Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1554 Chapter 1550 Moon War (66)

Her brain is messed up. Normally, the brain sorts memories, but her memories are all mixed up, and the timeline jumps frequently. Sometimes she is a little girl, sometimes she is a princess. Richard Dr. De made the diagnosis unceremoniously, and even Black Bolt could only listen carefully. Fortunately, that stage has passed, and her brain's autonomous regulation has alleviated the symptoms. It can be judged that it was the result of external interference from powerful spiritual forces. We don't know what other effects Maximus had on her, Perhaps those symptoms are just by-products of some kind of psychological suggestion, and we cannot make an accurate judgment before detailed psychological treatment and spiritual intervention.

The royal secretary serves as the communication channel and holds the data pad.

When will Crystal Princess' consciousness return to normal?

If a strict mind-reading examination process is not carried out, it will take at most two days. Richard pushed up his glasses, already anticipating what would happen next. We have all seen what Maximus is capable of. He triggered the worst riot in the history of Attilan Star Castle. Who knows if he will want to do something with the hands of the crystal. You know, he has always Thinking that the throne belongs to him, even... We all know what he did, Your Majesty. Although I am only a doctor, anyone with normal intelligence understands that he should be taken back to prison now.

Or kill it directly.

Richard didn't say the last half of his words, but Black Bolt understood what he meant.

He shook his head and rejected this last suggestion. He asked Richard to continue the treatment of the crystal, but the flexible restraint must be lifted. At the same time, he also asked the security department who was not on the battlefield to mobilize manpower from the armed personnel who maintained order to launch an attack on Maximus and the group of dangerous prisoners. of arrest. Lethal methods cannot be used. When he said this, even the royal secretary couldn't help but look sideways. Some people present speculated that this might be because Black Bolt was too kind and could not bear to kill his blood brother. This is my request. Fatal means must not be used. Black Bolt looked at the leader of the Gene Council guards. Maximus must return to prison alive. He can be injured but must not die. There is no reason. Even now, The law must also be applied impartially.”

I can't guarantee that no accident will happen, Your Majesty. The guard leader protested expressionlessly.

As a member of the royal family who also has a thin blood relationship with Black Bolt, the leader of the guard is a veteran who was once responsible for the security of King Argonne. Because of this, when Maximus caused the death of King Argonne and Queen Linda, he would stand firmly on Black Bolt's side and help him stabilize the ladder to the throne. This is not a time of peace. We must end possible potential factors for violence as soon as possible. Only in this way can we ensure that the process of civilian arming will not be disrupted.

He glanced at all the officials present with steel-cold eyes, and finally returned his gaze to Black Bolt. Now they can vaguely hear the sound of enemy artillery and gunfire in the hospital, and the ground beneath their feet is shaking slightly from the explosions.

Now that the enemy is close at hand, we have nowhere to retreat. In order to ensure the safety of the royal family, especially your safety, we will not hesitate to disobey your orders.

Black Bolt shook his head in annoyance, and finally sighed, acquiescing to the guard leader's statement.

He was about to leave the Gene Council and go to the frontline battlefield. At that time, he would inevitably hand over the security of the rear area to the guard leader. He armed all the people in the clan settlement who could still fight into an army without any training and did not even know how to use a gun. At the same time, he promised everyone that the guard leader would defend all the people in the clan settlement who could not fight until They fought off the invaders. This is a guarantee he must make to all civilians. To this end, he will even distribute the medicines allocated to the wounded from the royal medical system warehouse to civilians again, using them as medicine reserves for shelters, and the rest such as food reserves, oxygen Reserves, repair parts reserves, etc. are all on their way to the refuge. The ancestors of the Attilan royal family seem to have long anticipated the invasion of the Star Castle, so they set up a tower with the Gene Council Hall near the Clan Council Hall of the royal family. A shelter connected to the royal residence - however, at that time, human technology was not enough to cross the sea, and the Kree were also busy dealing with the aftermath of the war with the Skrulls and had no time to attack Attilan. No one knows why Attilan's royal ancestors made such a decision, but the preparations made thousands of years ago are coming in handy today.

Maximus stepped into the dirty water with floating filth, but he was unaware of it. His face was expressionless, as if the disgusting mud on the soles of his feet didn't bother him in any way. The criminals following him looked at each other in unison, and several of them left the team of twenty people without saying a word and disappeared into the dark, smelly, cold corridor. The lighting facilities here have not been replaced for hundreds of years, and maintenance personnel will not come here to perform any work, not even lowly Alpha primitives will come here.

The only cohesion of this team of criminals comes from Maximus's weird psychic ability. All the criminals following him are hoping that he will come up with a plan - whether it is to overthrow the royal family and take power, hide in secret, or You can do whatever you want, but Maximus just kept talking to himself and led the group of criminals to more and more remote locations. In the process, he didn't even look at them - this happened for several hours. As it often happens, the so-called cohesion brought about by the horrific sight of the jailer's murder dissipates and eventually turns into despair.

Only a few people are still following Maximus, and most of them are political prisoners. Maximus did not tell anyone what he was looking for, and the clear decision-making he showed was the reason why the remaining people decided to follow him. Those people believed that Maximus acted so decisively. , that is, the process after jailbreak is ready.

I gave them weapons. These cowards can only have courage when they have weapons in their hands. Maximus thought to himself, I need them, and I will need them soon.

What are you looking for, Maximus? one of the people in the team couldn't help but ask, We are getting closer to the battlefield, aren't we? I can even hear footsteps on the deck above! We follow You escaped from prison to survive, not to die on the battlefield, do you understand?

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