Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 107 Kinetic Energy Blocking Tactics

Beautiful lady. Even though he was among a group of residents of Old Bridge Town, Luca still relied on his journalistic intuition to find the people involved in the incident. Once again the romantic nature of the French got the better of him, since it was a beautiful woman, and he straightened his tie and walked over with a broad smile on his face.

While talking to Daxi, Luca secretly complained about Salomon's unreliability. The mystic ordered Phoenix to take him from the airport to Old Bridge Town after he got off the plane, just in time for SHIELD to evacuate the residents. For humans, it is really unbearable.

Hi! Darcy turned around, and saw a tall and handsome guy greeting him. The sudden strike up made her a little frightened, so much so that she forgot that she was wearing a red knitted hat, and she flicked her hair back in a panic. This move was completely in vain, her hair became more messy, and many strands of hair were attracted to the knitted hat due to static electricity.

Obviously, Luca's beauty trick has succeeded. Whether he is a nightclub prodigal or a reporter, Luca's ability to speak is first-rate. Induced by his words, Darcy confided everything he knew, including how she and Jane Foster met Saul. This information alone let Luca know that he did not come here in vain. trip. There is only one small problem, that is, when Darcy was taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D. Let Luca also be targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. However, Luca still escaped the eyes of the agents and the gathered town residents by virtue of his own ability. He found (stealed) a car and drove in the direction where Darcy left.

His gut told him there was what he needed.

Jane Foster always felt that something was wrong. Although Sol has broken into the research base of SHIELD, they have no evidence to prove Sol's true identity. When Jane Foster found them in SHIELD, she thought that Sol had been found stealing the notebook. up. She just wanted to debate, but was stopped by her mentor.

Eric Savig glanced at Saul who was focusing all his attention on Jane Foster.

Now he is somewhat convinced of Saul's true identity, not only because of Saul's drinking capacity and ability to fight, but also because Jane Foster's analysis is logical. Eric Shavig, who knew that this matter was difficult to handle, advocated following SHIELD, and his contacts let him know the capabilities of SHIELD. Since S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to protect them from here, they could only do so, but he was still somewhat defensive—he quietly told his students and Darcy, never to mention Sol's identity in front of S.H.I.E.L.D. , none of them knew how S.H.I.E.L.D. would treat an alien prince, and Eric Shavig didn't mind speculating on S.H.I.E.L.D. with the greatest malice.

His idea is correct. In fact, even Nick Fury thought carefully when he knew Sol's identity. If it wasn't for Salomon's coaxing and deceiving, this guy would have done something to Sol . Nick Fury judges others by himself, so he did not publicize Thor's identity before that, and now even if those politicians know Thor's identity, it is too late to do anything.

When the Rainbow Bridge fell for the first time, the U.S. troops stationed in the desert almost thought it was an enemy attack. But when the reconnaissance drone flew over the heads of the four warriors of Asgard, Sol, who recognized them, quickly called out their identities, and Agent Coulson also notified the US military to abandon the attack preparations. He also sent a car to pick up Verstagg, Fandral, Sif and Hogan.

It wasn't until Thor had introduced the four warriors to Jane Foster that they got down to business. The news they brought shocked Thor, because everything was completely different from what Loki said. Odin was still alive and well, but he just fell into a deep sleep-Odin's sleep can repair Odin's body and make him Becoming younger and more powerful, the so-called permanent exile simply does not exist. Sol found out again that this was another Loki's prank, but this time the consequences of the prank were much worse than before.

Agent Coulson silently observed from the side, secretly analyzing the relationship between this group of people. Sif is his focus of observation, because in mythology, Sif is Thor's wife, but now Thor is secretly in love with Jane Foster on Earth. Agent Coulson quietly reported the four warriors of Asgard and the situation to their superiors. At the same time, it also included Sif’s reaction—it’s not that she didn’t notice Sol’s thoughts, but she had never seen Jane Foss at all. With a single glance, it was as if she was air.

Is Agent Coulson some sort of soap opera commissioner? He actually cares about such things. Salomon curled his lips on the plane, and continued to lower his hair and send text messages, instructing Luca on his next move.

Nick Fury was a little dissatisfied. It's part of the training of an agent, and observing relationships is part of every agent's part, he said. Agent Coulson is an excellent agent, and he's doing a great job.

Look, the information provided by Agent Coulson is no different from what I said. Salomon lowered his head, looking at the phone screen, he said, All this proves the accuracy of my information—you Must have thought so.

Do you still have the ability to read minds? Nick Fury said disdainfully, Then your danger level has increased again.

I don't care about that. Salomon put the phone away after sending the last text message. Not long after, the Rainbow Bridge fell again, and the unmanned reconnaissance drone sent the image to Nick Fury's computer in real time.

What is this? Iron Man of Asgard? Nick Fury asked, pointing to the Destroyer armor approaching on the image.

You can start attacking. Salomon said, Don't wait for the Destroyer armor to approach, it's not something ordinary people can contend with.

The Destroyer armor is the guard of Asgard's treasury. This armor has a great background and its power cannot be underestimated. At the beginning, Odin, the father of the gods, relied on this armor with the power of all the gods on the earth to repel the Celestial Group. Loki, who barely activated the Destroyer armor with Gungnir, could not fully exert its power. But even so, this armor is not something that human technology can contend with.

Salomon didn't want to explain too much to Nick Fury about this matter, not only because of the great secrets involved in these matters, but also because he didn't want to ramble on here. After Nick Fury asked a few more questions, he started military deployment wisely. He knew that if it was something Salomon didn't want to say, he would definitely not say it.

Nick Fury ordered Agent Coulson to stop the Asgard Four who were about to rush up to fight. Agent Coulson communicated the order well. Guests from Asgard, he said, we will protect you. Let our soldiers try, they are brave and good men.

They are my friends. Although Agent Coulson told me a bunch of things I couldn't understand, I know he is a good man. Sol persuaded them in the same way. He said, They are willing to help us. If They have failed, and it is not too late for us to fight again.

That's right! Let them see Vostagg's bravery! Vostagg, who has a big heart and a fat body, has eaten three servings of the US military's standard combat rations during this period, and he will eat the fourth soon. .

Fandral also agreed with Vostagg's statement, he wiped the rapier and was eager to try.

But with these primitive technologies, it is impossible for them to defeat the Destroyer armor. Sif was still a little more sober, and Hogan was silent, but he obviously supported Sif's idea. But the four warriors of Asgard have always obeyed Sol's orders, and this time is the same.

Nick Fury started with simple weapons. With the help of the fire control radar, the tank shells accurately hit the Destroyer armor, and with a loud noise, the silver armor was blown up. The initial success was achieved in the first attempt, which made the officers of the headquarters cheer - there is nothing to be afraid of alien technology!

But soon, the Destroyer armor stood up. There was no dent on the shiny silver armor surface. The picture from the unmanned reconnaissance drone was like a pair of cold hands strangling the officer's throat. The cheers stopped abruptly. Believe your eyes. And Nick Fury was not surprised by this. He had already guessed the result. The ground command ordered several tanks to fire at the same time, using kinetic energy to block the advance of the Destroyer armor.

At the same time, three F22 fighter planes took off from the air force base. They were loaded with GBU-32 precision-guided bombs and rushed towards the desert. The kinetic energy blocking tactic is very effective. Although it can't cause effective damage to the Destroyer's armor, it has actually blocked its footsteps.

But Nick Fury couldn't be happier, because the Stasis Destroyer armor alone didn't satisfy him. Before the F22 was in place, the mask of the Destroyer armor was opened, and the unmanned reconnaissance drone observed the rapid rise of the heat energy of the Destroyer armor. Before the headquarters and Nick Fury gave orders, a beam of light hit the tank precisely. The beam was like a knife cutting butter, easily tearing the composite armor plate of the M1A2, and the high temperature also caused the ammunition to explode. , that loud noise even stopped the hearts of everyone in the headquarters.

Attack! Attack! the officer yelled into the radio. Keep it out! All units, attack!

Luca cursed and turned the steering wheel violently. As early as the first shell was fired, he found the dust that was raised. When he got a little closer, the sound waves from the violent explosion almost stunned his brain. Now he knows the danger of this operation, and at the same time, he also understands how valuable this news is. The desperate blood rushed to his brain again, he cursed a few more times, gritted his teeth, turned the steering wheel back, and headed towards the set goal.

The effect of the intensive firepower was quickly highlighted, and the successive explosions almost made it impossible for the Destroyer armor to stand, let alone counterattack. When the F22 arrived, a total of 12 GBU-32 precision-guided bombs hit the Destroyer armor together. The violent explosion even set off a gust of wind in the desert, and gravel and dust broke into the command post forcefully, giving everyone Covered with a layer of sand.

Oh! This is really good! Vostagg cheered, and he patted the shoulder of an officer beside him, Midgard also has some good things! Can you give me one of these things?

In this smoke, all the tanks stopped firing, and everyone (except Salomon) was waiting for the footage from the surveillance drone, and they waited nervously for the image to be transmitted to the screen. When the smoke cleared, the unmanned reconnaissance drone captured the picture of the Destroyer armor again-it walked out unscathed.

It seemed that such an attack had angered Loki, the mask of the Destroyer armor was opened again, and the high-energy laser accurately hit the F22 fighter that was returning. After the three fighter planes crashed one after another, the attack of the Destroyer armor didn't stop, but like a sharp blade, it wantonly cut everything that tried to attack it.

Shit! These are shit! The officer thumped the table angrily. Attack! Use everything you can!

What are you going to do? Salomon looked at Nick Fury boredly, the guy in front of him was staring at the computer, Does the World Security Council still ask you to continue the experiment? Don't say you plan to Use nukes!

Of course I won't do it, Nick Fury said. The experiment must continue, but I also have some backhands.

Miss me? Nick Fury. A voice suddenly sounded from the Quinjet fighter's stereo, and the door of the fighter plane opened automatically, and a gold-and-red armor jumped into the cabin with a bang.

This is my backhand. Nick Fury stood up without compromising, he said, I'm always prepared.

Oh. Salomon sneered, completely ignoring Tony Stark's performance. He took out his mobile phone again, and was about to send a text message to Luka—he didn't want his tool man to die unexplained, he wanted to guide Luka to a safe place.

Hey! You! Kid, don't you see Iron Man here?

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! It will be on the shelves on the 1st of next month, friends, finally ask for a recommendation ticket!

Should I explode the update? Then someone sent the Silver League? There are really many Silver Leagues today.

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