Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1607 Chapter 1603 Moon War (One Hundred and Nineteen)

The steel wings cut through the twists and turns of the space, and the lady in black armor wearing a golden lily emblem held a flame and poured death on the ragged and hungry mutant believers. They did not care about the stampeding, falling, and falling of the mutant believers due to panic. Begging, screaming and cursing, he continued to pull the trigger towards the most densely populated area and spray out sticky and hot fuel.

When the muscles, fat and bones burned, they produced large amounts of thick smoke. Through the high-precision thermal imaging mode of the tactical sight glass, they could see the bodies of the panicked and crowded mutant believers burned into emaciated charcoal in the flames. Those who had not yet been The mutant believers affected by the flames crowded on the steep stairs, pleading to the battle sisters wearing steel wings - any words uttered from the mutants' mouths could only get one response - dense explosions hitting the steel Mutant believers on the stairs, a huge roar exploded in the empty crypt, corpses and rain of blood rained down from the suspended side of the steel stairs like a waterfall. Immediately afterwards, the spiral grew on the outer steel wall. Several sections of steel stairs that were once used to transport staff but were now riddled with holes were softened and burned through by the fire. The power armor's friend-or-enemy detection system and thermal imaging vision tracked it. Hundreds of flashing red dots fell into the abyss together with the explosive shells, like a heavy rain.

Tita didn't look back at the mutant knocked down from her side.

Time seemed to slow down, and she knew that the mutant's big, frightened eyes had seen her. Even though the mutant was still alive, he was still roaring loudly with his herbivore-like mouth, waving his deformed hooves, and falling explosively. The bullet casing hit its broken skull, and Tita was unwilling to waste any attention on the mutant who was heading towards death. Its dirty hooves could not touch her, its rough vocal cords could not utter any profanity, and Tita felt the push of the steel wings on her back. She had only one target. The power armor's identification friend or foe system had already locked the target for her with the help of an unmanned reconnaissance drone - she had to be faster. The knights will never give up the spoils to her, but she must make the heretic in this incident repent - this has nothing to do with military goals, but with equally important things such as faith, culture, and inheritance.

Although the reconnaissance drone lost its lock on the target in the chaotic scene, Tita had an intuition that her target was still alive. Even if she had never seen the target face to face, she could still smell the stench of blasphemous faith. . The other two battle sisters followed her flight path and hit the team of believers like meteors. As soon as they landed, the knights cursed and stopped shooting - after a round of shooting, all the mutants at the front of the team were retreating crazily, while the mutants at the rear were desperately pushing forward, even those with weapons Humans cannot use it either.

It doesn't take much time to kill such chaotic cultists. The knights picked up their melee weapons and rushed into the crowd.

A single explosive bomb can penetrate the bodies of many mutants. Even if some mutants have exoskeletons, they cannot withstand warheads specially made for light armor. Manufacturing such an explosive bomb requires a series of high-end industrial systems such as many giant smelters and foundries, high-precision metal processing plants, precision machinery foundries, large and complex chemical systems, and rail freight transportation. Even if mass production can reduce costs, the price of such a bomb today is far beyond the level that ordinary countries can accept it as the main ammunition. The value of the bombs transported to the Attilan Star Fort on the moon has increased several times. These are not The life of too many armed mutants is not worth as much as a bomb.

But the knights don't consider the cost issue at all. It's just data placed on the desk of bureaucrats. They save ammunition just to prepare for the subsequent battle. Empty a magazine is already their importance to this group of mutant cultists. . In comparison, high-speed rotating single-molecule red-hot blades, extremely heavy war hammers, and forearm-long combat knives are all the most suitable weapons. However, the sisterhood battle sisters led by Tita had already rushed into the crowd before them. Cut open the tightly packed limbs and pave a bloody path to the target. The Knights soon caught up and joined Tita in her attack on the mutants. It seemed that a lot of space had been liberated by killing the mutants who were trying to escape backwards, or that the mutants who were attacked by flamethrowers from behind were also planning to escape. At this moment, the so-called pilgrim team finally began to squirm.

You have a flamethrower, why don't you use it? Aparisha asked Tita in the communication while waving the execution axe. What do you want, Tita? According to the plan, your combatants should stay at the end and middle of the line, cutting off this mutant line with fire, and you should stay there to ensure that this tactic is executed perfectly. Or are you finally Do you understand that it is better to use a sword than a gun?

The upturned tone of the knight's last words didn't make Tita laugh.

She concentrated on killing the mutants in front of her, regardless of whether they resisted or not.

She swings the sword extremely fast, and the decomposition field on the sword allows her to cut through muscles and bones like butter, without having to worry about the weapon getting stuck. Aparisha also had to admit that Tita's swordsmanship was superb. Although her strength cannot be compared with that of genetically modified warriors, her exquisite swordsmanship and speed indicate that she has received quite professional guidance and training - the other two battle sisters who smashed into the mutant crowd with her also used the same weapons. Tactics. It is said that this is because the sisterhood received education from the emperor when it was first founded. Within this armed group, the duel combat skills taught by the emperor are skills that only high-ranking commanders can learn. Now the group fighting skills displayed by Tita can still be learned. Known as the Master, there is no complete body or limb between the blades. Although not all of the mutants who fell to the ground were dead, they all lost the ability to move. Occasionally, they used plasma pistols to blast out a line in the crowd that exuded the smell of burning and... Passage of thick smoke to prevent yourself from being surrounded.

The target was a cultist.

There are cultists everywhere here. Aparisha smoothly used the battle ax to cut the mutants in front of him in half. The large number of casualties made the ground of this set of steel steps extremely slippery. A large amount of blood fell from the edge of the steps into the abyss like running water, like a crimson waterfall. Corpses, wounded and internal organs were squeezed down every moment. , and it was a long time before the echo of the impact came. Isn't this a task assigned to you by the regent?

This is a task given to me by His Majesty. If possible, I want to catch the priestess with my own hands. She is the leader of this sect and one of the culprits who opened the portal. What I want is the complete prisoner, Ah Parisa.”

So do you know where she is?

My intuition tells me that she is here. She is still alive, and the ether gives her strength and luck.

Tita cuts a mutant's neck open and presses him against a railing to bleed. At the same time, she used her other hand to firmly grasp the scorpion tail that the other mutant shot out like lightning, and ruthlessly pulled out the tail and spine together, with astonishing efficiency. She narrowed her eyes, and a strong intuition made her focus on a figure running away in panic not far away. Compared to other mutants who were seriously deformed due to chemical pollution, that figure looked quite beautiful, with the sacred human appearance still intact, but Tita could smell the disgusting stench of blasphemy. The Identification Friend or Foe system couldn't determine whether that was the target, but Tita's intuition could. The intense emotion and inexplicable hatred made her breathe harder unconsciously.

Catherine, who also received orders, did not directly participate in the battle. She is equipped with steel wings like other battle sisters, but the steel wings she uses are wider and as flexible as real wings. Tita saw Catherine spreading her wings and flying past the giant fusion reactor, swooping down on the crowded crowd of mutants below like an eagle, accurately attacking a specific target with the long sword in her hand, and then rising again. The knights could not understand Catherine's choice of targets, but Tita knew that Catherine's targets were those mutants with the strongest belief in blasphemy. Regardless of whether the other party's physical deformation was severe or not, as the emperor's artificial beings, they all had the same intuition. .

My instincts have always been spot on, Aparisha, she needs to be judged.

Constantine quickened his pace to dodge the attack, like a dexterous bullfighter in golden armor.

Both sides of this battle have extraordinary speed and strength.

The supernaturally grown muscles under the enemy's black and purple skin tightened, and the smelly and hot breath hit his armor with anger. Constantine reached out and grasped Maximus' firm spine with his palm. The huge force dragged him forward, the iron deck and mesh grille crinkling and curling like paper under his boots. Constantine felt that his shoulder joint was almost pulled out of joint, but even so, his other arm holding the spear remained stable. The sharp blade flashing with thunder and lightning drew a semicircle, slicing the skin of Maximus' neck and the back of his head. Although his soul was wrapped in anger, the black bristles growing on Maximus' back were sensitive to the air stirred by the spear. At the moment when the sharp blade almost penetrated his skull, he lowered his head with a reaction speed that ordinary people could not match, and avoided the fatal blow. ,.

The wound caused by the spear could not heal for a long time. The smelly blood was burned into white smoke by the pure flame. Even the smallest wound would bring the most intense pain. The unnatural blood dripped onto the mesh grille that inevitably became brittle due to oxidation, and then there was a sizzling sound, the smell of irritating gunpowder, the smell of gunfire burning hair, and the burning of the decomposing force field. The smell of ozone emitted by oxygen atoms fills every inch of the air here. The air heated by the molten iron river below continues to rise upwards, and nuclear radiation smoke and dust slowly rise upwards along with the thick smoke.

Maximus didn't stop, he turned around wildly and crashed into the wall, trying to crush the leader of the guards to death. Constantine quickly let go of the spine and relied on the inertia of the giant beast's turn to throw himself out. He watched the giant beast crash through a steel support before slowly stopping. Before Maximus could get up from the ground, he shot Maximus twice in the forehead and knees. The heavy beast was pushed back by the blocking force of the bombs and staggered back a few steps. Constantine's final shot hit the deck directly in front of Maximus, causing the shattered deck to fall downwards with him.

He didn't have time to check the results of his victory. When he saw the molten iron engulfing Maximus, Constantine had to face another challenge. He heard the dull heartbeat and the blood flowing in the veins, and smelled the smell of blood from the helmet's external air circulation device. It was not the smell of human blood, but an unnatural blood mixed with festering flesh and a weird musky smell. .

Visible psychic sound waves struck from behind. Constantine turned around in time to let his thickest shoulder armor resist the sonic impact, but the powerful thrust still made him take a small step back. The psychic sound waves not only acted on the physical level, but the unbearable piercing screams poured directly into the ears of the guard commander. The noise filtering system in the helmet did not work at all, and could not even detect the existence of the sound waves.

Constantine, with no expression on his face, rushed forward a few steps under the strong thrust, stretched out his arm and thrust out the spear.

Perhaps because he still had some sense left, Blackcard Burt flapped the broken bat wings subconsciously. These wings used a method that completely violated the physical laws of the material universe to generate impossible thrust, driving its body to float to avoid the spear. Sharp edge. But it did not escape the next attack. Constantine pulled the trigger, and the bomb hit the skull of Blackcard Burtgun, and it fell to the ground like a big bat. The commander of the guards burst out with astonishing speed in an instant, and rushed towards the fallen Black Card Burt, holding the spear tightly in his arm, like a fierce knight charging.

The Praetorian Guards collided with the falling beast, which was as deafening as the falling industrial forging hammer.

The spear pierced Blackcard Bertegang's body. The guard commander used the spear to prop up the giant beast that was two meters taller than himself, and pushed it to the edge of the deck by relying on the inertia of running. The latter angrily clasped Constantine's shoulder armor with his sharp claws and tried to open his huge mouth to bite his helmet. The next moment, gunfire sounded in the chest of the giant beast, and the huge monster was immediately blown away.

Don't do it again. The guard commander blinked helplessly towards the darkness where the naked eye could not see.

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