Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1537 Moon War (49)

After precise calculations by the onboard computer, the twelve vector thrusters at the bottom of the shuttle gradually reduced their output power, and the spacecraft, which was cast from steel and heat-insulating materials and embodies the wisdom and research results of tens of thousands of people in the Eternal City and Mars, moved smoothly. Landing on the tumbling white sands of the moon. Martian technicians wearing orange one-piece spacesuits, followed by rows of servitors equipped with mechanical prosthetics and biochemical muscles, as well as several transport vehicles, resisted the incoming white sandstorm head-on, on the dark side of the moon that obscured everything. Stumbling forward, only a few powerful searchlights provided enough light.

The cargo bay ramp plate fell on the rock at a speed exceeding the lunar gravity acceleration. Mars technicians immediately sent instructions, asking the servitor to mount the cargo in the shuttle's cargo bay on the transport vehicle, and then pull it to the designated area for storage. There will be another group of logistics personnel to transport all the goods to the departments in need. This is a temporary airport and material transfer station 300 kilometers away from Attilan Star Castle. Several anti-aircraft artillery and missile vehicles stand nearby, using firepower and lights to delineate the scope of this airport.

255 mm artillery ammunition, two standard containers, Area D. DAC-2 cruise missile, three standard containers, Area D... The leading Martian technician waved the warning light stick in his hand. In a place where much of the communication infrastructure had not yet been established, the semaphore mastered by ocean-going sailors on Earth came into play again in another way. ...Where's the fuel? As the person in charge of supplies for the airport ground staff, the Martian technician keenly discovered that this cargo was somewhat different from the previous ones, and was completely inconsistent with the supplies on the cargo list, which made him suspicious. Is there a logistical error? Why are they all ammunition? This is not what we need. What I need is fuel and maintenance parts to enable the self-propelled artillery to operate.

This is required by the command, don't ask. The pilot obviously had no intention of answering. He said very irritably, If there is a temporary modification, someone will notify you. If you still don't believe it, just look at the time stamp on the form. ! Everyone is working overload. He has done this seventy-eight times in a row in twenty-four hours, each time delivering urgently needed supplies on the front line to the troops in need. The high-intensity work made him very tired. Dozens of shuttle planes set off with him, each of which would deliver supplies to different airports. This time, the artillery troops needed ammunition. According to the orders from the front line, the artillery bombing density needed to be increased again. The 20,000 shells that had been consumed seemed not enough to cause a fatal blow to the mutant star fort.

The abundant ammunition gave the artillery troops more firepower, and the intensive firepower soon had an effect.

Derrick first felt the deck beneath his feet constantly shaking, as if the power of the material universe was returning unstoppably to the wizard tower. Amon and Hannibal followed closely behind him. The three Praetorian Guards formed an unbreakable triangle formation. When any one of them was attacked, the other two Praetorian Guards could provide help. This was the responsibility of the Praetorian Guards. The basic formation for group battles. Even though Amon and Hannibal had never cooperated with Derrick in training, they showed a tacit understanding as soon as they joined - Derrick looked around cautiously. That beast is gradually evolving. He has already transmitted part of the combat record to the other two companions through the communication system. I don't know what it will become this time.

Hannibal is holding a huge shield and a huge sword, with a smile on his face.

I already know my job, Mr. Derrick.

Amon also nodded. Since this time he was required to serve as the emperor's bodyguard on the battlefield, he carried the same weapons as Hannibal. Since He agrees to let you lead this mission, it means that He thinks your judgment is correct, Mr. Derrick. Amon said, Even if I don't know the progress of your research on extradimensional spiritual entities, I I will not object to you using melta bombs to blow up the floor under our feet. I believe that after this war, Constantine will definitely approve you to enter the study group. Your talent for hunting beasts from extra dimensions has been clearly demonstrated. This is definitely what He has done for you. Your talent for design.”

Blazing to white-hot flames and metal jets fell from the sky, and in the thick smoke, three demigods wearing golden armor smashed into the center of a three-dimensional ritual circle composed of several mutant limbs glued together. Just as Derrick first guessed, to drag the entire wizard tower into the illusory dimension, the blood sacrifice pit in the hall alone is completely insufficient, and the killings on the battlefield are not directional rituals. In order for all the spiritual power to be concentrated on the creatures that the wizards need to summon, there must be many small-scale ritual altars in the wizard tower - this conclusion was affirmed by the emperor. Just like a computer distributed server, this method can preserve the spiritual power absorbed by the ritual to the greatest extent - including the ritual altar that was previously destroyed by the genetically modified warrior team, the altar at the feet of Derrick, Amon and Hannibal Already the twenty-fourth. For extradimensional creatures, spiritual entities that rely on superstition to survive, numbers have symbolic meaning, and the location of ritual altars also has symbolic meaning, otherwise wizards would not be able to summon specific targets at all.

Derrick first deduced a number. Every time an altar was destroyed, the psychic energy feedback would be recorded and used as a sample for research. This is the twenty-fourth ritual altar. Since Derrick was attacked when he destroyed the sixteenth ritual altar, he used the numbers four and eight as targets for testing. Sure enough, when Amon swung his sword to cut off the fused limbs of the mutants, a giant ax appeared out of thin air and slashed at Mr. Derrick. The latter turned slightly sideways, and the halberd in his hand struck like thunder at the giant lava ax made of pure malice and contaminated steel. The moment the blade made by the emperor's personal craftsman collided with the demonic metal, a dazzling brilliance suddenly flashed.

Hannibal stepped forward quickly and slammed the golden square shield engraved with an eagle into the monster's calf. The destructive power given by genetic alchemy and power armor knocked the huge monster back a few steps - The creature grew larger and larger, and its appearance became more disgusting. The hundreds of ever-growing eyes on its body began to fester, and the goat-like horns on its head bent back even more exaggeratedly. Even with the respiratory filtration system, the Imperial Guards could vaguely smell the stench of rotten flesh - Derrick First, he stepped hard, and the ax handle burning with dark red light was deeply embedded into the floor. Amon knocked aside the remaining mutant corpses on the ritual altar and the tortured mutant slaves who were still lingering, and embedded the giant sword in his hand deeply into the monster's knees. Then he raised his shield and swung it sideways, hitting the monster's bent knees while dodging the claws that swung out from the shadows and tried to grab him.

Needless to say, Hannibal swung his sword hard and severed the joints composed of extradimensional energy. The monster was forced to give up its weapons and instead used its claws with natural weapons to attack the Imperial Guards wildly. Derrick immediately took a few steps back and poured all the firepower of the bolter on the Guard Spear into the extradimensional spirit. Entity's face. Amon also took a step behind the monster. When his claws brushed against the shield, a burst of electric sparks erupted. The repulsive force pushed the claws out, and at the same time compressed Amon's movement space into the corner. At this moment, Hannibal had already cut off the last bones with two swords. It was unknown whether the monster was in pain or humiliation. Angry flames and stinking toxic smoke spread instantly in the small room.

The emperor raised his head and looked at the ceiling.

My lord, Hammurabi asked. He saw the physical damage of the other three Praetorian Guards in the command system of the Praetorian Order, and he also knew that the emperor's attention was currently on the battlefield where Derrick Xian, Amon and Hannibal were. Can they really take down that enemy?

No, that monster is immortal. It will be there when the heat death of the universe occurs. Fate has announced its end, but not now. The emperor said calmly, They only need to severely injure the monster. Although It was not part of the original plan that something behind the outer dimensional curtain was supposed to send another spiritual entity, but its presence worked to our advantage.

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