Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 811 Leaping Thinking (Part 1)

The construct formed by the combination of forbidden science and black magic is connected to the body by tendons and bearings, and the terrifying mechanized limbs are driven by nerves and cables to move. Even as a bystander, Salomon could still feel the pain of that demon. The demonic machine, which was as tall as two people, had its organs removed. It could only silently activate the ratchet wheel under its sharp body and pounce on it. It had no tactics, no thinking, and only violent attacks. It seemed that this was the only way to relieve its pain.

Bayonetta fought at once, and Salomon threw the boy behind the nearest gray stele before joining the fight.

The witch gracefully jumped up and turned around in the air, like the world's top female high jumper, and flashed the giant ratchet swinging sideways on her back. The sharp blade spun rapidly and blew a skin-stinging cold wind, which brushed against the witch's nose, chest, lower abdomen and shoe tips, but failed to leave her with any scars. She pulled out the long knife while maintaining a half-squat position after landing, swung the knife back without looking back, and chopped off the metal spikes on the ratchet wheel under the demon that were responsible for fixing and walking. Then, taking advantage of the structure's loss of balance, she aimed at the smaller gears on the demon's upper limbs and started attacking, intending to paralyze the demon's attack ability by destroying the transmission system of the demon's construct.

The mystic then cast a spell to summon chains and girdles to restrict the demon's movement and buy time for Beunita's attack. The iron chain that appeared out of thin air was tightly stuck to the gears and tiny blades of the main construct. A huge amount of current was transmitted to the construct through the iron chain, scorching the demon's little flesh and blood and temporarily paralyzing the mechanical structure.

By the time he joined the fight, the Witch had done irreparable damage to the demon in the blink of an eye. The long knife had already cut through the tendons and bearings precisely. Black engine oil and red devil's blood spewed out from the pipes and spilled on the ground. These unpleasant greasy liquids were immediately ignited by the sparks generated by the ratchet rubbing against the stone bricks, and the smoke was thicker than when the tires were burning. If ordinary people took a breath of this foul-smelling black smoke, they would immediately feel dizzy, nauseated and vomit.

As shown in her daily sword fighting practice with Salomon, the Witch's ability to fight with cold weapons is quite outstanding.

Most of the combat skills taught by the Witch Clan were for dealing with large targets. This was a very important reference for Salomon, who had already started to learn sword skills at that time. It can even be said that the Venerable only imparted knowledge, and his combat skills were basically trained by Bayonetta and Athena, whether it was a sword or a spear.

He cast a spell to summon a strong wind, and the smoke that blocked the view was rolled up to the church dome, so that Beunita would not be injured because he could not see the enemy's movements clearly. He didn't directly draw out the holy sword to attack the demon, not because he wanted to be lazy, and not because he suddenly remembered that he was a spellcaster, but because this demon was indeed not an overpowering creature, and it was no more troublesome for mystics and witches than cleaning up cockroaches in the house. After casting two spells, he didn't bother to do anything. Instead, he replaced the magazine for the large-caliber bolt gun on his left arm, activated the bomb supply system, and began to use the power of technology to solve the problem.

As he has always advocated, technology is the best option to solve all problems,

The boy hiding behind the stele found that the sound of gunshots, explosions, and metal collisions gradually subsided. He boldly poked his head out from the side of the stele, and found the witch standing there with her hips akimbo. Dirty flames and thick smoke were all over the huge demonic construct. Unlike the corpses of the extradimensional creatures in the past, this demonic construct did not turn into a phantom and dissipate after death, but left behind many mechanical wreckage. There were two empty magazines at Salomon's feet, and the reason there were no more magazines was because the witch had killed the construct in the time it took him to finish shooting.

Hold this! The witch angrily threw the two blade ratchets with huge demon skulls inlaid on the demon's limbs, and threw them towards the mystic. This is one of the few relatively intact parts of the demon. She didn't want to give this thing to Salomon as a gift, but to show him the mark on the blade ratchet. The mark on the Fifth Demon God Pillar was really conspicuous. In fact, he didn't know how many demon constructs the Fifth Demon God Pillar had sold in the past, but Salomon had to guarantee Marbus to prevent Bayoneta from going to Mars to cause trouble after returning.

There is an extremely magnificent spiral staircase leading to the upper floor of the waterfall church. After the battle, the boy can't wait (in part because he wants to escape the embarrassing scene of the mystic and the witch) to lead the mystic and the witch to run up. He said that the bridge of heaven that leads directly to the slopes of Finnbowente Mountain is at the top of the church. The memory was so accurate, combined with the magic the boy had unleashed not so long ago, that even he had a little doubt about himself. I don't remember anything, I don't even know why I had to go up that damn mountain. But I had to go, that's all I know, does that sound normal?

Let's put it this way, I'm quite experienced with 'brain blank'. Bayonetta's reassurance is more like some kind of teasing. I didn't know my identity for 500 years, and I didn't know the truth until the last few years. Come on, little one, whatever is waiting for us up there, we have a reason to go there.

The Waterfall Church is what the locals call this building. Although the locals living in modern times don't understand why it is called that, if they see the church that has been restored by magic, they will definitely understand the origin of the name. The spiral staircase where the witch, the mystic, and the boy stepped was built along a man-made waterfall. The lake they saw outside the church was actually the water source of this waterfall. When the church was restored, the device also restored the past waterway.

Compared with the boy who is still troubled by his own memory, Salomon is a little more relaxed.

He walked at the end of the line and commented on the sculpture and architectural style of the church with great interest. The windows of this church do not use stained glass, nor do they use stained glass to splicing religious images, nor do they have text carvings or unique worship symbols. The only thing that can reflect that this building is used for a certain religious purpose is the sword-holding sculpture with a hood and a robe. They stand alone in the shrines on the long winding steps. Salomon speculates that the role of these sculptures is the same as the soaring domes, exquisite murals and altars of Catholic churches, and the purpose is to give worshipers psychological pressure.

These statues were originally just dilapidated gray stones, but after the restoration of the device, both the statues and the windows returned to their original appearance. There is no moss, no damage, which also allows Salomon to speculate on the situation when the World Watcher ruled here.

Honey, after the mission is over, let's move some statues home!

One second the boy was still trapped in the melancholy of losing his memory, and the next second he was stunned by Salomon's unconstrained thinking. Not to mention boys, even witches. But she got used to it after being a little surprised. After all, Salomon's thinking speed is too fast. He often solves the second or even the third problem while others are still thinking about it. It is often difficult for ordinary people to keep up with his jumpy conversation.

Where is it better?

The fountains and roads of the manor need such sculptures. Bayonetta nodded, expressing her satisfaction with Salomon's vision. Such sculptures are indeed very suitable to be placed in the manor in Oxfordshire. He said, And I think my adoptive mother will appreciate such a work of art, and then we can tie a bow on the sculpture and give it as a gift!

Ask for a ticket!

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