Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1547 Moon War (59)

Crystal covered her face and looked at the observation window in the medical cabin with tears in her eyes. This was the first time she saw Medusa after being injured. Black and blood-red floating objects made the light green drug solution turbid, but Crystal could still see through the observation window the charred, thin, blurry figures floating in the medical cabin, occasionally twisting and twitching in pain. The once beautiful long blood-red hair was gone. Even after cleaning, the swollen, charred skin and the bleeding wounds still looked so shocking.

Attilan's royal medical system is independent of the clan. Crystal's parents were the former heads of Attilan's royal medical system, so the doctors here have no reservations about the girl who became a princess. According to the doctor's description, Crystal knew that when Medusa was rushed to the medical cabin, her nasal cavity had been scorched and stuck together by the flames and hot air, and the doctor had to perform emergency surgery to rebuild a respiratory tract. , and then reluctantly put Medusa, who was still alive, into the medical cabin. Intravenous injection was impossible. No doctor could find any intact veins for infusion on the severely burned and peeling skin. Even the internal organs were almost cooked by the heat.

It's a miracle that Matron Medusa can survive, the doctor said. Half of the genetic council guards who protected her were directly vaporized, and the rest were burned into a puddle of mud. Except for Matron Medusa, no one survived. The technicians judged that Matron Medusa suffered a considerable degree of electromagnetic radiation damage. This was because the enemy used plasma weapons, and a short burst of electromagnetic radiation would have serious sequelae.

my sister……

Mother Medusa may be able to recover. The doctor pursed his moist thin lips, murmured for a while, and finally told the truth. Mother Medusa's brain has been irreversibly damaged. He pointed to the instruments on the side and said, The medical cabin cannot help with brain trauma, and we currently have no way to repair it other than surgery. And this It is a high-temperature injury, and surgery may not be effective. Even if it can be repaired, the damaged area of ​​the brain will have an impact on future behavior and psychology after recovery. We have been monitoring the brain waves of Mother Medusa, and at the same time summoned A mind reader who tries to protect the soul and memory of Matron Medusa, and helps the body recover by protecting consciousness and soul.

I can be a mind reader, Cousin Richard. Crystal said, wiping her eyes. She reached out and rubbed the head of the giant Shar-Pei next to her. There are not many people in the royal family who have stronger telepathic abilities than me. I can help. She stubbornly stared with her eyes wide, like a horse behind the fence of a racecourse. I have to do this. We can't live without her. Even His Majesty Black Bolt cannot live without her.

Tick, tick, tick.

The assassin in a black leotard was now behind her, throwing a bomb that glowed with plasma arcs. Medusa desperately wanted to turn back. She took a step forward, turned around, and heard the frightened shouts of the Gene Council guards beside her. She saw that the assassin's face was devoid of any features. Then several bodies fell on her back, forcing her to the ground. Immediately afterwards, her mind went blank, until a burning pain came from her back, and then went straight through her internal organs, and she fainted from the pain again.

No, that's not it. Keep watching, sister, keep watching.

Tick, tick, tick.

The assassin in a black leotard was now behind her, throwing a bomb that glowed with plasma arcs. Medusa desperately wanted to turn back. She took a step forward, turned around, and heard the frightened shouts of the Gene Council guards beside her. She saw that the assassin's face had no facial features - no, the assassin had a face, a face she once knew - it was a man, the head of the genetic biology research laboratory of the Attilan royal family. What else... Time and space seemed to have stopped, everything stopped. Medusa was unaware of her own existence. She didn't even realize that the woman with blood-red hair that reached her ankles was herself. She observed everything curiously and took two steps from her original position.

Along with the violent expansion of air and heat, dazzling white light flooded everything.

No, that's not the case. Sister, I'm protecting you, you can see further.

Tick, tick, tick.

The assassin in a black leotard was now behind her, throwing a bomb that glowed with plasma arcs. Medusa desperately wanted to turn back. She took a step forward, turned around, and heard the frightened shouts of the Gene Council guards beside her. She saw that the assassin's face was devoid of any features. To be precise, there are no facial features now, and she knows the face that the assassin once used. Medusa lowered her head and looked at her hands - the arms of a severely burned patient - she stood naked in the circular lounge of the Gene Council Hall, her feet covered with thick black mucus. It was her blood and tissue fluid, which were mixed with the burnt skin after being burned to form a tar-like object.


Medusa subconsciously crossed her arms, she was very cold. However, the next moment, heartbreaking pain came from her arm, and she saw a large piece of burnt and swollen skin stuck to her palm, which should be on her arm. She lowered her head and saw her appearance reflected on the smooth marble floor, and then she let out a horrifying scream.

Don't...sister, don't lose your mind...

Crystal? Medusa raised her head and looked straight in front of her. Her eyes were dry and charred, with only two hollow eye sockets and many blood vessels extending out like dead branches in winter. Is that you, Crystal?

Crystal didn't answer. She stared at the figure behind Medusa with wide eyes, looking at the assassin.

She took a deep breath, her body shaking like chaff.

The doctor was still muttering complex alchemical words about consciousness, soul, body, etc. in a low voice. The lock-toothed dog lay on the ground and sighed impatiently, wagging its tail in an attempt to drive away the lingering sound. Until the doctor's words were interrupted by screams, the lock-toothed dog immediately rolled up from the ground, crossed more than ten meters in one step, and used its thick body like a hippopotamus to catch the crystal that fell off the soft chair. However, Crystal kept screaming, waving his arms randomly, and his fingers were so spasmodic that he could not bend them. The doctor rushed over, picked up Crystal and placed her on another hospital bed, while injecting a small amount of sedative - this is a process that mind readers must undergo before reading minds, but Crystal believed that her ability could violate this rule because she Unlike those weak mind readers who are too easy to fall into each other's memories and lose their identity after the work is over - it turns out that Crystal's self-confidence is meaningless, and she was almost mentally shocked by the terrifying scene in Medusa's dream. Abnormal.

What did you see, Crystal? What did you see?

The lock-tooth dog pushed it away with its head unceremoniously, stretched out its big wet tongue and licked Crystal's face. The smell of the dog's saliva instantly covered Crystal's originally clean face and well-groomed hair. It seemed that after the farce of the lock-toothed dog, Crystal finally came to his senses.

Assassin...I saw the assassin. She frowned, trying to recall the dream. She clearly remembered the appearance of the plasma grenade, the star-like dazzling fire and heat when the plasma grenade exploded, and the black tights worn by the assassin who threw the plasma grenade. But she found that she could not recall the overall appearance of the assassin. But there was more than just the assassin, there was something...something I didn't know was in my sister's dream.


I don't know, I don't know! Crystal suddenly screamed. The harder she tried to recall, the blurrier the memory became, like morning mist under the scorching sun. After a while, with the comfort of the locktooth dog, her mood gradually calmed down, and the pain from her spine to her brain disappeared without a trace. I need to see it again, see it again. My sister needs to see that thing. That thing is in her cognition. If she can't see it, then I can't see it either, or even remember it.

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