Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1563 Moon War (Seventy-five)

When the deck collapsed, even the First and Second Battle Groups formed by the Emperor and composed of a mixture of genetically modified warriors and mortal Void Combat Army troops fell into chaos in a short time. A large number of armored vehicles, ammunition carriers, mobile radar detection vehicles, short-range artillery and other equipment fell into the steel cracks of the deck, and sparks and smoke emerged from the ulcer-like deck wounds. This crack is located exactly on the tangent of the encirclement network constructed by the human army, swallowing the relatively dense short-range artillery positions in the narrow terrain - including heavy mortar vehicles, assault tanks and other wheeled and tracked armored vehicles - into the bottomless depths. of the canyon bottom. This brought great trouble to the command department's scheduling and statistics. A large number of casualties appeared instantly, and the chain of command also broke down in a short period of time. In less than a minute, the entire battlefield was completely divided. The unaffected troops were temporarily unable to receive wisdom from the upper levels, while the troops that suffered losses due to the collapse of the deck began to save themselves.

Black Bolt blinked his dry eyes.

At this moment he has reached another front. He blocked the human army as usual, using his own abilities to destroy several armored vehicles and genetically modified warriors made of steel. Then his subordinates gave a speech, calling on the Inhumans present to abandon their clan differences and unite against the enemy. The mission goes smoothly, with almost nothing standing in Black Bolt's way, whether it's the remains of a building or a heavily armored vehicle. Just when he was about to speak again, violent shaking and loud noises in the distance disrupted his plan. Several genetically modified warriors who firmly fixed themselves on the deck took the opportunity to open fire, killing Black Bolt. Several members of the royal guard were injured, and shrapnel injured Black Bolt's back, so that the royal guard had to remove him from the battlefield.

It was an accident, Your Majesty. The Centaur psyker had survived the firefight. I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune, but the genetically modified warriors seemed to have stopped pursuing them, as if this team was exactly the same as those of the Inhuman civilians in a strategic sense, and it was not worth investing more energy. Although I am somewhat puzzled by the behavior of the genetically modified warriors, now is not the time to think about these issues. The human army also suffered a lot of losses just now... It looked around and said in a low voice on the battlefield where the artillery fire gradually resumed, ...I heard those human armies communicating about the losses. This was not what they planned. .”

Black Bolt nodded without saying much.

There's a reason this Centauri psyker is hidden.

Just being able to read all the words and understand all the languages ​​in the world is not enough for it to become a senior secret agent. The most important thing is the way it understands words and languages. It does not study words and pronunciation like other people learn languages, but Directly understanding what others mean is similar to mind-reading but has a higher level on the Gene Council's ability evaluation list. Its working principle is close to prophecy. Only a few powerful psychic abilities and prophets can not be disturbed by this ability. The reason why Black Bolt brought this psyker was to provide him with enough battlefield information. After all, not many people in this world have this kind of real-time battlefield information capture ability. A special team was formed to provide adequate information guidance.

King Black Bolt endured the pain in his back and gave instructions to the royal guards around him.

Although he was heartbroken over the casualties of the Inhumans, he still made a choice that most people present thought was the right choice. Send all trained armed forces to attack the gaps in the human army's encirclement network, penetrate vertically into the enemy's rear, and destroy the opponent's logistics and command departments. The most important task, that is, the manpower required for the task of destroying the enemy's headquarters, Black Bolt has already brought them with him - the Inhuman settlement [Afterlife] from the Earth, the aliens with the ability to move in space and concussion. Human - if Agent Daisy Johnson of S.H.I.E.L.D. were here, she would find that this Inhuman Gordon with a flat eye socket had appeared beside her mother Jiaying many times and interfered with S.H.I.E.L.D. The Bureau's mission has brought a lot of trouble to SHIELD.

Now that the human army's offensive momentum has been frustrated, Black Bolt thinks he can make the next step in advance.

With the help of space transfer capabilities and captured battlefield information, Black Bolt is confident that he can destroy the heavy firepower points of the human army as quickly as possible, and then directly destroy the enemy's command department before the human army can react. According to Centauri Clan psykers, an almost intuitive feeling pointed its way. Black Bolt didn't have time to think about the credibility of this information. He had no choice now - it turned out that his bet was not wrong - during the relay transmission between Locktooth and Gordon, he could teleport in one go Several combat teams. When he arrived at the first location, he found that before him was one of the vehicle-mounted howitzer positions.

The Inhuman soldiers who had just experienced the teleportation were so dizzy that they had no time to check the damage caused by the teleportation. The human soldiers were also startled by the sudden appearance of the enemy - the latter reacted quickly, but Black Bolt's reaction Faster - before the human soldiers could point all their guns at the suddenly appearing enemy, Black Bolt spoke. With just one word he destroyed these heavy mortars, as well as the soldiers who tried to shoot at them. This doesn't save the lives of the Inhuman soldiers. No matter how powerful Black Bolt is, he cannot use his own ability to fight against the laser. Just to seize the time difference of less than a second, the soldiers trained by the Praetorian Order still turn the power of the laser weapon to the maximum, against The Inhuman soldier pulled the trigger before he could disperse.

The scorching beam instantly burned through the flesh and blood, and the burning smell hit his face. Black Bolt resisted the urge to turn around. The pungent smell rushed straight into his nose, making his throat feel greasy. He had to open his mouth again and spit out another word that represented death. The other Inhuman soldiers were either relieved from the uncomfortable symptoms of the teleportation, or were mentally stimulated by the death of their companions, and finally played their due role. Black Bolt was glad he didn't have to speak again, his mouth filled with the sweet taste of blood.

Every time he used his ability, the damage he should have suffered was much higher than those who died from the ability. He felt that his teeth and throat were bleeding due to the shock of his ability. However, he couldn't cough, or even clear his throat. As long as any sound was squeezed out of his throat, it would cause damage to the external environment.

The Centauri Clan psyker pointed to another location, and Black Bolt nodded, waving to summon the Inhuman soldiers who were planting bombs in the mortar ammunition boxes. Within twenty seconds after the next transmission, a violent explosion once again shook the encirclement of the human army. There have been more than one such explosions, and many encirclement positions have already suffered a lot of losses due to landslides. Now the support structure of the deck has been damaged again, and large sections of the deck have collapsed again, adding fire to the already chaotic rescue and encirclement mission. .

Compared to the team led by Black Bolt, Locktooth's encounter was not so easy.

Although in the communication system, the psykers of the Centauri clan constantly gave coordinate commands, Attilan did not have a communicator suitable for the big head of the lock-tooth dog, so all information needed to be relayed once. Delayed information and slower movements meant that every time it arrived at the mission site, it would find that the human army was ready - Black Bolt's team moved very fast, and the human army that encountered the attack seemed to be stimulated. The animals reacted quickly and began to move the short-range artillery positions - every time the Locktooth dogs teleported the Inhuman army over, they would find that several guns were already aimed at them. Fortunately, the team assigned to it by Black Bolt is strong enough. Each one of them is an offensive ability user trained by the royal family. They are unique among Attilan's civilian clans.

The lock-tooth dog stuck out its long tongue, as if it wanted to take a short rest for a few minutes. Its mind was completely insulated from the chaotic battlefield. The dog was in a bad mood. Its favorite friend Crystal is lying in the hospital at the moment, and it failed to protect the crystal and failed to prevent Maximus from escaping from prison. In its stupid big head, it was worried that tonight's food would be canceled in the name of punishment. The lock-toothed dog really didn't want to go hungry.

Until several people fell in front of it, a laser beam slanted across its soles.

The pain suddenly woke him up.

It opened its big mouth and bit off the upper body of the human soldier in front of it who had been shot several times. Even the laser pistol was chewed up together with the human bones and swallowed. Several other Inhuman soldiers grabbed its fur with disgust on their faces, as if they wanted to stay away from the dog's mouth that was still dripping blood and minced meat, or maybe because they saw the lock-toothed dog's hungry eyes scanning everywhere. , worried that it might take a bite at someone here at any time.

The artillery here is small.

The Attilan Inhumans didn't know the squad mortar, but the working principle of the direct-fire short-range squad artillery was simple, and it was easy for several of them with abilities to manipulate metal to figure it out. They didn't know the range of these mortars' firepower, but looking ahead from their position, they were furious at the vast stretches of ruined buildings. However, before they started placing explosives, they saw a few eyes staring at them from the dark corner at the crack in the deck not far away - these Inhuman soldiers subconsciously aimed their weapons at those eyes without hesitation. Pull the trigger - and then, several sturdy figures rush out. These creatures with plastic hats and stupid faces are not enemies, but the labor Alpha primitives on the lower deck. These workers were very weird, with strange symbols painted on their faces and bodies. Just when the Inhuman soldiers wanted to stop and scolded these things that were not intelligent creatures in their usual tone, the Alpha primitives rushed up and hugged them. Inhuman soldiers dragged them into the cracks in the deck.

The dog was startled when he saw it.

The air suddenly exploded, and the lock-toothed dog jumped on the spot and disappeared without a trace. The next second, the air expanded again, and the lock-tooth dog teleported back again. This time it took the initiative to rush over, gently biting a few Inhuman soldiers who had not had time to take them away, and disappeared again, completely ignoring the explosives that had not yet been placed.

It has seen Alpha primitives, but those Alpha primitives are all well-behaved and dull creatures who will obey any instructions. This time, Locktooth finally saw how terrifying the out-of-control Alpha primitives were. Regardless of whether those Inhuman soldiers had offensive abilities or not, regardless of whether they had weapons in their hands, the Alpha primitives were endowed with unnatural muscles cultivated by hormones. The force tore the limbs of the Inhuman soldiers alive, and terrible screams came from the cracks in the deck, and finally disappeared further and further away.

This scene is so terrible.

It is just a pet dog and cannot bear such a horrific scene.

Black Bolt only felt his shoulder being bumped softly by something huge. When the fog of teleportation was cleared, he smelled a familiar smell. The locktooth dog looked at him with tears in his eyes, and at the same time spat out several Inhuman soldiers stained with dog saliva in his mouth. It rubbed its big head against Black Bolt, who had just returned to the Gene Council Hall, and then lay on the ground, listening to the wounded soldiers describing the situation they encountered intermittently - Black Bolt glared at Lockteeth lying on the ground. A Dog's Eye - If a lock-tooth dog works hard, it can report the situation to the command center as soon as it occurs and summon other teams to solve the problem.

Gordon, I would like to ask you to swap jobs with Locktooth. Black Bolt looked at the exhausted Inhumans beside him and said, You can lead another commando team, and Locktooth can be responsible for mine. Teleportation work.”

Gordon, the eyeless Inhuman, nodded.

As soon as Black Bolt mentioned the human army, the hatred on his face overflowed. If Black Bolt hadn't held him down in the previous actions, Gordon would have definitely forgotten his own importance and killed those human soldiers with his own hands. . As long as I can kill humans, I can do anything. He said to Black Bolt. I was told that the flag of the human army had an Earth raptor emblem. My sister, mother, and lover died on In the hands of these people, I must recover the blood debt from them.”

Black Bolt knew that the sister, mother and lover Gordon mentioned were the same person.

He was not unaware of the afterlife of the Inhuman settlements established on Earth, but when he last received news of the afterlife, he heard that all the Inhumans in the afterlife had been killed by humans. It wasn't until Gordon was transported to the rescue capsule in orbit in accordance with the ancient contract and activated the return switch to let the Kree Empire's rescue capsule take him back to Attilan that the Attilan royal family knew what the Inhumans on Earth had experienced. The kind-hearted Crystal burst into tears after hearing about the suffering - but Black Bolt could not tell other royal members. The situation described by the mind reader was still somewhat different from what Gordon said - in fact, the Inhumans and the Inhumans in the afterlife were Human beings are not without opportunities for cooperation, but the immortal alien named Jiaying has other ideas. Black Bolt has met the human king, and he knows that it was the human king who took Jiaying away. It can be said that Attilan was attacked today, and part of the reason may be Jiaying.

I'm very busy today. I'm so busy that I feel dizzy. I don't feel refreshed and my sleep time is even shorter.

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