Calling S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Zephyr 1 engine test data, armor test data, and mobility test data...We are calling fortress-type automatic combat robot anti-aircraft bomb test data... The blue electronic instrument of Mars Sage Radium 223 Her eyes kept flickering, and Constantine could even hear the electrical noise and heat emitted by her external thinking enhancement module. Although he and the Sage stayed in the rear command vehicle, their close proximity could not prevent the Martian Sage from communicating with data instead of sounds. On the communication channel, Radium 223 sent him several data packets, seemingly proving her theory and decision-making in this way.

Disturbance factor 16, start plan Alpha-34, shoot down probability 76%, shoot down allowed. Final confirmation of authority, commander of the guards, voiceprint confirmation is in progress...

No. Constantine said simply. Without waiting for Radium 233 to come up with a lot of data to refute, he came up with a reason that seemed very reasonable and issued instructions to the leader of the mechanical soldiers Alpha-Bronze 2 and the captain of the second detachment of the First Secret Regiment. Continue to hide and wait for Zephyr 1 to land. Wait for the raid order. We need a stealth aircraft that can evacuate. He turned off the call and looked at the Martian sage beside him.

This command vehicle is also the product of a modified heavy truck. However, in order to ensure that information security is not threatened, all the information processing equipment installed in it has self-destruction devices. After the mission is over, just press the button, and the white-collar incendiary will incinerate all the chips, destroying everything that may leave data in an irreversible way.

The probability of successful evacuation in the original plan is about 95.2%. We don't need a weak flight tool like Zephyr 1. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223's voice was filled with human anxiety. This was something she did not Her flesh and blood weakness has not been completely overcome, and her emotional processing center is not perfect. With Zephyr 1, our chance of successful evacuation will drop to 56.4%, and we will most likely be pursued. This is an unacceptable price.

No matter what Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 thinks, the leadership of this operation still lies in Constantine's hands.

Since the Praetorian Guard planned to wait for Phil Coulson's aircraft to arrive before launching a surprise attack to seize control of the Zephyr 1, even Alpha-Bronze 2, the product of the Mars Guardian Mechanical Soldier program, must abide by the chain of command priorities. , no Martian sage can change the order of succession for the command of the operation. She has experience in controlling fortress-type automatic combat robot combat clusters and mechanical soldier combat clusters for simulation drills. She has obtained extremely high scores in hundreds of virtual drills and thus received this promotion.

When she actually engaged in actual combat that was not a large-scale head-on confrontation, she found that the on-site situation was completely different from the drills she had experienced. Information interference, electromagnetic suppression, virus program implantation, command space intrusion, and springboard operations frequently appeared in the simulated battle. Commonly used information warfare methods have hardly appeared, and the final means of determining victory or defeat still rely on explosive bombs and blades. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 issued instructions while clasping the electric revolver in his hand, while distributing code packets used to express bad emotions and denial of irrational decision-making judgments. The blue gun The various spectral lenses in the electronic eyes are constantly switching, as if she wants to use this method to pass the boring time when she cannot control the command.

At the same time, four heavy trucks carrying the First Combat Detachment were already driving on the road. The inconspicuous observation vehicle saw the vehicle driven by Dr. Holden Radcliffe crossing the front of the vehicle and immediately headed towards the battle ahead. The team warned. Two of the heavy trucks gradually slowed down and drove side by side, blocking Dr. Holden Radcliffe's path. The two heavy trucks behind them immediately accelerated, and one of them was close to Dr. Holden Radcliffe's car. At the rear of the truck, the other one drove to the side and clamped the target vehicle together with one of the trucks in front that was slowing down again.

Even a flamboyant man like Dr. Horton Radcliffe found himself in a bad situation at this moment. As early as the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., he had experienced a life of being followed by Homeland Security agents. Although he finally got rid of the suspicion, he was still suspicious until Agent Phil Coulson appeared and he eliminated all surveillance and confirmed Homeland Security and the FBI had given up tracking him, and Dr. Horton Radcliffe gradually became desensitized - which also led him to identify this gathering of heavy trucks as freight on the U.S.-Canada border. In daily life, instead of alerting and escaping immediately, he continued driving on the highway. His sense of luck disappeared after the heavy truck compartments on both sides were pulled apart, because Twenty pointed something he had never seen before but was obviously a gun at him. At the same time, the front of the heavy truck compartment was also opened, and a man covered in machinery urged him to stop slowly with a very harsh amplified synthesized voice.

Dr. Horton Radcliffe did so without hesitation.

He also raised his hands and shouted to ensure that these people could see that his hands had left the steering wheel, fearing that they would be like the American police who asked him to raise his hands while asking him to put his hands behind his back before shooting. Due to the sudden incident, the patrol officer on the nearby road immediately turned on his lights and drove the vehicle in the direction of the truck. However, a soldier with no visible flesh and blood immediately fired a shot at the front hood of the police patrol car. The accelerated bullet instantly burned through the front hood and released a powerful burst of current inside the engine below. If If the patrolman was not excited enough to immediately apply the brakes and jump out of the police car that had a big hole burned through it, the subsequent fire would be enough to take away his life.

Govanda police communications have been interfered with. According to local police patrol records, there is a 62.35% chance that a second police car will arrive in 12.1 minutes. The voice of Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 came from the command system. , The second detachment is preparing to launch a surprise attack on Zephyr No. 1. The mission time has been compressed to 75.2% of the original time. We must act as soon as possible.

Agreed. Constantine's eyes were focused on the picture from the combat recorder ahead. Almost all the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment had this device on their void combat uniforms for the command to connect to. The commander of the Imperial Guard saw Zephyr 1 landing in the open space near Dr. Holden Radcliffe's residence from multiple angles. The android with a face similar to the doctor's ex-girlfriend showed full vigilance. It immediately returned to the room and locked the door. It was not until Leopold Fitz, a physicist in Coulson's team, knocked on the door and identified himself that the android opened the door for him.

However, Leopold Fitz did not let his SHIELD companions not far away see Life-Model Decoy.

Second detachment, action.

The moment the order was given, heavy trucks camouflaged with camouflage tarpaulins immediately started to move. At this time, the Zephyr No. 1 had just stalled, and two heavy trucks rushed out nearby, catching the remaining personnel on the plane by surprise. Since there are not many armed personnel in Colson's team, there are not many armed personnel even on the Air Command Zephyr 1. Even if someone shoots at the truck, it cannot stop the advancement of the soldiers and mechanical soldiers of the First Secret Regiment.

One of the trucks of the second detachment drove directly towards Dr. Horton Radcliffe's house. Twelve mechanical soldiers jumped out of the truck with amazing agility while firing at the escaping Leopold Fitz and the androids. , while running steadily towards the house. Powerful weapons penetrated residential walls with ease, whether masonry, concrete or metal, and in the blink of an eye the entire room was tattered by the intense firepower. Although Leopold Fitz had no idea what was happening, he knew that the best way at this moment was to escape with the Life-Model Decoy artificial intelligence named Ada. Until a golden aircraft crashed in front of them from the ceiling, and a cyborg in a crimson robe jumped out from behind the golden-armored giant driving the aircraft.

The silicon-based intelligence named Aida, Leopold Fitz. Epsilon Rodney-Radium 223 pointed the revolver at them. She shouted cheerfully, Your actions violate the A.I. prohibition.

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