Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1571 Moon War (83)

Black Bolt doesn't know who else he can trust.

The lock-tooth dog is one of them. After all, it is his pet and companion, and he is the most trustworthy member of the Attilan royal family.

Perhaps there is also Gordon from the afterlife where the Inhumans live on Earth. His body is burning with the desire for revenge squeezed from his bones. As long as the King of Attilan decides to fight against humanity, Gordon will offer his loyalty. After all, not everyone is determined to block everything and get into the small survival capsule in orbit, enduring the approaching hunger, suffocation and cold. To seek the near-mythological Attilan;

Perhaps Crystal can count, she has nothing to do with any power held by the royal family, she is so innocent and lovely that no one wants to tell her the worst side of the world. Let her continue to think that the world is made of candy, let her continue to think that goods will grow off the shelves, and it is in everyone's interest to have a little princess who is innocent enough to be a little silly;

Perhaps the royal courts of the Ghost Clan, the Centaur Clan, and the Villain Clan can be trusted, but they have never revealed the true situation of the production of Class A on the lower level, possibly because they tacitly assume that the Attilan Royal Family knows the truth and believe that Black Bolt already knows the upper deck. relationship to the lower deck. As part of the political compromise, the Birdman clan, which controls the hyperdrive, has never been involved in the work of the lower production deck, but relies on supplies from other clans. Therefore, the ambassadors sent by the Birdman clan to the Gene Parliament are also worthy of trust.

As for the captain of the royal guard, Black Bolt has temporarily included him on his trusted list. He doesn't want to pursue anything at this moment, because this united interest group has probably existed since the birth of the royal family. No matter what the vision of the King of Attilan who once unified Star Castle, once the deadly poison of power is contaminated, It will continue to corrupt his descendants. The royal family does not have any self-purification ability. This poison continues to expand as time goes by and the collusion of interests continues to expand. Unprincipled peace leads to the corruption of the system. Almost all members of the royal family regard their own interests as Above the interests of the royal family and even the Inhumans, they advocate sealing weapons and eliminating military training to demonstrate the powerful individual strength brought by the sufficient mutant material of the Attilan royal family, so that now the Attilan royal family is well-trained and capable of resisting invasion. Their armies could not be organized.

Black Bolt made a gesture. The captain of the royal guard left, picked up his weapon, summoned the guards around him, and under the watchful eye of Black Bolt, surrounded the members of the Attilan royal family who were not responsible for their official duties. You should go to jail and wait for trial, but I don't have time to deal with you now. You should take your weapons and go to the front line to clean up your mistakes with your own lives. Black Bolt's stern eyes swept over everyone present, Maybe you guys Choose to accept my judgment directly.”

Nearly all those arrested chose the former.

If you take up arms and go into battle you might survive, but if you stand trial, you will most likely be executed on the spot. No one can stand against Black Bolt because he is the most powerful being out of everyone present. Black Bolt painfully realized that no matter how much he hated this group of people, he could not deny that his parents, or even himself, were one of them. He was born from this kind of self-interested thinking. He is the most powerful superpower in history created by the Attilan royal family by using its own privileges. He is the ultimate embodiment of the Attilan royal family's privileges, knowledge and wealth. At this moment, he is giving the order In the eyes of others, the judgment is not only not caring about the poor people on the lower production deck, but more like a king who took back power because he was angry because he was deceived.

Black Bolt closed his eyes with sadness.

Maybe the enemy understands me better?

As soon as this idea emerged, it took root uncontrollably.

Black Bolt somewhat mocked himself for being sentimental. He had only met the human king once, so why was this kind of friendship born after they had known each other for many years? What's more, the human king wants to kill the vast majority of the Inhumans whose genetic mutations seriously deviate from humans. The principled conflict between him and the human king is irreconcilable. Even so, Black Bolt can't help but recall the relationship between the human king and the human king. His conversation, the concept that both parties devoted their lives to their respective races made them understand each other - the only pity is that the Inhumans and the human race will inevitably experience a zero-sum game when facing alien invaders. Who will No one can bear the consequences of failure in this game. Even Black Bolt himself cannot guarantee that he can always control the Inhumans and lead the fight against alien invaders while suppressing Attilan's internal desire for the earth.

Keep them quiet.

Black Bolt gestured towards Richard.

Although Richard is not a powerful member of the royal family and has a lot of resources, he was still shocked by Black Bolt's methods. After all, he was also one of the beneficiaries. Activate the stasis dormancy chamber to force the psykers to calm down. We cannot treat them at the risk of losing control of their psionic powers. Black Bolt looked at the arrested royal members. Without exception, these guys were all vines wrapped around the big tree of the Attilan royal family. He was a little curious as to why he knew what a tree was and what a vine was. He thought this might be the human king having spiritual communication with him. The sequelae of - Black Bolt decided to pull out the roots of these vines, even though it was too late to do anything now. I will allocate their share of energy to the stasis dormant warehouse, so there is no need to worry that the work of the medical department will be affected.

Attilan's currency system is related to energy. The energy from the core generating unit will be distributed to all royal members. The higher the status and the greater the power, the more electricity will be distributed. Attilan's currency is credit currency with energy as its core. Under the abnormal social system, the royal family and other clans and royal courts have monopolized all resources, including the most important electric energy. Even if it is only credit currency, greedy people still cannot Control your greed. Even the lives of Inhuman civilians living in the slums on the upper deck are no better than those on the lower production deck.

The annihilation battle in the Inhuman settlement is proceeding in an orderly manner. The genetically modified warrior team is attacking along the streets of the settlement, gradually clearing out the Inhuman fire strongholds that may exist in the settlement. Facts have proved that they were too well prepared and overestimated the military capabilities of the Inhumans. The Inhumans who had forgotten their military experience did not remember how to conduct urban defense operations. Even so, they still strictly implemented the tactical regulations. Carry out annihilation missions in a city that is gradually turning into ruins.

Those civilians simply cannot afford to obtain a large number of Terrigens for mutation, so most of their abilities are extremely weak. Although the royal guards who lead these civilians have a neat military appearance and have experienced directional mutations, they are still no match for the genetically modified warriors. As genetically modified warriors who are designed to deal with various strange battle situations, they rely entirely on their own strength and firm will to solve the problem. Developed various so-called superpowers that would cause big trouble on Earth - until the genetically modified warriors began to encounter some kind of creature crawling out of the cracks in the deck, the offensive force encountered some trouble. This type of enemy has never appeared before. Their huge size far exceeds that of the Inhumans, and they are like a fast-moving overloaded truck rampaging through the city. Not only do they have similar appearances (which is rare among Attilan civilian clans), Because the mutation characteristic of the civilian clan is diversification), they attack wantonly, regardless of whether the person in front of them is a genetically modified warrior or an Inhuman civilian. The monster's claws can even leave deep scratches on the shield of a genetically modified warrior. This It's enough to make the command department be more vigilant.

Report from Kama Taj Mystic?

Apalixia narrowed her eyes, her armor-wrapped palms opening and clenching on the execution axe. His body exuded the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, his cloak was stained with dust and blood, and the original brass-colored armor was almost stained black by the coagulated blood. Are you sure the enemy is an extradimensional spiritual entity?

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