Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1465 Concerns about the future (first update)

In this negotiation, T'Challa seemed to completely let his mother participate, and Queen Mother Ramonda also readily accepted her power, maintaining the unity and harmony of the Black Panther royal family in the eyes of outsiders. But neither T'Challa nor Queen Mother Ramonda knew that the emperor had made two preparations. This informal meeting without any news reports fed back a very important message, that is, Wakanda's internal support for opening its borders. There are different opinions, and the policies to face the chaos on the African continent after opening the borders are also completely different. Since opening the borders is inevitable, how to obtain the greatest benefits for Wakanda will be an issue that the Black Panther royal family needs to consider.

If the former King T'Chaka was still alive, Wakanda would only send medical assistance and work with the United Nations Health Organization to solve the plague problem on the African continent or in countries surrounding Wakanda. If there is a terrorist attack or a warlord coup, all Wakanda can do is to pick up Wakanda citizens and wait for the situation to stabilize before providing assistance; but now the view of Queen Mother Ramonda and the Wakanda nobles is to intervene directly. Use the most direct means to stabilize countries surrounding Wakanda, completely eliminate poverty, war, plague, drugs and violent crimes, and stabilize Wakanda's investment environment.

T'Challa is undoubtedly opposed to this approach. As the person who can best inherit his father T'Chaka's legacy, he has no means to restrain his mother and the nobility of Wakanda. What's more, he himself is not particularly determined, especially when he sees the poor people in Kenya who have no hope for future life and can only indulge in cough syrup and aviation kerosene. He himself is not sure what Wakanda's interference will do to them. Let’s talk about whether it is beneficial or not – anyway, the situation will not be worse than the lives of the poor people now. Wakanda’s intervention at least allows them to have a place where they can look forward to the future instead of worrying all day long that the charity school their children attend will be destroyed. Warlords attack, and they themselves will not be squeezed by multinational corporations until every drop of blood is left, or they can only collect dangerous and toxic waste in exchange for a little food.

This puts T'Challa into a philosophical dilemma, because what worries him most is not his mother who clings to power, but the future of Wakanda. He is not sure whether Wakanda in the future will launch colonial exploitation in the name of spreading civilization like the white colonists in the past. Whether the rational and scientific future he longs for will go the way he and his father did due to the selfish desires of some people. Abandoning the road, what can he do to ensure that his father's ideals are not tarnished and distorted? The heart-shaped grass has given him a healthy body far beyond ordinary people, but he is not sure whether he can always control Wakanda. In the future, he is very afraid that Wakanda in his hands will go in a direction that he and all the Black Panthers do not want to see, abandoning all the good things worthy of life, and transforming into an uncontrollable hungry wolf.

We need to talk, he told Steve Rogers. I think there are some questions that only you can answer.

You should know that my diploma is only from elementary school, right? Steve Rogers smiled mockingly while holding a beer. He is not very adaptable to this kind of situation, but when the country that provides him with political asylum comes here and his old friends come here, he still has to come here for the social activities he hates most. However, the situation here made him relieved. He did not encounter the embarrassing situation he expected. On the contrary, Wakanda's craft beer was very popular. Wakanda's technology is a thousand years ahead of the outside world, and I don't think there's any question that the scientists at Fort Harn can't answer. Steve Rogers said, All I can do here is tell stories... you know What was I doing during this time?

T'Challa couldn't help but smile.

Steve Rogers was invited by the education department to tell children about the world war happening outside in the Golden City and other big cities in Wakanda. Especially after the civil war, although many cities were not affected by the civil war, strengthening anti-war education became a daily routine. This was a plan personally approved by T'Challa, and Steve Rogers became the best lecturer— —No one understands the cruelty of war better than him. He can use his personal experience to instill a concept in the children of Wakanda, that is, war is a painful experience full of pain, injuries and filth, if it is not for defending the homeland. , bring peace, then war is not justified - of course, children will definitely not understand this, and Steve Rogers can only try his best to give more lectures instead of recording sports for students like he did in the United States. Course video.

A hundred lectures, you did a good job. T'Challa patted Steve Rogers on the shoulder. But soon worry occupied his eyes again, I don't think I am any smarter than those students. My only advantage is that I have been out of this country and I have seen the true appearance of the world. Have you been to Kenya? Really, Captain?

You mean the hunt for Hydra...

No... that was just an accident. My father admired the idea of ​​the Avengers very much, and opposed the Avengers just because someone used this organization wrongly. T'Challa waved his hand and skipped that terrible topic. What I want to ask is, have you ever seen the lives of poor people in Kenya? I don't mean the people who work in the shipbreaking yards, Steve, I mean the people who live in the garbage dump. Do you think Wakanda can Save them?

You've sent out medical support teams and set up schools, haven't you?

I mean complete rescue, Steve. Schools and hospitals can indeed change their lives in a short time, but as long as the situation remains unchanged, poor people will continue to appear one after another. Schools and hospitals alone cannot save everyone. What really helps is changing their environment.

Steve Rogers smelled something dangerous in this topic.

You're worried about Wakanda, not Kenya.

Yes, my friend. T'Challa sighed, Many Wakandans believe that they can bring civilization to Kenya, and this is indeed the case. Wakanda can eliminate corruption, build public facilities, and establish stability. political system and economic system...but will we degenerate into arrogant bastards who call themselves saviors, take credit for everything, and then wantonly exploit the people we are supposed to save? Bastards get it Like those white colonists?”

I don't know, T'Challa. Steve Rogers looked around, pulled up two chairs and invited T'Challa to sit across from him. He also invited his good friends Sam Wilson and James Buchanan to sit next to him, and arranged the armchairs in a circle, like a psychological mutual aid meeting. Let's hear what others have to say. Sam, you heard T'Challa's thoughts, what do you suggest?

How much worse can the lives of those Kenyans get? Sam Wilson was the most direct, I have carried out missions in Kenya and arrested arms dealers, diamond smugglers, drug dealers, corrupt officials and bloodthirsty rural warlords. I don’t see those people in Wakanda, and if Wakanda can get rid of those people, then Kenyans’ lives will definitely get better.”

I reserve my opinion. James Buchanan used his only arm to grab the beer bottle from Sam Wilson's hand. T'Challa's concerns are not that simple. Don't you understand, Sam, he is concerned about the future of this behavior.

In fact, there are still concerns about the present, T'Challa said. If we start a war, people will die. It is impossible for Wakanda to control all the armed forces in a short period of time. Those rural warlords will inevitably appear again. No matter what I hold, No matter what kind of thoughts you have, innocent people will die tragically.”

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