Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1457 The Spy’s Mercy (First Update)

Scientific researchers from other countries are restricted in their scope of activities. The ports, scientific research areas and residential areas that land on the space station are completely isolated from the military power of the space station. They can only see small landing craft departing from the space station and traveling between the earth and Mars. Increasingly dense, heavy landing craft used to carry large equipment often docked at the port on the other side for a long time, but no one mentioned what cargo those heavy landing craft carried - whenever they wanted to figure out something, from Countess Katarina Karkov of Sikalia will hold dinners and academic salons at the right time to make their life on the space station less boring - everyone knows Count Katarina Karkov The lady is a charming character, with an elegant and slender neck and cold and arrogant green eyes, but she is not annoying, and her arrogant posture attracts many people. Even scientific researchers who are really devoted to academics will be fooled by Countess Katarina Karkov's rich knowledge reserves, gorgeous rhetoric and hard-to-get tactics.

In the social scene far away from the earth, Countess Katarina Karkov became the undisputed central figure in the academic salon. She could hear the new ideas, new discoveries and new problems of these researchers, and at the same time noticed some Not so pleasant guy. I am not your subordinate, Agent Romanov. Countess Katarina Karkov gritted her teeth and emphasized the word agent. She viciously tore off a page from her notebook and slapped Agent Romanov's hand, They are all weirdos. If you can, just put them on the interview list.

I am not your boss, Countess. You can give up this task if you don't want to. Natasha Romanov said lightly. She briefly glanced at the list provided by Countess Katarina Karkov and what those people on the list had said, then handed the piece of paper back, No one forced you to work, right?

Countess Katarina Karkov looked very ugly. You know how intelligence work works, so you'd better give me some information. I saw the heavy landing craft sitting in the harbor for a long time, and everyone wanted to know if this meant the Emperor's next move.

Moon, that's all I know, ma'am.

Natasha Romanoff turned to look at the furnishings in the room. As one of the few people who also had a luxurious private room on the space station, she did not appreciate the decoration style and furnishings of Countess Katarina Karkov, but the latter seemed very keen to let others visit her room, and used it at all. Uselessly wasting load, wasting electricity, wasting water, and wasting food to demonstrate one's status. Nobles always have a way of making themselves stand out, so the academic salons of Countess Katarina Karkov are often held here.

Moon? Does he plan to colonize the moon? Countess Katarina Karkov pretended to look left and right. After arriving at the space station, she basically gave up casual clothes. The custom-made dresses were transported from the earth and neatly placed in her dressing room. As long as she is in public, she always wears a close-fitting evening dress and shows off. I heard this from those weirdos who claimed that they are now fully capable of colonizing the moon and establishing colonial bases and mining bases there.

Maybe. Natasha Romanoff carelessly fiddled with the Newton's pendulum on the desk that she had never used before. In the next period of time, the flow of personnel on the space station will be very frequent, even more frequent than in the past. Every resource mobilization means something big will happen, and this resource mobilization far exceeds the recent earthquake in the Peruvian rainforest.

I smell a conspiracy, said Countess Katarina Karkov. You want to have additional information.

There are conspiracies here at every turn, Countess. Your master is mysterious, and my intelligence is limited.

I'm curious who your master is, Spy.

I am free and this job is my responsibility.

We all have masters, no one is free.

Natasha Romanoff tilted her head curiously, her red hair tightly tied into a bun. She has become accustomed to the attire of a professional woman. Sometimes when she is woken up by the early morning images of wineries in the French countryside played by the holographic projection, for a moment she will think that she is an ordinary office worker.

I have read your information. He took away your power, your wealth, your freedom and even your dignity. Now you have to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy from his throne. You should hate him to the bone. Yes. Or do you suffer from Stockholm Syndrome? I have seen Nicole Kidman's appearance in the opening of Eyes Wide Shut, and you are no different from that look now. That's why you wear a close-fitting evening dress every day, but underneath Wear nothing?”

Countess Katarina Karkov glanced at her with a wicked smile on her lips.

Why are you here, spy? You don't need to tell me the details. I can guess that the top-floor guest room with the observatory belongs to you. I can guess His trust in you, and I can also guess what you paid for it. This trust was given to men in ancient times. Men in ancient times had two swords, one for killing enemies and the other for conquering women. If women wanted to gain power, they could only rely on the latter sword of men, but those men But they didn't realize that the sword lost its deterrent effect when it was sheathed. It is women who conquer men, not men who conquer women. The Countess vowed to reveal her philosophy, But you failed, Natasha Romano Husband, you have paid so much but still know so little, and instead allowed that Asgardian to take power. Is it because you haven’t performed tasks for so long that you have forgotten your old tricks, or are you too hypocritical and reserved to offend him? happy?

Are you going to laugh when your skull smashes on the table?

Countess Katarina Karkov chuckled.

God, you should know that I am the most powerful female swordsman in Europe, right? She stood up gracefully and looked at Natasha Romanov. She pointed to a shield hanging on the wall. The coat of arms of the Karkov family was painted on the shield, but the two crossed swords on the shield were real. I never work with idiots who can't see themselves clearly, Natasha Romanoff, that Asgardian woman is much smarter than you. She made a wish while our master was still human, and now she wishes It's coming true, and you never knew what you wanted. Maybe I have the ability to teach some disloyal little pet a lesson and then take that opportunity into my own hands? How about you pick the weapon first?

I've made a wish. Natasha Romanoff was not so easy to take the bait. In fact, she felt a little pity for Countess Katarina Karkov. She had worked hard to accumulate her own influence since she was young, moving around and making connections among various forces, and finally touched the throne of Sikaria. When someone is overthrown by a more powerful opponent with unstoppable violence, anyone may fall into extremes. I'm going to work, ma'am. If you can, please stay dressed in your room, even if no one is visiting.

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