Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1417 The wrong answer (two in one)

In order to prevent all the seasonal flowers planted from being eaten, Dinah decided to strengthen the management of the stables. To put it simply, the goats that were roaming around the manor were driven into the stables where they were supposed to stay every night, and then let out until tea time. At the same time, rose plants were planted next to seasonal flowers to avoid those The goat who wants to take a bite of everything he sees goes to taste the flowers.

At the same time, Salomon also strengthened Milia's education.

Not surprisingly, the party between the Witch and Wanda has already begun, and he is holding Milia around the manor. This is just a women's party, and it doesn't matter whether he is there or not, he just needs to catch up with Wanda's sleep time - Salomon knows that Milia's behavior comes from remembering the strict education of the monastic style of the original sisterhood. In the sisterhood monastery in the Eternal City, in order to get girls from the outside world to quickly get rid of bad habits and devote themselves to combat training and cultural learning, Tita's methods can even be described as rough. As an outlier in the monastery, Milia suffered a lot from her body that grew too fast.

He told Miria never to feed the goats weird things, and if she couldn't eat that much for breakfast, she could tell him and the witch honestly. No one would blame her for this, and unlike the manor and the convent, no one would force her to eat all the food. He also promised to let her aunt come to visit her at the manor, even though Milia had no idea who her aunt was, let alone Anna's blood relationship with her. Where are you taking the girl? Joan opened the window and shouted towards the figure walking in the garden covered with thin snow. She twisted a bottle of tequila, and the thin snow in the moonlight was the same color as her hair.

This is a girls' party, do you remember? She shook the bottle. Bayonetta and Wanda had already begun to enjoy the spirits, and Salomon also saw Wanda pulling a ribbon and saluting. Milia also wants to participate! Joan said, She counts too!

Don't let her drink! She must go to bed early and get up early! After Salomon finished speaking, he looked at Milia again. This silly girl was still a little overwhelmed because her behavior was discovered. I believe they will catch you. Do you believe it?

Compared to the warm scene where heating is available everywhere in the manor, the situation faced by Lara Croft is much more severe. The difficulties she faces are not just the cold air created to preserve books. Layers upon layers of wooden bookshelves were built against the wall, and layers upon layers of books were packed side by side on the bookshelves. There was a thin layer of dust everywhere. No matter where she went, the sights she saw were exactly the same. Ever since she followed the woman who behaved a little abnormally and turned a few corners in the library and walked into a path filled with books, Lara Croft frequently looked back to try to remember the way she came. .

There is no doubt that she failed. She couldn't even throw crumbs on the floor or hold a ball of yarn because she didn't have those things ready. Who are you? She couldn't help but ask, rubbing her cold hands, Are you a ghost? Where are you taking me?

Me? The woman tilted her head, I'm not a ghost.

Then why are you here?

Because I saw you here. The woman said what she thought was a logical statement, so I came.

Lara Croft nodded in confusion, So you are a guide?

No, no, no, I'm a tourist.

Lara Croft shut her mouth.

Not only because she couldn't get any useful information out of this woman's mouth, but also because every time she opened her mouth, she felt the loss of body temperature. Fortunately, after experiencing the cold temperature in the library for the first time, she immediately put on the cold-proof clothing from her past expeditions in Siberia - she handed over her handwritten letter to the Praetorian Guards, asking the Praetorian Guards to forward it to Butler Winston. She had no idea what kind of psychological pressure a giant aircraft would forcefully land at Abingdon Manor in Surrey would bring to the poor old guy, but luckily Winston had prepared all the things she needed for the adventure. Tools - After putting on Siberian-standard expedition equipment, Lara Croft felt that she had the ability to explore the library. However, it turned out that she was wrong, and she even got lost in the library. This library was not as small as it seemed, and its internal space far exceeded its footprint in the physical universe.

If you don't mind, the woman in the thin dark blue dress suddenly stopped and stretched out her hand to greet Lara Croft. She pointed to the position next to her, Please stand here.

Why? Although she still had doubts, Lara Croft still did what she said. As soon as she reached that position, a terrifying whistling sound rushed past her, and the cold, which was more terrifying than the low temperature in the library, stung her nerves. She turned around in such horror that she subconsciously drew her pistol and turned off the safety. But except for the candlestick erected overhead, the library passage was still shrouded in deep darkness, and she could see nothing. What is that? She quickly turned around and asked. Unexpectedly, the woman moved her steps again and continued walking towards the depths of the library. Aren't you going to explain?

These books are powerful, and many things want to possess them. The woman's tone remained cheerful throughout. Some... demons are about the size of dust and almost invisible. She stretched out her finger and gestured. They want to come to this world and devour the knowledge and magic in the books to make themselves stronger.

Lara Croft felt a chill run down her spine.

So those were all...

No, those are just enslaved ghosts. They are responsible for cleaning the library. But they are very angry because they think their work is enough to redeem their sins in life, so they never work hard. The woman shook her head and said, Every once in a while, someone will replace a batch of ghosts. I heard that someone plans to use the bodies of sinners and machines to clean the library, because that will make the place cleaner.

Lara Croft sighed, thinking she couldn't ask anything. This woman reminded her of the children's books she had read in the past - British children's books specifically refer to the Harry Potter series - and she thought this woman was very similar to her past favorite named Luna Lovegood. (Luna Lovegood) character. Although she used to like that kind of independent character, this kind of orange really appeared in reality and appeared in important places. Lara Croft thought that she would not like it anyway. She was so angry that she forgot that what she had just passed was not the cleaning staff but a group of scary ghosts. So when the woman asked her if she liked Doctor Who, Lara Croft didn't answer, but asked another question.

I'm looking for a book, she said, about illegal religious weapons among the people at the end of the Byzantine Dynasty. However, the woman's eyes seemed to be asking what is that thing and can that thing be eaten? She just He turned around and took a look, then continued his journey. where are you going?

Looking for the TV?


Television, that's something that was invented recently. The woman seemed worried that Laura wouldn't understand her thoughts, so she made gestures with her hands as she walked. She tried it several times, and finally used six fingers to draw a box and two lines extending from the box. I can watch Doctor Who on it. I used it to watch TV shows hundreds of years ago, but the signal wasn't very good back then because they were just a pile of sand and not very complete.

Lara Croft decided to filter out all the nonsense. You live here?

There is a door leading to my room here, and I only discovered this recently. Once I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and fell when I opened the cupboard, and then I came here. The woman calmly said Said, So I am still looking for that door and find the way to go. Even if he is facing the soldiers contaminated by the sacred source in Kit City, or facing the Quetzalcoatl that blocks the sky and the sun, Lao La Croft had never felt such despair.

But she is an optimistic person.

Okay, now it seems I'm not the only one trapped here. She shrugged and swept the flashlight beam towards the bookshelf next to her. Fortunately, she can understand many of the words printed on the spines of the books. Unfortunately, the books here are not arranged according to language but according to content. Even a knowledgeable archaeologist cannot fully understand the words. . I don't mind reading here. She stopped and asked the woman, Do you want to keep walking?

I have a ball of wool. The crazy woman took out a red ball of wool from her pocket. The street vendors in Crete were selling this thing at that time, because Theseus was very famous and gave it to their king, who made a big fuss. trouble.

If you don't mind...I have some food here. Lara Croft took a deep breath. She felt that she couldn't be so irresponsible and let an intellectually disabled woman run around here. This was a responsibility that a kind person would never refuse. I brought a lot of high-calorie food, enough for the two of us to survive until someone comes to find us. I think they will find that we are least I hope so.

I want chocolate.

I have chocolate. Lara Croft forced a smile. She really couldn't be angry with this woman, her morality and rationality didn't allow her to do so. I also have a sleeping bag and an alcohol stove to provide warmth. But I suggest we avoid setting the bookshelf on fire, what do you think?

You're my best friend now, Lara Croft, the woman said. I'd love to try some camp baking.

How do you know my name?

Because you are here.

You're right. Lara Croft shrugged. She felt that she no longer wanted to ask this woman any questions. While she was lighting the alcohol stove, she carefully looked at the woman's appearance. Since she never took off the funny eyepatch, Laura could only tell her age from her skin - but Laura didn't see a single wrinkle. Not only is the skin clean and tidy, but even the fingernails are neatly trimmed. It doesn't look like there is any malnutrition or lack of care. Want to try a sleeping bag?

Don't move, ugly child! If you move again, I will throw you out of the window! Joan of Arc shouted out the window while twisting the twisting Milia with one hand. She swirled the half-full tequila bottle again. Where are you going? Do you think there is no entertainment program after the girls' cocktail party? Or are you a stingy guy angry because this is a girls' cocktail party? When Salomon threw Milia to her from the garden just now, Joan of Arc had sensed something was wrong, and now seeing Salomon wearing the hanging ring confirmed her suspicions.

Or do you want me to ask you to come to the reception? Don't even think about it!

I'm going to Karma Taj. Hammurabi, come to me at the manor. You don't need to prepare a flying vehicle, but I need you to bring a melta weapon. Salomon patted the snow on his shoulder and stretched out his hand. He raised two fingers in the air. The curtain between the material universe and illusion slid open at his fingertips like water, and supernatural power quietly gathered. There are some things that I need to deal with. As long as you can finish today's wine, I will definitely be back before you overturn the manor. Salomon changed his seriousness during the previous call and smiled all over his face. He also stretched out his hand to greet Milia, who was being pinched by Joan of Arc, How about preparing me a glass of Napoleon brandy?

Lara Croft feels like a pirate who has fallen into a treasure pile.

Due to her years of archaeological work, she needs a translation software that can be used in a disconnected environment. When she made this request, the technological sages from Mars immediately took away her phone. When the phone was returned, she found that the casing of her phone had been replaced with impact-resistant materials. Except for the screen and built-in system, most of the hardware of the phone had been replaced, and the translation software she wanted Right on the phone. Using her camera to translate, word for word, a book she picked up at random, Lara Croft discovered that she had never understood the world - that the book was actually any archive documenting the history of Kama in the first half of the 10th century. A dark wizard pursued by Taj - the book records in detail the traces left at the crime scene, from the body posture, autopsy report, cult rituals to surrounding visit records. The mystic of Kama Taj who was in charge of the case at the time will All the clues he found were recorded, just in case, so that his successors would not be able to start after he encountered an accident. Compared with the current tactics of using saturation fire strikes and scalpel-style surgical strikes, in the past, Kamal Taj had to risk death every time he carried out investigation and arrest missions. No one knows how much this investigation will cost. human life.

Lara Croft glanced at the portrait of the dark wizard hand-drawn with a quill pen in the book, but didn't take it to heart.

Do you think anyone will find us here?

I don't know, the woman replied cheerfully. Lying in her orange sleeping bag, she squirmed around like a caterpillar. I just know I can watch TV in the room.

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