Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1446 Gentle Lie (Second Update)

Not now, Miss Crawford.

You're calling me Miss Crawford now? Wow, you're colder than I thought. Don't worry, I'm not going to dig into your secrets. I just want to ask if there is anything in your library that I can't borrow. Books, Lara Croft said with a smile. The champagne party after dinner was very relaxing. The female archaeologist didn't want to be completely immersed in this atmosphere. She knew that she didn't have a superhuman body, and over-enjoyment would only make her skills and body too bloated. After dinner, she reluctantly rushed past the blocking sister maid and walked side by side with Salomon in the corridor. I don't want the knowledge I learn to be just lies.

You want to know how many immortals are influencing history?

That's right. Jacob obtained the divine source and lived for more than a thousand years. He founded a brand new sect, established a lost city, and even influenced the Mongolian army's attack on the Principality of Rus to some extent. Lara Croft took a few quick steps to keep up with the tall and muscular figure in front of her. The marble statue of Aristotle stands next to the corridor, and there are many wise men with him who have their backs to the dark night sky of Oxfordshire. All the wise men are looking at the archaeologists and the emperor with their pale and godless eyes. If a person has lived from the Sesclo period to the present, then she has enough time to do something that affects the entire world. The job of an archaeologist is to understand the truth, let future generations know the past and present, and learn lessons. I don't Expect to be deceived, and no archaeologist wants to be deceived.”

She was very excited. Richard Crawford, her father has been pursuing the secret of the Eternal Ones, and the Divine Source is the closest she's ever come to the answer. In Paititi, she witnessed the extreme danger of supernatural power. The entire planet was just an inconspicuous dust under the feet of monsters fed by supernatural energy. Kama Taj used her flesh and blood to block the wall of those monsters.

There is such a group of people living among humans and guiding human development. How could I ignore this fact!

What stands on the other side of the corridor is not a wise man, but a warrior. Compared to the wise men who left words and wisdom in history, those warriors seemed extremely unfamiliar, but she still recognized a few of them. Unparalleled carving skills depict a flag fluttering in the breeze, exquisite plate armor, a long sword and soft female facial features. This is Joan of Arc. The ancient armor, the one-handed sword and spear inserted into the corpse, the long bow in hand, the horse's hoofs crushing marble and steel, this is Huo Qubing...

Lara Croft could appreciate the martial spirit of this manor. More than once, she saw the maids wearing power armor and training with firearms and cold weapons—she believed that the definition of cold weapons was not accurate. She had seen the roar of chain saw weapons, the sharp serrated blades rotating at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye, leaving a red-hot dim light in the dark night - all the emperor's warriors must face inhuman enemies. , she had seen it in Paititi in the South American rainforest. Only the high-temperature chain saw of the chain saw weapon that could cut through the armor could cut the supernatural scales, flesh and bones.

The emperor and the witch had warned her that it was the source of destruction for the universe, and they would use human flesh and blood to stop this corruption. Ghosts, witchcraft, or something else, Lara Croft still feels uncomfortable recalling the close encounters in Kamal Taj's library. It feels like inflammation of the respiratory and digestive systems, with lesions tangled up in the body. It's a nauseating feeling.

You will not be deceived, Laura. His tone was a little serious, But I want to make it clear to you that it is not the immortal who guides history, but history that guides the eternal. You have mistaken the causal relationship, and your thoughts are still stuck in We hope that prophets will guide mankind’s religious thinking. God was created by man, and history is also created by man, and has little to do with the so-called eternal being.”

Could it be that you plan to show me the history of those immortals?

No. Salomon shook his head. Dinner time allowed him to relax quite a bit, but good times are always short-lived. The guards Hammurabi and Amon, who had been waiting for a long time, joined the team quietly as the team passed by. Their tall, wide body and heavy armor did not hinder them. soft, silent movements. The emperor took a document very naturally, and then pressed his ring on the signature. Laura briefly caught a glimpse of the contents of the document, which seemed to be about the placement plan of the mid-section anti-missile equipment.

“You won’t be able to see that part of history for a while.”

That's called deception, or concealment.

Unless you can sign a contract to seal part of your knowledge, just like those high-level books in the Kama Taj Library. I allow you to enter because a lot of knowledge in the library cannot be opened without high-level authorization. The Emperor. Hand the signed document to the Praetorian Guards. He wasn't offended by Lara Croft's tone and continued to explain in a gentle tone. “Knowledge is a weapon and must be in the hands of the right people. Imagine if the German Third Reich during World War II had acquired the knowledge to build a nuclear bomb through someone other than Oppenheimer. What would our world be like today? ” he said, “Or Quetzalcoatl. Can you imagine the Earth’s magnetic poles being reversed?”

You view the history of the Eternals as a nuclear bomb.

The history of the Eternals contains the secret of the origin of life. About how amino acids in seawater spontaneously undergo entropy reduction activities to form the most primitive genes, and about the evolutionary process of the loss of intelligent races. I believe in free will, and I also hope that others will believe in free will. , this is the courage that is indispensable for the future of the human race.

The Emperor looked down at Lara Croft.

Yes, this is a lie. Some histories must be forgotten, and existence must be denied. When the vast majority of human beings truly step out of the atmosphere and realize the vastness and grandeur of the universe, it will be difficult not to lose their enterprising spirit. I hope humans believe own ability and courage, rather than praying for aliens or gods to come from somewhere. I know this is difficult, because the public is not all rational, but needs correct guidance and education. I believe in human Potential can conquer the void that even death will disappear. One day we can do it, but before that we need to establish the correct concept and gain courage from human beings themselves.

A useful lie, said Lara Croft. Now that the Holy Trinity has been destroyed, do you know what my article is about?

I'm sorry for your unpublishable works, Laura. I have read those articles, and I must admit that every article you wrote is valuable. The emperor's tone was surprisingly gentle, and there was no talk of eternity at the dinner table. Perhaps part of the reason for the disgust and murderous spirit he showed when he visited the tribe was that his subordinates blocked the publication of Lara Croft's research article on the worship of Quetzalcoatl in South America. He did not explain how he would fill the political and capital void after the death of Holy Trinity, but Lara Croft could think of those means. He is quite tolerant of anyone who can bring a positive impact to the human race, even Tony Stark.

I believe that one day mankind will be able to muster up the courage and ability to face this terrible universe. At that time, every word you write will be an important document for mankind to understand its own origins and maintain the understanding of mankind in all outer space colonies. Identity of the Human Race.”

I have one last question, Lara Croft said. How long have you lived?

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