Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1470 The footsteps of war (first update)

Where there are shadows there are them, those golden angels.

The mechanical homing pigeon was captured just after leaving the island, because those superhumans have the ability to track specific mental signals. But as Hecate said, the carrier pigeon will deliver the parchment to the person it should be delivered to, so she is not worried that the discussions and letters on the parchment will be lost. The pace of war is approaching Greece, and those Thracians are about to set foot on this land to continue the glory of thousands of years ago. This is the ambition and war of the emperor, and it is the path to utopia that is relatively simplified in Unified Truth. Hecate was not surprised by this result - the most basic principle in the international political order is to form different classes based on land resources, industrialization, economic conditions, military strength, etc., and then dialogue, negotiation, trade and War - In order to resolve the chain of suspicion in international political realism and to fight against successive alien wars in the future, a unified and cooperative human race state will inevitably rise. This is a historical necessity. Just as He has done in the future/past, He once again stands at the cusp of the times to lead mankind to the right path.

My lord, Hecate, the target of surveillance, has written a treatise.

Not now, Hammurabi.

While driving to the Petrus Manor restaurant near Buckingham Palace, Hammurabi delivered a timely message. Everyone in the world knows where the emperor's next move will be. The spy network in Greece has already spread, and important intelligence is being continuously sent to the Strategic Staff. Including but not limited to military training status, naval base and air force base trends, F16C, F16D and Mirage 2000 maintenance status, Type 214 and Type 209 submarine locations, 4 German MEKO frigates and 9 Dutch Cotton Air frigates , the combat readiness of four U.S. Adams-class guided missile destroyers. The emperor did not want to leave a wound that could be continuously bled by NATO. At the same time, he also wanted to convert Greece's annual military expenditure of three billion US dollars into actual combat effectiveness. Therefore, he would inevitably use the methods used during the Yugoslav Federation's war of unification to occupy and transform it as quickly as possible. Greece's territory and military strength.

Send an official letter of thanks to Hecate and tell her that I will visit in person. In contrast, I would like to know other information.

Greece's military power ranks first in the Balkans, even surpassing Türkiye. Although today's Yugoslav Federation can rival the world's top countries in terms of high-end power, the number of self-propelled artillery, armored vehicles and other armaments for mortal use is limited due to factors such as the Yugoslav Federation's poor heavy industrialization level and relative weakness, whether it is naval ships or army artillery. The amount of other equipment barely exceeds that of Greece and Turkey combined - Unless the Mechanical Order of Mars completes the transformation and upgrading of the Yugoslav Federation's heavy industry production lines and modernizes those old equipment, the Yugoslav Federation's war potential will be delayed. Play - If the emperor wants to capture Constantinople and restore the territory of the Byzantine Empire, then arming the poorly equipped mortal army of the Yugoslav Federation as soon as possible is the highest priority, and the emperor is doing this.

What's the Greek ambassador's statement?

As long as you mention disbanding political parties and bringing Greece into rule, no one will agree. There are no progressive parties in Greece, and all left-wing alliances have fallen into the trap of vulgarization and isolation. The efforts of the Ministry of Justice will eventually fail. If it is not used If we intervene with force, Greece is likely to fall back into the shackles of local protectionism we once faced in Romania, Hammurabi said. Ideology is the fundamental problem, and a consultation system without guiding ideology can only create a puddle of mud. “The best solution is still the same as before, first control the communications, navy and air force, then attack the government center, and finally send the knights to carry out security warfare to remove obstacles so that the local government we formed can go deep into the grassroots and completely control the entire Greece. It’s just that this plan requires the Praetorian Order to sit with you at the Supreme Allied Headquarters in Europe. It also requires a regent to prevent nuclear weapons from attacking, and at the same time eliminate the possibility of the establishment of exile governments in the United States and Britain.”

What are the consequences?

The trade ban is the same as before. The regent has evaluated this and believes that even a more severe trade ban is within the acceptable range. Hammurabi said. Time is so tight that the price paid for this war will be higher than imagined. If time permits, using Unified Truth and large sums of money can completely support a political faction that affects Greece. When the war occurs, Weaken resistance. But He rejected this approach, because under the multiple influences of entertainment to death and happy education, the vast majority of ordinary people in Europe and America are unable to come into contact with the truth, or fall into extreme, vulgar and isolated thinking conflicts, and are unable to understand the deep level The causes of conflicts naturally cannot solve the fundamental problems. In addition, available asset Natasha Romanov applied for temporary leave from her post. The intelligence service believes that she seems to have some personal grudges that need to be resolved.

Permission granted, to perform routine surveillance procedures. Although I need not say that you have already done so. He turned off the data pad and handed it to Dinah, who was also sitting in the back seat of the car, who silently put the data pad in handbag while checking the laser pistol in the holster under the woman's suit. I hope the restaurant is ready.

Security regulations have been implemented and all ingredients have been inspected. Dinah was obviously unhappy. She wouldn't mind shooting in that Gordon Ramsay three-Michelin-starred restaurant if she could. I don't think the French food cooked in this restaurant is as delicious as mine. And we eat French food in the UK. Although the chef is British, I don't trust British taste buds.

This is just a trap set by consumerism, but I don't mind stepping on it. At least it will satisfy the witches. He stopped Dinah from helping to open the car door. Except for the Imperial Guards and you, I don't trust anyone else. Leave your safety to others.”

The corners of Dinah's mouth curled up, and anyone who knew her well could see that her mood had improved. No matter what kind of power she possesses, in His eyes, Dinah will always be the silly, simple maid and LoveDoll prototype. She has the same purest loyalty as the Praetorian Guards. She cannot disobey any of His orders and Make service your only ideal. Now it seems that I am more useful than the Guards. Dinah said proudly, I will monitor all the chefs and service staff in the back kitchen. If you are not satisfied with the service in this restaurant, then I will be on call at any time. Wang Dar Maximoff and Lara Croft are three minutes away and Bayonetta and Jeanne are five minutes away, so you have time to prepare.”

for example?

For example, drink two glasses of whiskey before those women arrive. Soon you will be in trouble again. Not to mention Athena will be here too. I'm not sure if she is still aggressive. She refused the security regulations. As a result, we were unable to collect enough data for analysis. Dinah said, In addition, I also made an appointment for an informal meeting with Mycroft Holmes as you requested. He is very eager for this conversation. My Meaning, very much.”

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