Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 228 One Person Saves One City

After a second, Su Zicheng's afterimage disappeared on the boss's chair, and at this moment, Hei Dan was shocked again.

Afterimages? Are you sure this is not a fucking martial arts novel? What’s wrong with this world? Aliens are going to invade the earth, and artificial intelligence is going to destroy the earth. There’s a goddamn cultivator here...

Looking at Su Zicheng, at this moment, he closed his eyes again, Hawkeye overlooked SOKOVIA, his mental power was activated again, and quickly covered the entire city.

With the experience of last time, the speed this time is indeed much faster. In just one minute, every corner of the city has been clearly engraved in Su Zicheng's mind.

"Are you ready, let's start!"

Su Zicheng raised his eyebrows, as if he was about to do something terrible. Indeed, in the next second, what happened in this city was indeed unimaginable.

Because, at this moment, a large number of citizens disappeared, yes, that's right, they disappeared in place.

A group of people who were rushing towards the aircraft carrier suddenly seemed to have evaporated from the world, and a group of people who were also crowded on the street disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Things like this are happening all over the city at the same time. Haunted? Nope. ~ is not...

"ten thousand,"

"fifty thousand,

"One hundred thousand,"


"one million,

"Ten million,

"Fifty million."

In mid-air, Su Zicheng still closed his eyes tightly, and at the same time he kept chanting, as if he was counting money, more like counting. Finally, at a certain moment, Su Zicheng- opened his eyes.


"There are quite a lot of people, there are nearly - more than 200 million people."

Su Zicheng exhaled a few deep breaths, the soul pendant activated automatically, and a burst of milky white light enveloped Su Zicheng's head again, and suddenly "the feeling of lack of mental power ten times

After all, there are nearly 200 million people, so the consumption of spiritual power is not insignificant. It is much more difficult than using spiritual seeds to kill the Ultron army before.

One is destruction, the other is protection, the degree of consumption in both cases can be imagined.

It is easy to destroy, but difficult to protect.

"This soul pendant is really easy to use. It can be regarded as an enhanced version of meditation."

Su Zicheng stroked the pendant around his neck and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It is true that the large numbers of people who disappeared in the city just now have something to do with Su Zicheng.

That's right, it was Su Zicheng who 'made a ghost'.

Protect these people first, so that Su Zicheng can take the next step better.

It wasn't that Su Zicheng suddenly relented, it was just part of his mission to quell the chaos, including the chaos of the crowd.

And Su Zicheng's method is that if so many people are to be quieted down, there is only one way [that is to make them all disappear. And Su Zicheng just had something to achieve.

Yes, it is Hunter Space 2.0 after upgrade. This is the first time that Su Zicheng uses the hunter space to store people.

The introduction after the upgrade is that Hunter Space 2.0 can accommodate the entire United States, so it should be more than enough to accommodate people on SOKOVIA.

Indeed, when everyone disappeared, the whole city did quiet down. Once the bustling and noisy crowd disappeared, wouldn't there be only boundless silence left?

At the moment SOKOVIA is more like a dead city. Large areas of ruins, lifeless cities, and wars that are still burning everywhere, all of which swear by the mournful screams of the scarred city.

The battlefield that had just experienced the smoke of gunpowder, seemed extraordinarily quiet at the moment.

Listening to the whistling wind, Su Zicheng knew that his task was only half completed. Don’t forget, the current SOKOVIA is still doing free fall? The sky is 30,000 meters high, such a big city, even if it is free fall, it will not take long.

"All Avengers, all evacuate..."

Su Zicheng roared, reminding the Avengers who have not yet been taken into the hunter's space.

The rest of the matter, just leave it to Su Zicheng, and everyone else here is a burden.

With this sound, Su Zicheng also used 3/8 god-level physique, and his sonorous and powerful voice immediately overwhelmed the whistling wind. spread to every corner of the city.

The first time Tony heard the sound, Vision's own Iron Patriot flew directly under the city and flew out.

Without the tenacious resistance of the three, SOKOVIA fell even faster.

"There's no one left,"

Su Zicheng muttered in a low voice. At this time, his mind also turned quickly, thinking about countermeasures quickly.

How about taking an entire city into hunter space?

No, there are still so many people inside. Although space can separate things of different attributes, there are still other things in the city that belong to the same substance as human beings. I am afraid that only a small piece of space can be collected at this speed. Killed a bunch of people. No, this method will not work.

Then destroy it, and this is the only way to go.

"How about the flame meteorite?"

"No, no, the range is not enough to cover the entire SOKOVIA."

"It doesn't work either,"

"Time still doesn't have such a large range,"

"It seems that the various large-scale magics that I know are not suitable,"

"What should I do with such a meow?"

In the sky, Su Zicheng tried hard to think of ways one by one, but each one denied Zhizhi.

"Mr. Hunter, there is one minute and forty seconds left, SOKOVIA is about to land!!!"

"One minute and thirty seconds!"

"One minute and twenty-five seconds!"

"One minute and ten seconds!"

Tony in the distance is always calculating the speed of the descent, so as to report to the hunter at any time.

"Damn it, magic doesn't work, it depends on equipment!"

"The Cursed Blood Knife is not good, the sword energy is not enough, it will take some time..."

This countdown made Su Zicheng very upset. It won't be the first time that the task cannot be completed.

"Fifty seconds!"

"Forty-nine seconds!"

"Damn, fight!"

After finishing speaking, Su Zicheng shook his hand forward, and a curved bow appeared in his hand, which was the bow of elements.

There are hundreds of elemental arrows for the bow of the element that has been added to twenty-five every day, and this bow has not been used for so many days. Su Zicheng is really a bit of a handyman.

"Thirty seconds."

"Fuck it, don't care if he's born or not,"

"In ancient times, Hou Yi shot the sun, and Genghis Khan shot the big eagle. Today, I, Su Zicheng, will show you an acrobatic trick of shooting a city."

After finishing speaking, Su Zicheng held the bow in his front hand, and exerted force with his back hand, and the elemental bow was fully drawn in an instant. The bows of the elements were put on the bows as if they didn't need money. This hair is Sangen Hiroshi. .

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