Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1078 Chapter 1074 Fourth Level Tactics (Second Update)

Salomon had no intention of waiting for Peter Parker's answer; he just happened to meet the teenager here. His purpose in coming to New York was not to persuade a teenager not to go too far and avoid dying miserably on the battlefield. He didn't care about Peter Parker's life or death. He also knew that American teenagers like Peter Parker who grew up in obscurant education simply couldn't Understanding Unified Truth, he mainly wanted to negotiate a business deal with Tony Stark. Although Latvinia has forced the United States into a deadlock, as long as the White House delays it long enough and exerts enough advantages in public opinion, this small difficulty can be easily overcome. This will solve the problem for Latvinia. Today's woes in Europe don't help much.

Now that Latvinia's territory ends at the southern border of Eastern Europe, a secret resistance and infiltration alliance is being formed consisting of many Eastern European countries that have joined and want to join NATO. All of them are secretly trained by American military advisers and did not exist before. A large military base that Latvinia attacks so they can survive Latvinia's war against NATO. Originally, the target of these organizations was Russia, but now the sudden rise of Latvinia has led them to set their target south. The Wild Chapters responsible for guarding the border have reported capturing Eastern European soldiers decked out in American armaments and wearing the Black Sun insignia.

From their mouths, the Immortal City obtained more unexpected but reasonable information.

The origin of Nazi thought is the United States. Both eugenics and racial discrimination originate from the United States. This is a mode of thinking rooted in hegemonism and populism. It has different manifestations in different eras. The German Third Reich was nothing but It's just the most blatant way to express it. Under the United States' long-term penetration and control of Europe, racism labeled as white supremacy is only one of the characteristics of Nazi thought. However, both the left and the right in the United States are extremely exclusive. The term Nazi Completely applicable to both parties, the Madonna of the White Left and white supremacy are nothing but two sides of the same coin.

During World War II, the opposition of the ruling classes of European and American powers to the German Third Reich was not entirely due to justice. In addition to the European countries that resisted the invasion, the United States made countless war profits during this period. At that time, the European and American powers all had the idea of ​​unifying Europe, and the German Third Reich was just the one who put it into practice. What's more, the German Third Reich shared an economic system with the Allied Powers at that time. The mastermind behind its main banks is still the leader of the international financial group. It is not so much an opposition to the invasion of the German Third Reich as an underwater financial crisis. war. As for the innocent civilians who paid for this, the ruling classes of the great powers did not care at all - the reason why France surrendered so quickly was not entirely because the Maginot Line was bypassed and the war was lost, but because for the French ruling class at that time, the French Communist Party is the greater threat, the Nazis are not the biggest enemy. Coupled with the Treaty of Versailles, one of the real purposes of the French ruling class at that time was to use the hands of the German Third Reich to wipe out those French guerrillas who had noble ideas and were willing to defend the motherland and fight for the just cause of mankind.

The European communication network gradually controlled by Latvinia has weakened the United States' public opinion offensive from the side. However, this does not prevent some countries that cannot see the situation clearly from joining this plan. Victoria Hand and Constantine have already reported that the CIA's jihadist training camps in the Middle East have made new moves. The latest news shows that the CIA plans to transport those Middle Eastern jihadists to Eastern Europe for training, and then from Europe to several more Soldiers were recruited from the millions of refugees to form a reserve army.

When the upcoming Latvian Unification War starts again, these refugees who originally entered Europe will transform into Europe's new Nazis with the support of the United States and some European countries. If you look at the atrocities committed against Palestine by Israel, now wearing the halo of being a victim of World War II, with Zionism, you will understand that the Nazis hated by European and American powers are just Nazis who do not fight for their interests. As long as the Nazis maintain their interests, If they agree, then they are Nazis.

Coupled with the continuous supply of drugs, the public opinion war that spreads around the world and other means, the third world war in human history is very likely to start completely. This is the United States' way to break the situation. As long as Latvinia does not stop its expansion, a camp will be born in Europe to resist Latvinia's expansion and occupy the high ground of public opinion. By then, Nazi will no longer be a derogatory term, but will It is a symbol of freedom and democracy - after the market closes, the public opinion war in the United States will be launched. American officials traveling to Europe will condemn Latvinia together with European countries that agree to cooperate, and then establish a new alliance. But it is not without good news, that is, the monarch of Latvinia is a hard-hearted person and has no hesitation in using weapons of mass destruction. In addition, Latvinia now has absolute control over space military power and Unified Truth is extremely offensive and integrative. Once this fascist alliance is established, it would be better for hundreds of millions of people to die than to let this kind of thought that should be destroyed poison the world.

At that time, Latovinia will take the lead in triggering a global nuclear war, and all vested interests will die.

However, Latovinia does not want to regard this as the first option, because the monarch of Latovinia does not want to waste any resources that can be used to resist the invasion of the alien fleet. Life is naturally one of the resources. Even if those people actively want to die, Latovinia will find ways to make their deaths worthwhile. All life must contribute to the future of the human race. Even making servitors is better than letting them become Victims of Nazi ideology are much better off.

Of course, Salomon also knew the nature of the Unified Truth. The exclusivity of Unified Truth is comparable to those ideas. The goal of unity of Unified Truth is all humans rather than all intelligent creatures. Even alien races that can contribute to the hegemony of the human race are not easily accepted ( Such as the Asgardians). Therefore, Salomon has slightly relaxed the definition of subhumans and reduced the radicalness of human supremacy that will appear in the future. He believes that under his control, this more extreme thought will not get out of control—— Because Latovinia is more efficient than any political system in the world, his authority is higher than anyone in the system, and no one can disobey his words and orders. As long as he controls himself (which the Supreme Mage and Athena have taught him since childhood), his dictatorship will not cause too many problems and give birth to too many relatively extreme ideas.

Get in the car. Salomon didn't reach out, and Happy Hogan didn't press the button. The rear door opened automatically.

Tony Stark still wore the perfunctory smile he showed when dealing with the news media. As soon as he got in the car, he sat in his seat very naturally, pushing the panicked Peter Parker aside. Salomon had communicated with Tony Stark in the hospital. As an extremely naive person among those with vested interests, Tony Stark had to admit that such a future was very, very scary, and he would be the one who would turn the world upside down. To one of the instigators of that horrific future.

However, Salomon would never overestimate the methods that Americans who lack political, economic and historical education can come up with - as expected, the method given by Tony Stark was to accept the White House's invitation to become the Secretary of Defense and start from within. Change the system. Salomon clearly told Tony Stark that if he held on to such naive illusions, he would suffer constant failure throughout his life, and even Stark Industries would cease to exist. Tony Stark cannot deal with the vested interests that have been harmed by him. The name of a superhero sounds nice and has a large number of absolute supporters, but those who control public opinion can easily make superheroes fall from the altar and become notorious. Obvious.

He wasn't the only one with similar ideas.

Black people suffer from discrimination in the U.S. military. This has not changed much even in modern times. The reason why Colonel Rhodes joined the military is to change the discrimination against black people in American society from within the system. However, the fact is that this has not had any positive effect. role. There are countless people who hate Colonel Rhodes on the Internet. Some people also call him a gorilla playing with high technology. Without Tony Stark's knowledge and products, Colonel Rhodes is nothing - this is true, but Those people also ignored that Colonel Rhodes, as a black man from the slums, climbed to his current position and did not rely entirely on Tony Stark's connections with the military-industrial complex. His own efforts and innate talents His talent must not be ignored.

Thank you. Tony Stark first suppressed his smile and thanked him sincerely, Thank you for saving Rhodes.

Have you thought about it, Stark? Neither of the two people in the back seat paid attention to Peter Parker, who was unable to interrupt. From some unspeakable angle, Peter Parker felt that this was a conversation that could change the world and the future. He tried to breathe softly, not daring to disturb the other two. Salomon looked into Tony Stark's eyes, Aren't you going to give up on this stupid idea?

Give me some time, I still have something to solve. Tony Stark said. What he was referring to was the Avengers and the Sokovia Accords. Although this agreement has been delayed for a long time, the next generation of the US military's main battle force is these ability enhancers. The originally stalled super soldier plan has been restarted. No one could stop him, because the whole world saw the performance of the Latvian monarch. It turns out that the deterrent effect of a walking nuclear bomb is terrifying.

When this matter is over, I will give you an answer.

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