Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 955 Tactical Assault (First Update)

The hunter, wearing golden power armor and an urban camouflage cloak, was hiding on a high-rise building one kilometer away from the target residence, and was concentrating on monitoring the target residence through the HUD display and headphones in his helmet. Constantine arrived at Reyes' house earlier than Wanda Maximoff, installed cameras without anyone noticing, and released a swarm of thermal imaging drones to closely monitor the situation around the house. monitor. Dozens of drones simultaneously aggregated the images into his helmet, and synaptic sensors connected to nerves allowed him to use his genetically modified brain to process the information quickly to ensure that no details were missed. He saw Wanda get out of the car in front of the house with a sad face, then patted her face and forced a smile - Wanda Maximoff didn't want to tell Gabe Reyes the actual situation - Constantine quickly did After making a judgment, he turned his attention to another small area on the head-up display.

Sure enough, he spotted a car near Reyes' residence.

Before the fire in the ward, the car was not in the nearby surveillance camera footage or the driving recorder of passing vehicles. After the fire, the car passed near Reyes' residence three times within an hour. Without the big data support of the Eternal City, it would be difficult for ordinary people to find that this old and worn-out car has been wandering nearby many times. Therefore, this car will pass by on different routes and with different frequencies every time, and ensure that the driver can Get a first-hand look at the condition of Reyes House.

Constantine judged from the records of the Los Angeles Department of Motor Vehicles that the license plate number did not match the model of the vehicle. The car had had its license plates changed, and the Los Angeles Police Department also had the same model of vehicle in its vehicle theft file. He handed over the investigation of the vehicle theft case to the artificial intelligence responsible for information processing in the Immortal City and began to wait for the results. At the same time, he directed a drone to follow and try to capture the driver's facial information.

Daisy Johnson. Although the woman wore smoky makeup, Constantine still recognized the driver's identity.

Intelligence sent by sleeper agents proved that SHIELD, led by Coulson, immediately accepted the jurisdiction of the U.S. government after returning to the public eye. The current director of SHIELD is a product of the U.S. military's super soldier serum experiment. Although no information about that research was available, according to the judgment of scientists from the Biogenetic Laboratory, this work should not have been completely successful, otherwise the U.S. government would have started mass-producing super soldier serum or centipedes containing the Extremis virus. Serum. Daisy Johnson left the S.H.I.E.L.D. team after the change of power in S.H.I.E.L.D. The specific reason is unclear, and the sleeper agent did not obtain permission to view the matter.

Constantine knew that Daisy Johnson had been in contact with Robbie Reyes and had brought him something. An extremely important piece of information, one that was so important that it required the direct intervention of the Guards. It was so important that the master of the Guards even directly salvaged the corresponding fragments from the fragments of the past timeline as a basis for judgment.

Daisy Johnson gritted her teeth and slapped the car air conditioner, which was hissing feebly, anxiously.

The weather in Los Angeles this month is quite good, with comfortable temperatures and moderate humidity. However, Daisy Johnson only feels extremely hot, and even opening the car window cannot cool her down. She was very anxious. She spent a long time investigating after the explosion in the garage that night, and then learned from a prescription drug dealer that Los Angeles General Hospital had recently admitted a seriously injured patient. However, when she confirmed that the patient was Robbie Reyes, a fire broke out in the intensive care unit, and the target she was looking for was missing. Just after the garage explosion, a key figure who had appeared in the Sokovia incident suddenly moved into the Reyes residence. This made Daisy Johnson originally plan to ask Gabe Reyes directly. The plan fell through.

She was very careful to identify the other force involved in this incident.

It may be that the Avengers have also noticed Ghost Rider. After all, the battle between Captain America and Ghost Rider was once broadcast on TV. There is no problem in directly transferring the task to the Avengers, but she cannot guarantee that the Avengers will not harm Robbie Reyes. Suddenly, the piercing pain spread rapidly from the arm to the brain along the nerves like cracks on the ice. Daisy Johnson took a breath and squeezed out several long high notes from her throat. She felt as if her arm had been hit hard with a baseball bat. Her heartbeat almost stopped, her fingers were cold and she couldn't straighten them, and it took a long time before she regained consciousness.

This wasn't the first time this happened. Without SHIELD's drugs, her arm would have been shattered by now. This is a side effect of the power. Every time she uses the shock power, the reaction force is also shaking her bones. When she is escaping from SHIELD's pursuit and questioning the whereabouts of Ghost Rider, she frequently uses the power, which makes her originally Poor health went from bad to worse.

Every bone in her arms had hairline cracks.

I still have a few pills that will last me a few more days, Daisy Johnson thought. The pain made her wake up instantly, and cold sweat dripped on her forehead. Fortunately she did not lose control of the vehicle. She realized that she had been lingering nearby for too long, and she might have attracted the attention of someone who was interested - even if she was a half-way agent. After a long period of study and practice, the once naive female hacker had already acquired the thinking of a unique agent. ——Now I have to pretend to leave normally to avoid traffic cameras recording me. She recalled the steps in the textbook, and glanced at the three rearview mirrors to see if there were followers behind the car, and whether there were any suspicious or repeated signs. pedestrians, vehicles, etc. Don't speed up, pass normally and avoid the traffic lights. She thought to herself, There is no pursuer. It's really strange, where is the woman's companion?

Constantine watched as the target vehicle suddenly slowed down and then almost lost control. The synchronized tracking drone clearly recorded Daisy Johnson's painful moans and fed it back to the Praetorian Guards. Using stealth-specific thrusters, he had attached himself to Daisy Johnson's vehicle, and the Praetorian Guards quietly shuttled between the low-rise rooftops, while also paying attention to the situation in the Reyes residence. The pursuit lasted for more than half an hour, and Constantine discovered that Daisy Johnson drove into an abandoned community-the rooms here are the lowest in the world and only cost one dollar. Even so, no one buys the houses here because it is not only overgrown with weeds, but also uninhabited. Even homeless people and drug addicts avoid living in this place because the only people who come here are gang members, and even passing by is very... Not safe.

Constantine waited quietly for ten minutes, waiting for the intelligence feedback from the drone.

Then he pressed the switch on the handle of the halberd, and the gorgeously embossed halberd blade flashed with electric light.

He took off an experimental gravity weapon from his waist as a defensive weapon against the target's supernatural powers. After getting ready, he took off the optical camouflage cloak he had been wearing and glanced at the fuel status of the small thruster. He gave the order to send all the fuel to the thrusters. The huge thrust instantly pushed the imperial guard wearing power armor to the highest point on the roof of the building. Then Constantine smashed through the roof and floor like a meteor, and the old brick walls were like foam. It breaks as easily as a board.

Daisy Johnson was attracted by the deafening explosion above her head, and the sound of shattering masonry fell all the way to her floor.

The dark and damp room seemed to welcome sunlight for the first time, and the pungent musty smell was quickly replaced by the burnt smell of propeller fuel. The golden figure did not hesitate, running straight towards her like a bull sprinting at full speed, carrying undisguised violence and filled the sky with brick dust. There was no roar, no anger, just a silent and effective charge. Years of training made her forget about her aching arm. Daisy Johnson subconsciously raised her hand to release her power towards the figure. The other person picked up something and shot it at her at a speed that was too fast to be seen. She expected that the figure would The scene of the enemy overturning did not appear. The unidentified enemy continued to approach her waving a long weapon trailing blue electric light.

Before she could use her powers again, the enemy had already appeared in front of her, and she didn't even have time to raise her arms.

She heard an explosion, followed by painful convulsions, and then she knew nothing.

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