Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1222 Orbital Assembly (First Update)

The ambush between Trinity and the local natives wasn't all bad, at least Team Camilla and Lara Croft got a chance to get to know their enemy. Out of professional habit, after completing the task of arresting the Possum, Camilla and her team began to transport the guns and ammunition of the Holy Trinity mercenaries as reserve weapons. They also seized a radio station and some communication documents. The Martian technician who wore multiple hats had to take on another job, which was to sneak into the radio communication channel, monitor and track the Holy Trinity mercenary stronghold, and launch an attack before the enemy discovered them.

They certainly don't have anti-tank firepower, and even if they do, they won't have much of it.

Camila spread the paper map on her lap and marked the strongholds and people mentioned in the document with colored pencils. The Martian technician who linked the radio station to his processor would occasionally use his mechanical tentacle to point to a certain spot on the map and correct Camilla's mistakes. At this time, Camilla's attitude had changed from commanding an expedition to commanding a military operation deep behind enemy lines. Her rich experience in guerrilla warfare and excellent tactical thinking made her aware of the importance of intelligence.

How much anti-tank fire can this armored vehicle withstand, Technician?

The Martian technician used a data board to display a table containing data on the armor plate of this personnel carrier when facing various types of anti-tank means. This is the first armored vehicle he has modified. From the design blueprint, module modification authorization, customization to the factory, terrain adaptation test, system anti-jamming test, etc., he has been supervising the CRA-6-Gamma of this armored vehicle until now. The operation of the experimental command system. At the thought of possibly encountering anti-tank fire, the Martian technician began to mumble in frustration, but everyone present ignored the unintelligible words in the Martian technician's mouth.

Then this armored personnel carrier is enough to support us in completing the mission. Camilla thought about the most common anti-tank methods in Peru, counted long paragraphs of numbers, tables and graphics, and came to a conclusion directly. Holy Trinity will definitely find out that the outer stronghold has fallen, whether it is a report from survivors or regular contact. If they send people over to investigate, they will definitely find traces of tracks. We must be mentally prepared to face anti-tank firepower. The best way is to disperse our operations and use guerrilla warfare to deal with Holy Trinity's stronghold in the forest. The forest is not only the cover of Holy Trinity, but also our cover. Now we have an advantage, that is Take advantage of it.”

Our mission is...

I know, Laura. Camilla stretched out her hand to stop Lara Croft from continuing, I will not forget how urgent your work is, but the Holy Trinity is a stumbling block on the way to completing our mission. .Either move it or step on it, no matter what, you can't ignore it. Don't be too pessimistic, we are not alone, when funders think we need help, they will take the initiative to contact me, I believe that Holy Trinity Mercenaries There's absolutely no way it can handle the firepower of a ground attack aircraft.

I extracted tissue samples from local aborigines and Holy Trinity mercenaries. The Martian technician suddenly said. Camilla was a little surprised. She had never asked the Martian technician to do this. Now it seemed that she could only think that there was a reason why the headquarters put this Martian technician next to her. Those aborigines who wear feathers on their heads may have some genetic problems, but my attachment cannot provide more information. We must wait until the headquarters analyzes the genetic code I sent back.

Atavism? That's a bit bad. Extradimensional forces have begun to gradually change the genes of the local aborigines. I'm afraid they will have bad characteristics in the near future. Master Xiao Wang held a biological genetic experiment in his hand report given by the office. It was freshly baked and was sent to the private strategic intelligence room of the Emperor of Latvinia in less than ten minutes. Combined with the photos taken at the scene, Master Xiao Wang came to a general conclusion. However, not everyone present could understand what he said. Facing the confused Wanda Maximoff, Master Xiao Wang could only patiently explain, Cultists often appear and bear the characteristics of their masters. Either mentally or physically, most of their behaviors are advocating the concepts represented by extradimensional entities, and most of their physical bodies are flesh-and-blood mutations. Judging from this report, those cultists have not yet turned into a fish. Very surprised.”

What he means is that growing scales is always a bit exaggerated. The Emperor of Latovinia shrugged. The genetic difference between humans and animals with scales is not as big as imagined. Snakes, fish, lizards...

Is this common? Wanda Maximoff asked.

Although she learned a lot of support from the emperor, she never received a complete and systematic education, and the emperor's training for her at that time was still focused on self-control and application. This is also true now. After all, if Wanda cannot control her power, then others will suffer. Therefore, some details that are not easy to cover are missing from Wanda Maximoff’s knowledge. It will take a long time to slow down. Slow completion.

Not necessarily. There are no rules for this kind of thing. There is no order of physical mutation or mental mutation. The only thing that can be determined is that the more favored a creature is, the more serious the mutation will be. The Emperor of Latovinia told himself and Wang Da poured a glass of brandy. Like the singer he entertained last time, the bottle of brandy also comes from the Napoleonic era. Although I told you when I taught you that you can use mathematics to understand that power, that is just an empirical dogma that humans can understand and use. We are like larvae floating on a summer pond eating invisible floats. Living things, if we go too deep into the pond, then we can only be food in the mouths of the big fish deep in the water that our larval brains cannot understand.”

It sounds very pathetic. Wanda took the brandy, It sounds very hopeless.

Perhaps, but I believe that the nuclear bomb will not say that. The emperor raised his eyebrows, This is how Kama Taj does a job that has no end, but I believe that one day this job will also end. So... let's start with Quetzalcoatl begins. Kill them one by one, and one day all extradimensional entities will die, leaving no one left.

Master Xiao Wang rolled his eyes and made no comment.

Don't you care enough? Master Xiao Wang pointed at Hammurabi who walked into the strategic intelligence room.

Cuba accepts it, the Praetorian Guard said, We have time to go to Peru to perform our mission.

for how long.

At the shortest day, Diana Lister is still negotiating for the rest of the time, but if you use a stand-in doll, this time can be extended. Hammurabi did not mention how many assassinations Diana Lister suffered , and the siege she encountered by the U.S. fleet before entering Cuba. These are things the emperor knew and there is no need to mention them again. The emperor was not one to ignore the merits of his subordinates, and Hammurabi knew that Diana List would be awarded a Medal of Honor upon her return to Latvinia. He handed over a data pad, which clearly displayed the personnel and materials currently assembled at the Tianjian Space Station. The Pegasus heavy assault transport craft, the Hippogriff assault craft, and the landing ships carry a large number of armored vehicles and tanks. The mortal army and genetically modified warriors are all ready to go, ready to deal with an orbital airborne assault war.

Amon has sneaked into Peru to prepare for the war. Five regiments of Hell Knights have also assembled at Tianjian Space Station, led by First Company Commander Apalixia and Guard Commander Constantine. Your Majesty, we are ready to destroy any Enemy.

The Emperor of Latvinia looked at Master Xiao Wang.

The Supreme Master will send a Mystic Mage from the Temple Group. Master Xiao Wang bowed slightly to express his respect for the Supreme Mage. The Mystic Mage will directly join the battle sequence between Latvinia and the Eternal City.

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