Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1527 Moon War (39)

What's going on? Mistress Evo opened her lizard mouth and asked, What did that arrogant little bitch do again? Did she get involved with some little stallion? This is not surprising, everyone knows it. It's a wonder that Black Bolt didn't mind her private relationship with that madman Maximus. King Agon - may the gods protect his soul, and Queen Linda - thought they could cut off the connection between mental illness and others with some means. What a crazy bitch! It's not his fault, and he didn't realize that his second son was mentally disturbed. That little brat is good at pretending. After all, normal people wouldn't throw a Kree reconnaissance ship towards Attilan. .

The ghost clan warrior was used to the mistress's nagging. He just stood aside silently, as always, neither agreeing nor disapproving. It wasn't until Mother Evo finished complaining that she raised her head and glanced to ensure that her words would not be interrupted again. The royal family claimed that Mother Medusa was attacked by an assassin, and several members of the royal family were also killed. The royal family did not announce the health condition of Mother Medusa, but only claimed that she was in poor health, and that her authority was exercised by the Crystal Princess on her behalf.

That sickly, childish, and mischievous little girl?

The scale-covered faces of the Ghost Clan are expressionless, and it is not unreasonable for other clans to call them cold-blooded species. Faced with the assassination of the Gene Council, Mother Evo has no worries. Have you caught the assassin? It glanced at its subordinates and said after receiving a negative reply. Other clan leaders must also know the news. Those cowards must be thinking of shrinking the defense line and screening the assassins at the same time. Order the clan troops to retreat back. , there is no need for us to bear the price for other clans’ cowardly actions. Where is Black Bolt?”

It is said that Black Bolt is on a secret mission, but it should be in the Kimillian clan settlement.

It's not surprising. Who allowed the Kimilian clan to have the largest number and the most organized wizards? I don't understand how the Kimilian clan tolerates those freaks. Didn't that idiot Onomi study the history of wizard rebellion? Is that so? Mistress Evo shook her head and sighed in a pretentious manner. It felt sticky underneath its skin and a little itchy. All clans will realize that other clans will make the same decision. The faster we evacuate, faster than other clans, the less losses we will suffer.

Mother Koec?

What's the matter? The villain clan matron glared at the intruder and asked unceremoniously, If you don't have enough important questions to tell me, then I will twist your head off. She was still talking. Frowning over the huge losses on the front line, he was naturally in no mood to forgive his subordinates' offenses. This war is full of weirdness. Not only are those humans - fragile, humble, short-sighted humans - becoming taller, stronger, more responsive, and more tenacious, they can even fight against it after wearing advanced power armor and equipped with powerful weapons. A war clan created by the Kree Empire's most cutting-edge genetic engineering.

The power of these human genetically engineered armies exceeded her imagination. In her impression, humans had not been inspired and transformed by higher civilizations, and it was impossible for them to stand shoulder to shoulder with the noble Inhumans. Coupled with the military prowess demonstrated by those human genetically engineered armies, the villainous clan matriarch Aradi Koec determined that fighting against these large, powerful, and well-equipped human armies would cause irreparable losses.

To make matters worse, the enemy seemed to have figured out the military deployment of the clan coalition. When conflicts broke out on the front battlefield, several small teams continued to attack the rear stronghold of the clan coalition, which was less than fifty meters away from this temporary command post. In the same place, an ammunition cart rigged with a bomb was detonated, almost killing several senior military officers. Ten minutes after the attack, a certain stronghold on the front line was captured by the human army due to lack of ammunition. All the soldiers were massacred, and there were no survivors.

The Ghost Clan has evacuated. When they sent the message, they had already begun to shift their positions. They have reached the fourth line of defense. The herald gasped, Mother Evo of the Ghost Clan claimed that she would not do anything for others. The clan will pay the price for its cowardly act!”

What does this mean? Aradi Koek punched the table angrily. Didn't that bitch always claim that other clans are cowards? Why would she retreat now? Do other clans know this? information?

We have already asked for confirmation from other clans, Matron Koec. The hair on the herald's face became fluffy, and he said nervously, The other clans only responded after asking for more than ten minutes and confirmed it. The Ghost Clan has evacuated.”

Aradi Koek's breathing became heavy, and she stared closely at the battle report on the holographic projection table. At least a thousand names on the battle list were dimmed, while two hundred names were completely crossed out, the former due to injuries and the latter to death, which was the price paid by the villain clan.

Retreat. Go to the fourth line of defense, if the other clans are really there! She squeezed out a word from her throat.

She had realized something, something that would cause the newly formed coalition forces to completely separate and fight on their own. She thought she underestimated the impact of Medusa's assassination, but she couldn't blame anyone. Other clans have left, and now we are the only ones who are still on the third line of defense. Evacuate quickly. If the enemy attacks at this time, our army will be surrounded by human armies from other directions! General Brick, take me Signed Executive Order Return to the Colony, I want every man, woman, and child of the Villain Clan armed. If the enemy wants to kill us, then they will see the pride of the Villain Clan! I want every hand that can pull the trigger We will all point our guns at the enemy. If the enemy enters our settlement, then I will make them pay with blood for every step they take!

team leader?

Detonate. The captain of the tactical support team looked at the combat schedule and said, It's time.

As the sound of explosions came from underground in the Kimilian clan settlement, the settlement built on the deck jumped upward as if it had been shaken. Immediately afterwards, the sound of steel twisting and deforming spread from the ground to the dome, and a blazing fireball and bright light burst out from the collapse of the deck, illuminating the settlement that was plunged into darkness due to the power outage, as if it was Kimi. The Li'an clan has never seen another rise in thousands of years.

In the blink of an eye, scalding hot wind and shock waves spread along the circular wall of the settlement, and many things that were not completely fixed were knocked down, as if the star fort took a deep breath and wanted to spit out everything here. go. A second explosion followed, this time a stream of fiery flames shot straight into the defensive dome, and thick smoke instantly filled the entire settlement. The burned-through dome revealed a large hole that led directly to the outside world. In an instant, the overpressure sucked in all the smoke screens, the Kimilian clan that could not firmly grasp the fixed objects, and small objects. The gaping hole in the dome was thrown onto the white sands of the moon. The genetically modified warriors have already switched their power armor to vacuum mode, and their magnetic boots firmly secure them to the steel deck to prevent them from being sucked away by overpressure.

Tower! The warrior support team checked their ammunition status, and the team leader began to wave his tomahawk. He stepped on the corpses of Kimilian clan civilians under his boots and shouted, The most dangerous mutant has fallen into a trap, we have to kill it now!

Derrick ran forward first, past the white statue shedding blood and tears, past the blasphemous and filthy portrait, and towards the huge beast lying on the ground. Pain, still pain, he has gradually become accustomed to this fatal pain. This was a long and fierce battle, a war that started in the material universe and ended in the spiritual world. Derrick firmly believed that as long as his will was strong enough, the beast would not be able to kill him. He knew he was right. Every time he cut off the monster's head, he could feel that the monster was gradually getting weaker. Its increasingly thin body erupted with majestic heat, and it hungrily ate the Attilan Star Castle. The soul of every dead life in it.

Every fight was a fight to the death, and maybe killing it a hundred more times would be enough.

Derrick first felt the lactic acid released from his muscles and the pain in every bone in his body. His movements were as fast as lightning, and his perfectly evolved body supported him in completing those movements. He kicked the ground, held the halberd upside down, and put all his weight on it. I can do it even if it takes a thousand times. Derrick thought calmly before piercing the raised giant claw, and then nailed the claw to its owner's chest. He held the garrison spear in place with one hand and quickly replaced the magazine of the bolter on the top of the garrison spear with the other hand. He pulled the trigger, blasting away the hard-skinned and scaly claws, and then fired another shot, and the bomb sank into his chest. Exploded and burned, only charred bones remained in the chest. Nine hundred and ninety-nine more times.

The other face said, Don't even think about it.

It has infinite forms, all derived from human fear of superstitious stories.

I don’t know which child gave birth to this beast in his dream, or maybe this is just a battlefield ghost story told by an old man in the countryside in front of the fire, passed down from generation to generation, scaring young children from fear of the dark under the bed. . In any case, it certainly does not match the appearance of the legend, because its horrors have been diverse, from the past to the future, and there have been people who have witnessed the slaughter and then turned it into stories. Another giant claw quickly stretched out. Although Derrick reacted, he had no time to escape because he had just stepped into the beast's trap. He only had time to pull out his halberd and pierce it into the giant claw, and then He was pressed firmly to the ground.

They bit and fought like wild beasts. Derrick first smelled the huge amounts of hormones, coke, and disease smells in the beast's blood, just like those horrifying stories that made up its bones, muscles, and skin. . This smell does not come from reality but from spiritual feelings, and neither the respiratory filtration system nor the internal circulation of regenerated oxygen can isolate it.

There is a story from the British countryside, which originated from the vilification of paganism by Christian priests and the killing of Christians by Vikings, and then gradually evolved into the inherent local custom; there is also a story from the Principality of Kievan Rus under the iron heel of the Mongolian army; There is another story, from a woman who was choked by soldiers; and the last story, from the Skrulls encountered on the battlefield of the Kree Empire. Those shape-shifting creatures can sow suspicion into everyone's heart, and the riots that follow are even more... It is terrifying...Beheading, buried alive, robbery, rape, indiscriminate killing, etc., all emotions caused by war can be attributed to it, even if it is just an inconspicuous character in the vast ocean of extradimensional ether... Fear and legend gave it body and spirit, bringing this never-living monster into the world.

Maybe that explains why it has horse hooves and wings like sails?

Derrick first tried to spread his arms to block the giant claw from approaching, while spreading his thoughts. This does not mean that he is not serious about this battle. The emperor has taught every imperial guard to use their subjective initiative and to maintain imagination and caution at the same time when making assumptions and verifications. He would not call this creature a devil. The imagination and fear that such superstitious words arouse in ordinary people are the nourishment of this creature. He would rather use the cold and accurate description of extradimensional spiritual energy entity, at least This can make the average person who hears the word feel a little bit more at ease.

Then another door opened and a group of mutants rushed in.

Seeing the tragic situation in the room, the mutants stopped in panic and pulled the trigger on the monster and Derrick first without hesitation. They have never seen golden, god-like giants like the Guards, nor have they seen half-human, half-beast hybrid creatures that are taller and stronger than the Guards, more than five meters tall - energy weapons and The laser weapons fired together, creating a brief barrage that enveloped the beasts and the guards. Just before they did this, Derrick regarded these mutants as enemies. It's just that compared to those weapon-wielding mutants, this extradimensional spiritual energy entity is more threatening.

After the beast saw the mutant, its ferocious snout and iguana-like throat let out a dull chuckle. It endured the burnt black blood holes in its body that were exploded by the bombs fired by Derrick first, disappearing like a light smoke dissipating in the air. I understand. It looked at Derrick Xian and the mutants with its six eyes on both sides of its head, and said in a language that can be understood by all creatures in the material universe - in fact, it was some kind of telepathy. , My mission is not yet complete, my destiny is not yet over. Especially you, toy tin soldier.

The mutants' firepower did not stop, and Derrick had no intention of stopping either. He turned around and used his power armor to resist the firepower of the mutants and rushed straight towards them. Then he waved his halberd and cut off an amphibian-looking mutant.

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