.

Otherwise, they will have no chance at all this time.


However, in the face of the two people rushing towards themselves against lightning, there was no expression of fear on their faces.

His figure turned into red lightning, and his eyes were like two crimson light bulbs. Quickly battle the two Flashes.

The two sides are fighting at such a fast speed without using any weapons at all, and double fists are their most practical weapons.

Three lightnings with different colors turned into three afterimages of lightning and collided violently.

Almost in a flash of time, the three men fought countless times.

The battle is fierce and ordinary people cannot see their movements with the naked eye.

Bang Bang Bang...

A burst of fists and sounds of collision rang continuously, but I don't know whose fist hit anyone.

At this time, the fast-moving Flash Barry did not expect that this young Flash who had just obtained the speed of the power, although the use of the speed of the power is relatively shallow, but the speed can fully keep up with him and the speed of the flash.

This made Barry a little surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to be surprisingly good at using the talents that she used.

And he was even more delighted that the two of them could even hit the reverse lightning For a while, the flashback could not only be passively beaten, but unable to fight back.

They can't even get rid of their offensive.

But the good times didn't last long, and soon Flash Barry noticed something anomalous.

He felt that the supernatural power remaining in his body was declining at a rapid rate when he was fiercely fighting backlash.

This situation made the Flash feel a strong sense of anxiety. He instantly noticed that there was a problem. The rapid power consumption in his body was really a bit abnormal!

"Wait, we hurry away from him, he is absorbing our fast power!"

Barry yelled at the small flash next to him, he immediately stopped the offensive, and then backed away in an instant.

"What? How is this possible! How could he absorb our speed?"

Xiao Shan felt very unbelievable at this moment.


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