Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1601 Moon War (One Hundred and Thirteen)

Regent Victor von Doom nodded. He did not have much trust in those so-called superheroes. Even if those mortals possess astonishing intelligence and pure justice, those people are too affected and unable to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of saving the human race. He calls the so-called superheroes rabble. This is not to belittle them, but to simply and clearly explain the relationship between the so-called superheroes and human society.

As a person who personally experienced the society at the forefront of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, Victor von Doom also read Alan Moore's Watchmen comic series - after all, Kama Taj Qingxiu's environmental entertainment activities are very few - but He did not draw an analogy between the comic book Doctor Manhattan and the Emperor. Even though Dr. Manhattan in the comics is as powerful as the Emperor, the Emperor's heart is much firmer and nobler than Dr. Manhattan's. In his eyes, Dr. Manhattan is still a mortal, a so-called rabble and a slave to fate.

This is not to blindly regard cruelty and violation of the moral standards of today's human society as a salvation, but because some people must do it. Even if those who are rescued will not express gratitude for this, their survival is still what the emperor fights for. Everything, what he asks for in return is for people to follow his plan and make the human race strong, wealthy and stable - no matter whether Attilan can stand on the side of the human race to participate in the war against the Dark Order, no matter whether Attilan can side with the human race and participate in the war against the Dark Order, Whether Tilan will launch Terrigen missiles to pollute the earth's environment? As long as the Inhumans still exist, the dangerous psychic genetic mutations implanted by the Kree into the Inhumans will spread like a virus, but there is a difference in the speed of spread.

The spread of psychic genes will lead to extremely serious consequences. It is impossible for Karma Taj to control all potential psychics. There will always be fish that slip through the net and hear the whispers behind the curtain, brewing terrible disasters. This will be a temporary disaster. The price of mercy is that many more will die because of the whispers behind the veil and the weak-willed psykers. What if Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, or anyone else knew that a group of demihumans who separated from the human race thousands of years ago and now possess a large number of dangerous psychic genetic mutations were living on the moon, and that their leader was able to suppress If there is a desire for the earth within the ethnic group, then they will never launch a war like the emperor and regent did to completely eliminate the inevitable potential dangers. The result of this kindness is that more people will die, but they can use ordinary The moral sense of the world is self-satisfied.

This is what the emperor said to the regent, destroying one world can save another.

Some people will be unable to press the bomb button because of their inner guilt. Although the emperor has similar hesitation, he knows that he will eventually press the button and make a choice, so he will ignore his inner struggle and choose this option that no one dares to do. The decision to take responsibility - He himself knows that this is a kind of limited justice, a kind of justice that only belongs to the human race. For other alien civilizations, this means oppression, exploitation and massacre. But in the emperor's view, talking about equality across the galaxy before human civilization has developed to a certain height is tantamount to putting one's neck on the guillotine of an alien alien - the kindness of the weak is just weakness, and only the kindness of the strong is Peace, if He wants to make the human race a strong one, he must step on the corpses of countless aliens to win the crown.

In the opinion of Regent Victor von Doom, although the Emperor and Doctor Manhattan also see the possibilities of all time, the Emperor will not succumb to the arrangements of fate, but will create his own destiny before the inevitable end. The fate of oneself and mankind. That is an opportunity, an opportunity worth all the effort, an opportunity that blind and short-sighted people cannot understand and cannot see.

[You will never guess what questions those diplomats are asking. I know you are not interested in reading the minds of those diplomats. If you are curious, I can pick a few for you. 】

The phantom of Regent Victor von Doom sat down on a high-backed chair nearby.

Although it didn't mean much, it made him feel mentally comfortable. This wooden seat is juxtaposed with the emperor's throne. It once belonged to the Vladimir family. Now that the regime has changed, the emperor prefers the throne carved from white marble because it is more in line with his body shape after wearing armor.

[Some people are secretly speculating whether your eyes will emit heat vision. Others are asking whether you can fly and whether you need to bask in the sun; others are considering the damage you will cause when you conflict with Thor, the most powerful of the Avengers, and the possible outcome of the conflict. You know that this banquet cannot be kept completely secret. The first thing these diplomats do after returning to the embassy is to check the listening devices and then report the situation to the country. Our inspection was so thorough that they didn't even get a chance to use the iris camera, and they couldn't take anything away except what they could see with their naked eyes. 】

[You can tell them that my eyes can release heat vision, I can fly, and I don’t need to bask in the sun. 】

[You know very well that they are spreading fear of you to the world. They worry that you are an uncontrollable superman. Superman is real, and they want to say it, and they want to map the horrors of the comics into the real world, because they know you're going to destroy them. They will do whatever it takes to get information on you, and Countess Karkov is clearly a fragile link in the chain, and I don't believe her loyalty is impeccable. The same goes for Natasha Romanoff. When a decaying tool is still usable, it is best to have another tool ready for replacement. 】

The Regent's phantom rose from his high-backed chair, as light as dust.

[Short-sighted people throughout Europe and even North America who cannot receive comprehensive education and do not have collective thinking will stand up against you because of their incitement. Under such circumstances, populism is the only path that Europe and North America can choose, which means that we have to spend more resources, including time, to integrate this part of the territory. Therefore, the Greek war cannot start at this time, which will start the Third World War. We cannot face a full-scale attack from European countries in a very short period of time. 】

The emperor kept his arms on the armrests and remained silent.

Regent Victor von Doom nodded.

The world needs to think about a question.

How should the world face a man who has the power to overthrow institutions to achieve absolute personal justice? The emperor himself can use his subjective initiative to change objective reality to a certain extent, so does the human government of this world need to consider his attitude towards the world? How can ordinary people accept behavior that is contrary to the universal worldview and can even be said to be absolutely rational?

Just like in the Watchmen comics, American society has a god-like vision for Dr. Manhattan, so many places in Europe (even the Nordic countries with a large influx of Middle Eastern immigrants) regard the Emperor as a devil because the Emperor did not behave The actions expected by the people in those places, the use of forceful means to destroy churches and erase religions are called antichrists by many. However, such a title is only spread among the Puritans of televangelicals in North America, because the Yugoslav Federation is in southern Europe rather than North America.

Until the emperor descended on the Joint Headquarters in New York, the IMF had considered the Yugoslav federation to be in debt. But after riding into the United Nations Security Council and cutting off the mural painted by Per Kroger with a sword, the representatives of the International Monetary Fund changed their previous attitude and began to discuss with the regent Victor von Doom. reconstruction loans and other matters, and promised to extend the maturity of those previous debts again to ensure that the credit rating of the Yugoslav Federation would not be lowered.

The objective facts mentioned by the regent can be changed through the actions of the emperor himself. Therefore, he is thinking about how to make up for the shortcomings in objective reality through his own actions so that the future situation of the Yugoslav Federation can complete the indicators set by him, not himself. Do you need to continue the plan? It’s just the charlatans who show madness and perform miracles to make money in the North American televangelical sect. There is no need for the regent or the emperor to worry about the impact of their incitement. Even on some occasions, Europe The people (mainly the Germans) privately worshiped the emperor's glory and power - the plan would proceed as usual, and the huge calculation model was being calculated and revised at all times to fit the actual situation and make analyses. The computational model running in the emperor's brain required far more computing power than all the computers in the world combined. Even Victor von Doom did not dare to say that he understood every detail. What he could understand There is only what the emperor has written on paper, a grand framework, the conclusion reached after trillions of simulations and calculations.

The regent left the throne room, leaving the emperor here.

Except for the silent, motionless statue-like Guardsman, there was no trace of airflow in the air caused by his movements or breathing, as if he had turned into the same material as white marble. It wasn't until the bright lights in the banquet went out and the beautiful morning light crossed the Stara Mountains and the Dinara Mountains, and the forest composed of crystal glass and reinforced concrete shone in the sunlight, that the emperor on the white marble throne opened his eyes and looked towards Spots of light splashed through the rose window onto the giant chamois carpet in the throne room.

My lord?

The emperor shook his head. You want to know why I'm back on Earth instead of overseeing the entire campaign in Attilan?

Yes. Amon took a step forward and stood next to the emperor's throne. You have enough reasons to stay in Attilan, rather than to use diplomatic means on Earth. Compared to showing the Inhuman mutants to those mortals, , the final phase of the Battle of Attilan is even more important.”

I need an excuse to return to Earth, Amon. An excuse that can deceive Kama Taj. Now, except for the veterans of the dimension gap and the mystics we took away, the current Kama Taj and all the mystics in the headquarters are No longer worthy of trust until we determine what exactly is going on there.

Ms. Athena?

She is injured. The emperor closed his eyes and recalled what he had seen.

He was not sitting idle on this throne. In addition to performing model deductions, algorithm optimization and other actions as usual, He also met with Athena. It's just that the latter's condition is not good. From her smooth and round shoulders to her muscular waist and hips, a ferocious wound almost split her back, and the blood stains blurred the beautiful glory of her body. In fact, part of the reason why He hurried back to Earth was to rescue Athena from the rolling Brahmaputra River and return her to her apartment in New York - as many people living in that area saw that night Golden meteors fell from the sky into the valley - He spent almost a whole night expelling the magic that cursed her, cleansing her body, curing her diseases and repairing her wounds. After regaining consciousness, Athena drank a lot of wine and took many medicines before she told the emperor what she had seen.

Because of recklessness, I went to Karma Taj without wearing armor. Even when Salomon used magic to clean her long golden hair while she was sitting naked on the bed, Athena's face was still full of anger. Her cheeks flushed with excitement. The headquarters of Kamal Taj was blocked. I tried to break into it to see the Supreme Mage, but tens of thousands of spells protecting Kamal Taj erupted at the same time and injured me. This was just an accident!

He didn't answer.

Your intuition is right. After venting her emotions, Athena seemed to have regained her original wisdom. Something terrible happened to Kama Taj. To be precise, something terrible happened to the Supreme Mage. I can’t even determine whether the mystics inside are alive or dead.”

They are still alive. At least the dungeon is safe. The Praetorian Guards I arranged there are still alive.

Athena turned her head and looked at her nominal adopted son from the corner of her eye. She could tell a lot of confidential information from just this sentence, but now was not the time to care about such things. What are you going to do? she asked. Can you unlock Kama Taj's protective spell?

“That is equivalent to figuring out the trajectory of every atom of every star in the galaxy.” He said, “I can do it, and I am doing it. I have been doing this work from the moment I rescued you.

You don't have the authority to control the Kama Taj defense system?

The final authority is still in the hands of the Supreme Mage.

What the hell happened! Athena lowered her voice, feeling the light foam slipping from her long hair, then turning into light spots and disappearing. Don't tell me you didn't see anything in your prophecy! I won't be hurt by other people's prophecies. You owe me a debt now. You must tell me what kind of prophecy you saw!

I saw the Sorcerer Supreme injured.

The Sorcerer Supreme is often injured!

This time is different. The Sorcerer Supreme blocked the most dangerous moment of the Battle of Attilan.

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