Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1268 Magic Court (Second update)

The prison at Karma Taj's headquarters has never been so overcrowded, and many spellcasters from other schools have been imprisoned in shallow underground prisons for rebelling against the knights representing the emperor and the mystics representing the Sorcerer Supreme. Their fingers were imprisoned, their tongues were sealed, their eyes were covered, and their spiritual power was firmly locked in their bodies and unable to move. Regardless of whether they want it or not, the emperor's cavalry will not stop. Resistance will only cause unnecessary casualties and will not change the outcome. Not all mystics in the Kama Taj headquarters can adapt to this change. Some older mystics are worried about this, but some young mystics express support for this, thinking that this is in line with the name of the Supreme Mage. Head and status of Kama Taj.

Although Kamathaj is the ruler of the magic world, other magic schools had more of an equal relationship with Kamathaj in the past. Now that this kind of dominance has truly begun to be implemented, Kamathaj and other magic schools have also The relationship suddenly transformed into a superior-subordinate relationship - grimoires written with dangerous spells, vicious magic weapons, and dangerous magical animals raised by schools were contained in the dangerous goods warehouse inside the Himalayas that was isolated by thick rock formations and armor; Spellcasters who have conducted harmful experiments are taken out of prison and tried according to the newly revised code, ranging from imprisonment, flogging to death.

At first, Mordo did not support this behavior, but as the trial progressed, as a judge, he discovered more and more illegal activities by those magic schools. Almost all the terms of the verbal agreement between the Supreme Mage and the school of magic have been reneged on, including summoning extradimensional spirits, evil spirit possession experiments, human trafficking, selling magic weapons to secular society, illegal drugs and spells, etc., as the files become more and more Modu's mood became worse and worse.

When Salomon came to the court, Mordo was ordering a 200-stroke lashing for a lame wizard who sold alchemical contraband to mortal addicts, causing the addicts to go crazy and kill. This punishment is no different from the death penalty. The only difference is The death sentence executed by Yu Kama Taj is from the soul level. The soul of this unlucky guy can return to the outer dimension and be re-converted into extradimensional energy, or even more unlucky, be directly swallowed by extradimensional creatures.

The lame wizard was not willing to admit the outcome of the trial at all. Before the knights and mystics arrived, he had no idea that there were other schools of magic in the world. He only learned how to summon fire and a little simple alchemy from an old guy. In addition, he only learned a few seeds of strange plants. , his crime tool was even glassware stolen from the chemistry laboratory of a local high school. The mystic of Karma Taj, who was sent to track down the clues, easily defeated the fool. The knight who collaborated with the mystic killed the wandering wizard who taught him his tricks, as well as the mortal associates who collaborated with him to create contraband. This guy almost He was frightened out of his mind by the violent sight of the knights fighting, and he even hoped that the police would arrest him instead of the mechanical warriors and magicians who appeared out of nowhere.

I think you won't object to my order now, right? After the trial was over, Salomon waited in the corridor for an angry Mordo. This order had been proposed a few years ago, but at that time Mordo was one of the staunchest opponents. He knew that Salomon was taking advantage of the Quetzalcoatl's awakening incident to attack all magic schools, and killed a large number of illegal wizards first and later. After being imprisoned in a dungeon in the Himalayas, Mordu realized how strong Salomon's execution ability was and how correct his judgment was.

We must end this chaos as soon as possible. Salomon said, In addition to the genetically modified warriors who are performing missions in Peru, I will send more knights to cooperate with Kama Taj in order to collect all the soldiers at a faster speed. schools of magic, but I also ask Karma Taj to send more mystics to build the institutional framework I proposed. We must give those spellcasters a place to dedicate their lives to our goals, and the sooner this institution is established , the Earth’s magical world will move towards peace and normalization sooner.”

Are you standing on the side of the Eternal City or the Kama Taj? Modu asked dissatisfied, Have you forgotten that you are also a member of the Kama Taj?

I am a member of the human race, and I will always stand on the side of humanity. Salomon said unceremoniously. He rolled up the sleeves of the crimson holy cloth robe, and wore the Dropnir ring given by Odin, the father of the gods, as an armband on his biceps. Rolling up his sleeves was not for everyone. He did not intend to use rough means to persuade Modu, because he understood Modu's character. His Holiness has handed over the administrative authority of Kamal Taj to me, and I have given it to you temporarily. Although I don't want to say it, you must understand the relationship between superiors and subordinates and the real purpose of all decisions. Don't be like Just like a teenager fighting for power, you are much older than me, don’t let people see the joke and think you are not as mature as me.”

Sorry, my mind was affected by the badness of the last case. Mordo took a deep breath, I never thought that those magic schools could be so bad. Although there are many good people among the spellcasters I know, I Never realized what lay beneath the peaceful situation of the Doorless Bar.”

It doesn't matter, I don't blame you. You have been in the ivory tower for too long. You will definitely not be used to this kind of thing for the first time. Naturally, you don't know the consequences of letting the Venerable let them do their own thing. Salo Meng patted Modu on the shoulder and said, Send more people as soon as possible, even old guys from the Secret Magic Family. After all, that organization does not need any combat ability, but wisdom and calmness. Those who are too old to lift their fingers will do the job. The guys are the most suitable, I think Mage Daniel, Guardian of the New York Temple, would be a good fit, Mage Hamil could also participate if he has time. But I need a list, understand?

I understand, brother. Modu sighed, I just can't adapt. After your order was issued, the whole world changed a lot. Did you know that your people also arrested the owner of Wumen Bar? , although he only has one head. Fortunately, he committed a misdemeanor and vomited out all the information. He will be able to leave in a few days, but I am afraid that Kama Taj will no longer be welcome in the Doorless Bar in the future.

Have you ever seen police officers welcomed into slum bars? Building a police bar is not a big deal. Salomon said, I came here to see the two candidates. How are they doing?

Mo Du looked helpless. He first looked around to make sure there was no one else here except him, Salomon and the Guards, and then slowly told the situation of the two candidates. Sherlock Holmes started trying to escape a month later. We had to confiscate his hanging ring, and then sent him to clean the toilets of the prisoners in the prison. Then he assisted us in breaking the contraband sales network just now and obtained He received a partial reduction of his sentence and now he is studying hard in his room.

Where's the other one?

Stephen Strange is just as restless. He tried to sneak into the library to steal books to find a way to cure himself, and was sentenced to ten lashes and a week of confinement. Now this fool is more at ease, because he knows this Such serious crimes are usually punishable by death. After seeing the execution, he became much more honest, otherwise he would definitely shout slogans such as freedom and human rights. Modu was a little unconvinced, We really want to make this happen. Is there someone else to serve as the Supreme Mage? Even if it is just a title, either of those two idiots will only bring insults rather than honors, and they may cause more trouble than they solve after gaining the ability.

You also said, this is just a title. This is His Holiness's decision, so there is no need to question it. Salomon waved his hand, Let them compete for this title just because what happens next requires a scapegoat. And Shield, if you are willing to bear this kind of misfortune, you can also be the Supreme Mage. It is good for us to let someone who doesn't know too many secrets be the Supreme Mage. Even if they die, it will not affect the plan.

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