Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1490 Moon War (2)

Crazy! Really crazy!

Gideon Malik's hands and feet were cold and he was shaking uncontrollably. This is not entirely out of fear, but also some inexplicable excitement. He knew that the emperor had an ambition that was beyond the reach of ordinary people, but he did not expect that this ambition would be so big. He was driving the army like a great king from ancient times, and even went to the front lines to fight in person just to expand his territory. Today's international society is no longer the era in which expansion can be achieved through war. The implicit expansion of the international trade system and capitalism is more worthy of favor. International law and other humanitarian laws also list military expansion as the most despised means. , so the expansion of military power is the most costly one, and even involves various governance costs.

This is the simplest account that even an idiot can calculate. There is no need to conduct military operations, but only to occupy the market and establish good political and business relations. Then there is no difference between the company and the government. It does not even need to bear the cost of governance, let alone worry about what the people think. The people are just votes, the welfare system and employment rate are the foundation of votes, and the media is the mouthpiece to influence votes. There is no need to invest more costs.

Will He choose to attack Istanbul on May 29?

Very funny joke, Dad.

This is no joke, Stephanie. I originally thought that Hydra could use his power to expand covertly and occupy the market, but now it seems that he is a complete war maniac. A warlord. Gideon Malik shouted He took a sip of cold wine and tried to calm down his emotions. Even though he knew that this ideal was unrealistic and the road ahead would be difficult, he still couldn't help but express his admiration in his heart. As an ordinary person, it is difficult for him not to admire such a person with a strong will, even if he is a tyrant. People are addicted to this kind of person and can't help but praise him, provided they don't live under the rule of this tyrant. Rome, the Byzantine Empire. Damn, that's crazy.


Sorry. Gideon Malik shrugged and tossed a bill into a glass jar on the living room table. There are now more than half of the banknotes in this jar, most of which were put in by him, and 80% were put in after the conservative Hydra decided to fully surrender to the emperor. One hundred dollars buys you two chances to talk dirty.

You know, He could walk through this door at any time even if He's on his way to the moon right now. Stephanie Malick wasn't surprised by the news, not at all. In her mind, it was very normal for the emperor to have such ambitions. She also knew that the reason why Diana Lister was able to send the news to her was entirely because of the tacit approval of the regent Victor von Doom and the emperor himself. Even so, there is much that Diana Lister did not say, that they, the young wing of the conservative hydra, had different ideas than the old guys, and these ideas were not suitable for the Puritans, the Puritans, who were deeply involved in the Anglo-Saxon oil companies. Jewish interests are aware.

It is not uncommon for Hydra to betray each other. Under her leadership, the Emperor's Secret Dagger assassinated at least sixty people before the conservative Hydra reluctantly unified its thinking. Moreover, many of the surviving old guys still treated her means to express appreciation. There is no shame in conspiracy. What is really shameful is that evidence is found and cannot be erased after the evidence is found. That is the real shame.

I never knew what happened to the moon. Gideon Malik said with a gloomy face. I have fed Him so much information from the Foreign Affairs Association and the CIA, yet I am not qualified to know that such a big thing has happened?

You know, Dad, He has a serious tendency to keep secrets. Stephanie Malik remained calm. I think I should go to work in the White House today, right? The new president is about to take office, and I have to Have the chief of staff advise the new president to withdraw military power from the Middle East, at least most of it. I need your help with this, Dad.

Gideon Malik stared at the golden wine in the glass, silent. The light shattered into pieces of shining light in the cup. Stephanie Malik remained silent, knowing her father was making the decision. True to his name, the Emperor was programmed to do just as his biblical namesake did, eavesdropping on enemy intelligence and feeding back. She also knew that no matter how coquettish she acted, her father's decision would not change unless he could see the benefits.

Are you sure this is good for us?

I've never made a bad decision, Dad. Stephanie Malik tilted her head, her dark brown short hair swaying, I believe this will help us take away oil from the Rockefeller family. They are very important to Germans. My compatriots are so stingy, aren’t they?”

I will find other people to talk to. Gideon Malik still lowered his head. This matter is not easy. Some people have been fed by money to become pigs instead of wild horses on the plains. Pigs are easy to control. Wild horses refuse to be tamed.”

Stephanie Malik smiled nonchalantly. I've killed wild horses, she said, and I can certainly kill pigs too.

The Prince, Chapter 9, Gideon Malick said. Machiavelli would not agree with your idea.

If He can reoccupy the territory of the Byzantine Empire while suppressing NATO, then the world will regard him as a holy king instead of a warlord. I believe that He has the ability to do it, and those weak politicians are not worthy of carrying His shoes. Stephanie Malik said with a smile, You have never seen the humility of a pope even when he says he wants to destroy all religions.

It's different, this is completely different. Even if He captures Constantinople, He will not expel the Turks, and You Will Return Like Lightning will not be played. Gideon Malik said with some despair Close your eyes. He carefully studied the emperor's book Unified Truth and read it word for word. He was very clear about the philosophical relationship between the ongoing reforms of the Yugoslav Federation and Unified Truth. The emperor's methods were sometimes more violent than Stalin's, but But it can stop at the right time. Chapter 9 of The Prince explains the underlying logic of this behavior. It is conceivable that people will respect Him more and more as time goes by, until everyone will risk their lives for Him and walk into the sea of ​​fire. This is Him, to be precise, He The charm of his thoughts - it is said that some people have spotted the emperor in the countryside, at construction sites, and in hospitals. Many people even claimed that they had chatted and had meals with the emperor. According to folklore, the emperor has supernatural power that can make it impossible for anyone to identify his identity. The emperor explained to ordinary people that this is a natural force, an extra-dimensional energy entered by the super-light navigation engine, which can be explained by science. Phenomenon.

But for ordinary people, there is no difference between advanced technology and magic.

He couldn't imagine anyone who could stop the emperor from establishing a country based on Unified Truth. At that time, the Hydra could only lower its head. Whether to cut off the Hydra depended entirely on the emperor's will and kindness. Capital Isism will only become clay in His hands, and businessmen will no longer be able to control the country except to dig out benefits for the entire country. Gideon Malik didn't think that was the end of Hydra, especially conservative Hydra. Know more about Him, Stephanie, you have to know more about Him. Gideon Malik reopened his eyes, and his serious attitude made Stephanie straighten her back, as if she had returned to her adolescence. He is scarier than you think, not in action, but in thought. We have no way out, Stephanie, not at all. He has forced us into the chariot.

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