Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1521 Moon War (33)

The dazzling burning flames illuminated the artificial night. The heavy weapons hand stared indifferently below, holding the heavy bolter machine gun and pulling the trigger downwards. He aimed accurately, and with the help of information from frontline spies, the pre-entered data helped the battlefield identification system accurately outline the location of the combat target - he knew the bolter cannon well and was familiar with the gun's rate of fire and Shooting accuracy, familiarity with trigger pressure and recoil. The observation and stabilization auxiliary equipment installed on the heavy bomb cannon was turned on at this moment, and the power armor also locked his movements to avoid shaking due to the recoil after firing - the bombs poured down like a torrential rain, and after a few seconds He released the trigger and hid in the shadows again, leaving only a frag grenade with the fuse open for the mutants gathered in the square at the base of the tower.

With a loud bang and an insignificant sigh, the prefabricated fragments and steel balls flying from the air blast grenade cut open the bodies of several mutants, and blood and violence bloomed in the square again. The originally stable order was once again on the verge of collapse, and all the unarmed mutants were trying to escape. No matter how Black Bolt's clan coalition persuaded or even violently blocked it, they could not stop the large group of Kimilian clan civilians from fleeing hurriedly, screaming and in pain. Scavenging birds usually spread their wings and pounce on people.

The Kimilian warriors kept waving and shouting, but were pushed away from their original positions by the crowd. It raised the long face that was a mixture of horses and anteaters unique to the Kimilian clan, and looked angrily at the rose window in the sky that was burned through by the high temperature, but no matter what, it could not find any trace of the gunman. When the panicked crowd dispersed, he finally squeezed out of the crowd and returned to where Black Bolt originally stood, but the sight in front of him almost collapsed. He saw the electromechanical experts of the Centaur clan and the gunmen of the Ghost clan surrounding Black Bolt, driving away any civilians of the Kimillian clan who tried to get close to Black Bolt.

He's fine, just a little dizzy. The Centaur clan electromechanical expert waved his hand, I haven't spoken for too long. The Ghost clan gunner held a bomb warhead and threw it to the Kimilian warrior. The warhead had obvious impact marks, but it did not detonate. The gunman said that the Attilan Inhumans have never produced this kind of ammunition. Now they are unable to figure out the technology of this warhead. Disassembling this kind of ammunition at will without knowing the fuze technology will cause danger, Black Bolt's voice It's a miracle it didn't explode.

Your Majesty! We must pursue the invaders immediately! The Kimilian clan warriors clutched the explosive warheads and shouted to Black Bolt. Black Bolt made a gesture, but the Kimillian warrior refused to carry out it. Even though Black Bolt touched his throat and stared at him, he did not intend to change his mind. I am a soldier, not a civilian. I will not stay here to maintain order. Others will do these things. I must kill the intruders. Black Bolt made another gesture, and others agreed. I will protect the safety of the evacuation routes, and I will open the armory and arm the civilians. The Kimilian clan warrior said reluctantly, I swear.

Black Bolt nodded, turned around and led the coalition into the spire, leaving the Kimilian clan behind for the time being. After entering the tower and walking forward for dozens of meters, the sight in front of them and the smell of blood almost made everyone in the clan alliance almost faint. The floor of the hall was covered with black and smelly blood, wet red, white and black blood. Internal organs and pale bone stubble like broken branches of a dead tree. It seemed that the civilians of the Kimilian clan who had entered the tower before were now scattered on the ground, in pieces here and there, and it was even difficult to piece them together. I'm so glad we didn't let him in. The electromechanical expert stared into the deep pit in the center of the hall with amphibian-like eyes, Those inside are still intact. If possible, we can study the cause of their death. But there are still some doubts... Is the guy on the high platform a wizard? Who killed the wizard?

Intruders. The Ghost Clan gunman said dullly, Only intruders.

We saw the work of the invaders, but the things in this pit are definitely not it. Look at that thing... The electromechanical expert pointed at the pit, raised the data board and said, Look at this pit, and zoom in on the image a little more. Do you see what is at the bottom of the pit? It is not soil or steel, nor is it the internal organs and blood squeezed out of the unlucky man below. It is some kind of muscle with a complete structure. Your Majesty, could you please say a word downwards? Maybe that will help our investigation.”

Nerd. The ghost clan gunman grinned disdainfully, and the villain clan warrior also expressed disdain, but the expression was different. We are chasing intruders, not investigating, the gunman said, Kill first, ask questions later.

At least we have to figure out who the enemy is. Don't forget how those Kimilian civilians got here. We have seen that the invaders used weapons rather than some kind of telepathy. The electromechanical expert looked at Black Bat. Wang said profoundly, Perhaps there is a possibility that the purpose of the invaders is to completely eliminate witchcraft. The ghost clan gunman roared angrily. He rebuked the electromechanical expert, claiming that the latter was a cold-blooded coward who could watch Films of Inhuman corpses uttered words to excuse the invaders. Shut up, you idiot. The electromechanical expert gave him a cold look, I'm just telling you that we don't rule out that the wizards of the Kimilian clan are also our enemies. Your Majesty, maybe you need to apply for assistance. I remember Civilian clans also have witchcraft research teams.”

Black Bolt gestured, I will not let Crystal participate in such a mission, she is still a child.

Attilan is facing an invasion. At this time, Attilan has no children. The electromechanical expert took the lead to avoid the pit. But you have the final say, Your Majesty. We should pursue the invaders as soon as possible. They are attacking the Inhumans. As ruthless as the wizard.

Black Bolt thought, then nodded, but he didn't indicate what he agreed with.

The first phase of the interception mission, the mission failed. It is confirmed that the enemy leader has the ability to block physical ammunition. The second phase of the interception mission is executed. Please replace the energy ammunition immediately.

GR-19-10 received, GR-19-7 is being recalled. GR-19-8 is on its way to the mission location, with sufficient plasma ammunition.

GR-19-5 received, GR-19-3 can continue its mission.

GAVD, the inhuman target is heading to the second floor. Please be prepared to respond and watch the mine triggering carefully. GAVD, please answer when you receive it, GAVD!

Derrick didn't answer at first. He walked lightly between the towering bookshelves. Translucent tissue fluid continued to ooze from the edges of the charred wound, and boiling blood turned into steam billowing out of the huge wound on the face. The hot melt burned through the wizard's skull and brain and hit the ground heavily, forcing him to completely end his witchcraft. But Derrick was not satisfied with this. He was not satisfied with the biochemical monsters cultivated by wizards who were easily trampled to death by combat boots, stabbed to death by garrison spears, or even smashed to death with spear tails. Those monsters immediately lost their command. Becoming stupid and stupid, he could kill them without even any effort - he was dissatisfied because it was impossible for such a wizard to master esoteric knowledge. The fact that such a stupid wizard could be here showed that he was far from the emperor. The target is still some way off.

...please answer when you receive it, GAVD!

Radio silence fell again. Derrick turned off the call first and stepped between the dusty bookcases.

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