Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 936 Blood, Gunpowder and Political Correctness (Second Update)

There were many boring jokes like toilet paper purchasing department, but Victoria Hand didn't care. She immediately started taking action after receiving the order. Perhaps because the haze of betrayal never dissipated, she acted very quickly, and never showed the isolation and desperation that characterized the Hydra rebellion. Without much prodding, she selected her deputy to carry out the plan. She had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Since the day Salomon officially recruited her, the monarch of the Eternal City had revealed this shocking secret to her. It was on that day, the day she returned from the dead, that Victoria Hand felt for the first time the weight of the monarch's secrets.

She spent years preparing, always making sure her men were not replaced and could launch a surprise attack at any point. The undermanned black-armored interrogators couldn't arrest all the Skrulls immediately, because not all Skrulls pretending to be loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were stuffed into those joke departments. For the first time, Victoria Hand was willing to put on the gorgeous black power armor with the golden palm emblem, and personally led a special team of the heavily armed Fimbull Winter First Secret Regiment and her most trusted agents to arrest those People on the list.

Meet the Praetorian Guards in thirty seconds. She pulled the trigger of the bolt pistol, and the alien flesh and blood splashed on the walls and ceiling of the corridor along with the explosion. She stepped over another corpse without hesitation, and the heavy mass trampled the Skrull corpse into flesh and bones. The Wakanda researchers who were still noisy all shut their mouths at this moment. It is not known whether they were frightened by Victoria Hand's decisive killing or the true identity of their colleagues. Now no one protested ungratefully.

Victoria Hand didn't care whether these Wakandans would snitch on Su Rui, the director of the scientific research department. This time she obtained the authority to kill the Wakandans. No one can stop her, the only thing that can stop her is the road full of corpses. We must carry out a thorough cleanse. Her voice buzzed through the helmet's speakers and breathing grille. Use blood and gunpowder to carry out the monarch's will.

I have made certain biochemical modifications to those bear cubs. They will grow bigger, have stronger muscles, and have better brains. Now the daily meat consumption of the bear cubs is quite terrible. I am considering whether to become a bear cavalry. , as long as they stop destroying the lawn... Salomon and Stephanie spent thirty-two minutes and forty-six seconds to complete the inspection of the Skrull settlement. They did this work without contacting surveillance agents, who did not trust them unless they could eliminate suspicion. The task of replacing the surveillance agents before the arrival of the soldiers was carried out by two agents on the surface, and there was an assassin lurking secretly to ensure that the handover could go smoothly.

The results of the inspection were the same as the satellite reconnaissance report. The Skrulls established a stronghold in the middle of the forest. These strongholds are built according to the specifications of SHIELD bunkers, with ordinary concrete buildings above the bunkers. You can guess with your toes that those seemingly ordinary concrete buildings must be full of passages leading to the bunker. Salomon saw more than once the electric light emitting from the muzzle of the gun in the unoccupied window. Single contact reports from surveillance agents indicated that the Skrulls were preparing for war, and Salomon confirmed the authenticity of some of the intelligence.

These aliens seem to think they have a right to exist on Earth.

If an alien race could dedicate itself to the future of humanity, Salomon saw no problem in forming an alliance with it. But considering that they have killed humans and pretended to be others, considering that they believe that the earth belongs to the Skrulls, considering the Skrulls’ bad habits and their usual methods of controlling other races’ societies, the Skrulls have been excluded. The scope of the alliance.

The weapons and technology of the Skrulls have been tortured by the black-armored interrogators, and technicians have evaluated and reverse-engineered the weapons of the Skrulls and the technology left on the space station, and the logistics department has also conducted warfighting. Damage estimates, but Salomon still prefers simple and effective tactics. He didn't want his soldiers to enter the bunker and start an indoor battle with the Skrulls, otherwise there would be no need for him to ask for the Gustav-class siege cannon.

The lives of veterans are too precious, and the Immortal City still needs time to train new recruits. Their lives are much more valuable than those of the Skrulls. So Salomon chose to spend money, using the numbers in the financial game to save the experience and lives of the veterans, and using the numbers earned from artificial intelligence to buy the time for the recruits to grow - first using ground-penetrating bombs to pry open the concrete, granite and concrete of the bunker. Alloy plate top cover, then siege cannons to clear the ground, assault transport boats to provide fire support, and finally mechanized infantry to be sent forward to eliminate. There will be no prisoners left in this battle. Maya Hansen has enough experimental materials in her hands, and the Immortal City wants enough information.

This battle is a trial, a trial for the crimes these Skrulls have committed against humanity, a trial for the lives these green-skinned parasites have cut off with their own hands.

There will be no more life, just ashes.

Salomon hoped that the sisterhood's actions could be a little gentler, and that the US military's nerves would not be so tense.

The North Island Naval and Air Force Base in California is very important. The sisterhood's actions will definitely trigger a backlash, and perhaps the McClellan Command Post in California will respond. Salomon did not want to trigger a global war, so he had arranged for a spokesman to claim responsibility for the action immediately after the attack. According to the concept put forward by non-governmental organizations funded by the American Democracy Foundation, those extreme environmental protection organizations claim that human beings must be extinct, and their actions implement the course of action of destruction is the best solution or the most well-intentioned announcement. Therefore, this hat is very suitable for a terrorist attack.

It will be claimed that the person responsible for the attack is a fabricated extremist organization, and the announcement will declare that the main reasons for the attack are environmental protection, vegetarianism, and protection of small animals. At the same time, protecting minorities, women’s empowerment in the workplace, queer, multi-gender, genderless and gender-fluid and even fucking armed attack helicopters totaling fifty-six genders. At the same time, they claim that the U.S. military is not diverse enough, vegetarian enough, and feminist enough, and requires the U.S. military to recruit soldiers and generals who meet the above ideals.

This kind of news is enough to cause quarrel between American politics and people for several years.

Just before the operation was planned, the fictitious organization received money from the National Endowment for Democracy.

It wasn't much, but it was received, which was very, very surprising to Stephanie, who had stayed out of the job to avoid suspicion. However, the payee is fake, the organization is fake, and even the reports and office buildings submitted to the foundation are fake, all compiled by artificial intelligence manipulating the network. The intelligence agencies followed the remittance information and discovered that the money given to the fictitious organization by the Democracy Foundation came from a newly emerging artificial meat company.

But not all of it, less than 50% went to the account of the fictional organization. In addition, there was a remittance from Wall Street. The owner of that company had studied at Columbia University and might have joined the Frankfurt School and the Skull and Bones Society. However, not all of the remittance reached the account of the fictitious organization, only 30%, and auditors were required to be dispatched for verification every six months.

This made Salomon couldn't help but lament that corruption in the US government is really everywhere, and even this small amount of funding must be withheld.

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