Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1575 Moon War (eighty-seven)

I wish you could be here and I wish I could die with dignity.

Black Bolt closed his eyes and endured the severe pain in his vocal cords. The bloody massacre was spreading and he was unable to stop it. He saw his people being dismembered and swallowed by the monsters, and the remaining body parts were impaled on dark spikes and held high like flags. Such a cruel sight made him furious, but he could do nothing because there were still survivors and soldiers crowded among the monsters. As long as he opened his mouth, innocent people would be hurt. He turned his head, opened his eyes, and found a man with a warm shimmer standing next to him - that man stared at the carnage below, his kind black eyes full of pain. When he looked at those monsters that seemed to come from hell, the hatred and indifference in his eyes were as hot as an erupting volcano. It was the pain and hatred of a kind person when he witnessed atrocities. The anger almost turned into reality, stinging the skin on Black Bolt's cheeks - Black Bolt knew his identity without any explanation.

Is this what you expected? Black Bolt asked silently in his heart.

Yes. The human king replied calmly. Even though he is just a shadow, he seems to be a real entity. This invasion is bound to happen. I can't let it happen on Earth, otherwise the scope of spiritual pollution will expand beyond control.

How many of us can survive?

Only the civilian clan has genetic technology researchers from other clans.

Is this what you want, genetic technology? King Black Bolt was suddenly angry. Although he could understand the behavior of the human king, he would not ask such naive questions as why human life is more valuable than the Inhumans in the emperor's eyes. , As rulers, they inherently have a position, but he still felt angry. You think this will allow you to fight against the Dark Order?

There are not only the Dark Order, but also more alien invaders that need to be eliminated, and more extra-dimensional spiritual entities that need to be fought. The emperor put his hand on Black Bolt's shoulder, I will reveal these extra-dimensional things to you. The birth of a spiritual entity.”

Not now, I don't have time...

Before Black Bolt could refuse, he immersed himself in the illusion as if he were jumping into water. The screams and wails around him seemed to be separated by a thick layer of water. The flickering firelight gradually dived as he dived, becoming more and more distant, and finally enveloped in a layer of black. He saw a figure holding up a silver giant sword burning with black flames. Many monsters with horns on their heads and bat wings spread behind them looked up to the sky and roared behind him, crowning the figure with an iron-black crown. Time and space seemed to freeze, and Black Bolt took a few tentative steps forward. He passed through the gaps between those terrifying creatures and felt the dirty heat radiating from their bodies. Then he walked up to the high platform and looked at the figure wearing the iron-black crown. Even though his appearance changed drastically, Black Bolt still recognized his blood brother at a glance. He found that Maximus' height had soared to nearly three meters. The handsome face that always had a proud smile was now covered with bloodstains, and the eyes that always concealed thoughts were now shrouded in pure energy and malice. .

Maximus? No, it must not be him. Black Bolt clenched his fists, What happened?

He was chosen as a container to carry the will behind the curtain. King Black Bolt suddenly realized that the emperor wearing golden armor beside him had changed his appearance at this moment. The tall human king was as tall as an ordinary person at this moment, wearing a grey-black shabby cloak, and his eyes under the cloak were full of wisdom. He is a tool. His purpose was determined before he was born. Their original plan was to choose you, but your parents protected you very well, so Maximus was born.

What does it mean?

They were prepared many years ago. No matter whether I attack Attilan before the Dark Order enters the solar system, or whether Attilan decides to fight against the Dark Order, they have the means to deal with it. The Emperor. The voice came from under the thick cloak, I once interfered with his dreaming, and also interfered with the ritual from another dimension, but this cannot change his fate. The ritual had already begun before he was born, and now it is In the past, there was no coherence or causation.”

Black Bolt can understand what the Emperor means.

During those long years of imprisonment, the only thing he could do was read and study.

Although the proper science inherited from the Kree Empire was lacking in basic science, the Attilan royal family, which only possessed relevant applied science knowledge, used the computers left behind by the Kree to supplement the basic science that had been neglected for the sake of war. Blackcard Bertang's only pleasure comes from learning. He also has rich knowledge of quantum mechanics and relativity, but the relevant theorem nouns are different from those of humans on earth. Most of them are named after the kings of Attilan. , King Agung also has a law of physics named after him.

You want me to kill him with my own hands?

Yes, this is the only way to break the situation. The emperor replied calmly, Maximus's fate is closely connected with you. No matter how many predictions the results show, I will miss him face to face for various reasons. A chance to duel, and then he will come to you. You have to find him first, Blackcard Burtgun, this is the only prophecy with an ambiguous outcome.

Blackcard Burt was silent for a moment, then nodded.

I have a few requests.

Now you have my oath, the oath of being a king. The emperor stretched out his hand, It is a pleasure to meet you, Blackcard Bertegang.

Me too.

Your Majesty? The priestess looked at Maximus in confusion. She didn't understand why Maximus would stare at an empty space where there were only building debris and people beaten into pieces. There was a heavy armored vehicle of the human army lying there, with raging fire spurting out from the inside, dyeing the glazed black armored vehicle into carbon black. The precision crystals inside the laser cannon barrel were also broken and shattered by the violence of the collapsed building. , but there were no corpses of genetically modified warriors of the human army around, and there was nothing except bullet casings all over the ground.

There's no one there, and there's no sacrifice you need.

Maximus shook his head. His original clothes can no longer be worn. Now he is wearing a battle armor made by the Kree Empire for the Inhumans. The adaptive material can barely match his current body shape. Continue. He looked at the angel next to him, Execute my tactics, drive the group of gutter rats out of the lower deck, and let them attack the human army's defense line on the lower deck. If necessary, give them strength. But let them know what is the truth.”

My lord?

I'm fine, Constantine. The emperor shook his head, My blocking plan failed. We must defeat them on this battlefield and expel them back to their own plane. But this is only their first trial. Summon Master Hamil, I want to meet the veterans stationed in the dimensional gap, and I will convey the last order to them. After completing the final task, they can continue to return to the dimensional gap to station, always alert to the movements of the gods.

This task should be completed by us, my lord. Constantine said expressionlessly, Mortals are weak and cannot escape corruption after all. The eternal watch should be carried out by the Praetorian Guards. He had seen those from the dimensional gap observation station. Veteran, it is not that he has not seen their methods and wisdom, but what Constantine said is the objective fact. Even veterans of the interdimensional gap who have experienced hundreds of battles cannot escape corruption. Even if these mystics themselves are selected by the Supreme Mage, one of the most pure-hearted people, their will will inevitably be shaken in the face of the eternal watch from the outside. The Praetorian Guards can never be corrupted. This is an objective fact. Even if the universe is heat death, extradimensional spiritual entities will never be able to shake their will, because this is determined by their genetic alchemy. They have eternal loyalty and vigilance.

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