Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1577 Moon War (eighty-nine)

Aparisha kills silently and savagely, regardless of whether the person under the execution ax is a weird and twisted figure from another dimension, or a mutant who has lost his human appearance due to genetic mutation. The execution ax that only two people could barely lift was as light as a branch in his hand. The bone density and flesh of the mutants were completely unable to stop the sharpened ax blade. Facing the skinless monster from another dimension, Apari Xia activated the power of the execution axe, used the hot ax blade to split the twisted black sword made of hell metal, and smoothly cut open the body without internal organs.

These monsters clearly have no concept of fear.

The original purpose of the bolt gun is to deal with the terrifying creatures everywhere in the universe, as well as the individual armor used by those intelligent creatures. The blocking power and penetrating power far exceed the weakened version given to the Inhumans by the Kree. Electromagnetic rifle. Even though many of the same kind had died under the guns of the genetically modified warriors and turned into a puddle of pus and ashes, and even though the dense bombs killed many extradimensional creatures, they still rushed towards the genetically modified warriors, especially the leader Aparisha. . They hit the shield line erected by the genetically modified warriors like waves, and the sound of the collision of steel and hell metal was endless. These creatures that did not exist in the material universe waved deformed claws and weapons, greedily harvesting the fleeing Inhumans. The lives of civilians are unwilling to give up any soul that is easily available.

The chariots covered in steel and armor used their tracks to roll over the ruins. White-hot and dazzling heat spurted out from the barrels. The high temperature that instantly vaporized the steel cooked the monster's flesh. The air was filled with the smell of hot metal. Aparisha nodded toward the armored fighting vehicle, raised his battle ax high, and ordered the genetically modified warriors to continue moving forward. The command team he led and the soldiers of the first company shouldered the most difficult task, which was to attack civilian clan settlements. The emperor finally decided not to hold back and put heavy equipment into the battlefield in batches instead of staying in the encirclement to compress the Inhumans. The living environment is waiting for the other party to propose negotiations.

Compared with the Kimilian clan settlement that has been captured and is being killed in an orderly manner, and the Centaur clan settlement that is being bulldozed with heavy artillery, the civilian clan settlement is responsible for the exchange of residents from different clans. Among all clans, The largest population base and the largest area of ​​Attilan's residential area made it the most difficult area to conquer in the entire battle. Although other clan settlements also have layers of buildings that resemble honeycombs and can accommodate many residents, the structure of the residential areas of civilian clans is more complex.

Each clan has promulgated its own population laws and implemented eugenics policies. However, the long-term peace and recuperation have inevitably caused the population to skyrocket, not to mention the most populous civilian clan settlements. Therefore, the internal honeycomb buildings in civilian clan settlements are also among all clans. The largest and most complex building complexes that accommodate the largest population - these building complexes are surprisingly complex, and due to the population explosion, many building structures have been redistributed on a family basis, which over time has formed a set of tumors attached to the original building complexes. , so much so that when the human army, which is gradually establishing an uninhabited land, uses explosive cannons, melta missiles and thermobaric bombs to demolish buildings, they often find that behind one wall is another wall, and the unlucky ones who fail to escape in time are like Like a mouse, it huddles in a room that is barely enough room to turn around. Many of the buildings that had been violently destroyed were originally structurally unstable and were entirely supported by advanced armor materials. Now they collapsed like avalanche peaks. The sound of twisted metal and crushed concrete was like thunder in the valley.

Aparisha and his First Company stood like a silent reef in the bloody tide, using the accompanying armored fighting vehicles and main battle tanks to separate the huge number of enemies. They advanced in silence, skillfully using various urban street fighting tactics to establish firepower points and clear out extradimensional creatures in the encirclement network, breaking down an adrenaline-filled war into surgically precise strikes. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the steel dome - under the dark dome, bright sparks were falling, providing fire support for the frontline troops - however, the tactical command system of the power armor clearly marked a target under the steel dome. The inconspicuous black figure, the identification of friend or foe instantly pointed out the identity of that figure.

Blackkard Burtgun, the titular king of the Inhuman royal family, is also the most threatening individual known to the Attilan Inhumans. Not only Aparisha, but also the radar of the rear fire support troops and the snipers hidden in the city discovered the existence of Black Bolt. After seeing the relevant information from the tactical projection on the helmet, Apalisha decided to Shoot down the figure soaring under the steel dome. This kind of thing only requires a skilled sniper and a powerful enough sniper rifle to do it. If not, then use the terminal air defense system on Black Bolt. However, the command department rejected this proposal. Because Black Bolt has peaceful intentions and expresses his desire to talk to the Emperor.

This does not affect our war with the Inhumans. Malcolm told the senior officers at a temporary online meeting. The Inhumans will not be our friends. All Inhumans except the civilian clan must be purged. Strategic objectives There will be no change, our first target is still the Inhumans’ genetic research facilities, and the mortal army will continue to accept civilian clan prisoners.”

As soon as the Black Bolt King Blackkard Burt landed, he didn't even have time to retract the black bat wings behind him. He was surrounded by the halberds raised by the guards who were much taller than him and used his injured throat to State your conditions. He was not worried that this would cause harm to the human emperor. The emperor made it clear to him that as long as he wanted to, the so-called superpowers of Blackkard Botagon would not be able to function.

Second, I need your army to help me protect civilians. He glanced at the tall golden-armored giant beside him. Blackcard Burt had no idea that if the Emperor hadn't just asked the Guards to give up shooting and told the command not to intercept Black Bolt, he might have been attacked by snipers and anti-aircraft cannons before he got here. and anti-aircraft missile attacks. This is my condition. As long as you agree, I will tell you the key to the genetic laboratory. It is the most secure place among all clans. If you want to forcefully open the laboratory and take away the equipment and data inside, Then this war will go on endlessly, and I believe you are feeling the logistical pressure of ammunition at this moment.

Constantine stared at Blackcard Bertegang with vigilance. All the weapons of the Guards were covered with blue electricity. Amon and Hammurabi held swords and shields on both sides of the emperor. Amon and Hammurabi Hannibal put his finger on the explosive trigger of the garrison spear handle, ready to give Black Bolt a hard blow at any time.

My people need food, water and safety, and I also need the location of Maximus. As if to seize the only time to speak, Black Bolt King Blackjack Burt just spoke very fast. few. I can open the armory sealed by the Gene Parliament and provide you with more weapons and equipment that are not allowed to be used by the Gene Parliament. That is the equipment that the royal family banned from all clans after the civil war. I don't expect you to treat my clan fairly. , after all, even I have a preference for my own clan, I have given up on other clans, and I don’t dare to make any more conditions.”

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