Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1011 Chapter 1007 Castle Gundolfo (first update)

The assault transport boat passed over the city of Rome, took off and landed briefly, and then set off again to fly to Mount Alban southeast of Rome. The Italian Air Force, which should have discovered the Immortal City assault transport boat in time, did not take any action at all. On the one hand, this was because of the effectiveness of Immortal City's electronic warfare, and on the other hand, due to the money offensive, the assault transport boat did not have to worry about being detected by air defense radars. to the flight path.

Although Salomon had been working in the underground cities of Roman cities for a long time, he had never been to Lake Albano to enjoy the scenery. Therefore, when the assault transport was about to fly over Lake Albano, he deliberately asked the pilot to slow down and lower the altitude. He opened the ramp hatch and, accompanied by Hammurabi, stood at the hatch overlooking the volcanic lake with an area of ​​only 5 square kilometers.

To be honest, it's a little different from the photos in the travel guide. Salomon shook his head, feeling a little embarrassed about his behavior. The water surface was getting closer and closer, and finally the airflow of the aircraft even affected the water surface. Salomon asked the pilot to raise the aircraft again to prevent the people living in the town of Castel Gandolfo on the Albano Mountain from seeing this strange-looking assault transport craft.

The pilot received a radio communication. After verifying the other party's identity, the other party's tower directed the assault transport boat to fly to Castle Gundolver, and guided the assault transport boat to land at the designated location - which is a castle complex with an area of ​​about 70 hectares. , an area much larger than the Vatican City - yet the pilots refused to dock the assault transport craft in a parking lot used by tourists, believing it to be an insult to the monarch. After consulting the Royal Guards beside the monarch, the pilot drove the assault transport boat directly into the garden behind the Apostolic Palace at the highest point of Castle Gundolver, occupying all the lawns, and activated all weapon systems.

Sure enough, the huge assault transport boat was surrounded as soon as it landed. The Swiss Guards, wearing dark blue duty uniforms, black berets and armed with HK MP5A3 submachine guns, rushed into the garden and surrounded the aircraft. The leading officer, Christoph Graf, was Francis' newly appointed commander. He wears a long sword on his waist as an identity mark.

This is one of the oldest existing military organizations in the world. All Guard members are unmarried Swiss male Catholic citizens. One of their main responsibilities is to protect the Pope, the College of Cardinals and all buildings belonging to the Pope.

When the ramp hatch in front of the aircraft slowly opened and the Guardsmen in golden power armor slowly walked out of the cabin, all the Guards soldiers put their fingers on the trigger as if they were facing an enemy. Hammurabi glanced at these guardsmen with contempt, and continued to maintain the posture of carrying a giant sword on his shoulder and holding a shield. The confrontation between the two sides continued until a black man, also wearing a commander's uniform and smelling of alcohol, arrived.

After a brief and intense conversation with the nervous Christoph Graf, this man crossed the blockade of Guard soldiers and walked towards the assault transport boat. He first looked up and down at the gorgeous details on the Praetorian Guards' power armor, and then strode into the cabin. There was no obstruction in the whole process. It seemed that Hammurabi did not see him at all, and he still stood next to the ramp hatch like a golden metal statue. This is an invitation, not a hostility. Are you planning to kill the Pope? Father Moru said, And you actually brought a robot!

That's not a robot, that's my Guards. Salomon turned on the cabin lights and said condescendingly to his old friend. He looked very happy, And I don't think the current Pope will be frightened by such a small scene. After all, he is a priest with a guerrilla background. He has beaten more drug dealers than criminals in his life. Father Moru, Did you drink up all the wine here through the Eucharist?”

Just drink a little. The wine inventory here is strictly managed. I have to go to the town below to buy wine. Father Moru took off his beret, and huge beads of sweat covered his scalp. On the surface, he is also the commander of the Swiss Guard, but in fact he is the head of the secret service responsible for the safety of the Pope. This heavily armed assault transport boat puts a lot of pressure on him. He also has to send his men to evacuate tourists and blockade the garden. . Come with me quickly, the Pope is waiting for you.

This meeting was entirely facilitated by Father Moru. If something really happened to the Pope, then he, the real military head of the Vatican, would have no choice but to die to apologize.

No, I will go to the garden and wait for Francis. I think he is also willing to have a conversation with me without interruption. Salomon shook his head. My Praetorian Guards will come with me. He The entourage will be screened, you'd better follow his instructions and let the Swiss Guards outside calm down. Although I don't want to cause violence, if Hammurabi takes action, there will be no survivors in those soldiers. Oh, correct--

Salomon took out a beautifully bound book and handed it to Father Moru. The book was gilded and had the Latin version of Unity of Truth written in large gilt characters on the cover.

——This is a gift to the Pope. I know you want a premise check. I will stay here for three hours and the Pope can look through the book in advance so that he can really understand my thoughts. He said, Better get me a bottle of wine now, I want to see the Pope's taste in wine.

I can get you some bread. Father Moru sighed, waved and walked out of the cabin. Come with me. The Pope is resting now. The old man is not in good health recently. Don't let your people fight against the boys of the Swiss Guard. They are all good people. It is getting more and more difficult for the Guard to find people now. If it happens again If a few die, no one will apply for the job.

Unified Truth is available in quite a few languages. Although the main body of the Immortal City is Latin, it is also distributed in Spanish, English, Russian, etc. As long as there are preachers in the Eternal City, there is a corresponding version of Unified Truth in the local language. Even the militias in Eastern Ukraine have a Russian version of Unified Truth available for reading.

It is not a secret that the Eternal City has entered the disputed area, but because everywhere the Eternal City goes there is war and death, coupled with the fact that intelligence agents are extremely concerned about spies and the European and American media pay very little attention to war-torn areas, Therefore, only a few people know about the existence of the golden eagle flag of the Eternal City, and only some national leaders or military staff will place Unified Truth on their desks.

Even so, not many people can figure out the true identity of the organization that promotes One Truth.

As Victoria Hand's intelligence department gradually deepens, NATO's decision on Latvinia gradually becomes clear, and the Eternal City is preparing for a high-intensity war. A mechanized infantry under Victor von Doom has entered the northern area of ​​Latovinia in advance to garrison, where Salomon and the Praetorian Guards are garrisoned. At the same time, a group of electronic sages from the Mars Foundry within the Tianjian Space Station also established a department responsible for electronic warfare. The Mars Foundry also brought several prototype fighter jets specially used for void combat.

Electronic warfare will start first, paralyzing NATO's military facilities and nuclear facilities, and hacking into European and American social media to start a public opinion war. The void fighters will hunt down all satellites targeting the Latvinia region, whether they are corporate satellites or military satellites. At that time, Salomon will go deep into Europe with the Praetorian Guards, Sisters, Assassins, and the regular army of the Eternal City. Relying on technological advantages such as blitzkrieg and air power, they will plant that flag on a certain iconic building. .

The Immortal City will not capture any towns, not only as a show of strength but also to clear out the NATO military bases around Latvinia. As long as the resolution within NATO to intervene in Latvinia is passed, the whole of Europe will know what that flag represents.

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