Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 471 The Peak Of The Himalayas

Chapter 471 The Peak of the Himalayas

I saw Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One behind his hands, just now on the top of the snow mountain. The strong wind like a knife made her cloak flutter, and she looked like a fairy with a strong spirit.


Suddenly, Ancient One said something abruptly to the air in front of him without looking back.


Even more strangely, there was a voice in the air that responded.

And this person is Su Zicheng. Just now in Kamar-Taj, Su Zicheng felt that someone was calling him, and agreed to meet here. After thinking about it for a while, Su Zicheng knew that this person was Ancient One.

Definitely, regarding this point, Su Zicheng has no extra thoughts. After all, she is a Sorcerer Supreme, and being able to do this should only be considered a small trick in her ability.

"I've noticed you for a long time,"

"I know."

"Then why are you only now looking for me?"

"Why, is Sorcerer Supreme's way of hospitality is to meet people to fight on the top of the snow mountain?"

"Won't you invite me in for a cup of tea?"

The two of them just asked and answered. In just a few words, Su Zicheng felt that it might be that Ancient One mistakenly thought that Su Zicheng was here to fight, so in order to avoid hurting innocent people, Ancient One deliberately led Su Zicheng to the peak of the Himalayas.

However, Ancient One also seemed to feel that he had misunderstood him. It's not her fault, after all, Su Zicheng's strength lies here, especially the high-profile global press conference, how could Ancient One not know him. In addition, if there are some mysterious energies hidden on the earth, or the big bosses who are reclusive, on the bright side, the bounty hunters are basically the strongest.


Su Zicheng had already talked about this point, Ancient One also smiled slightly, and swiped his two hands on his chest, a golden portal with a height of one person appeared in front of Su Zicheng.

On the other hand, Su Zicheng seems to despise its portal. The body is motionless, and it does not go in at all.

"Oh haha…………"

Ancient One also smiled wryly twice, thinking that Su Zicheng didn't trust her. So I laughed twice, raised my legs and walked into the magic portal first.

When Ancient One passed through, Su Zicheng's body also disappeared, but instead of passing through the portal, he moved instantly.

At the foot of the Himalayas, Kamar-Taj, an old-fashioned house, opened the door, and there was a different scene inside.

The first thing that catches the eye is a Japanese-style living room. However, under the investigation of Su Zicheng, there is another world behind the living room.

A group of plainly dressed people with various skin colors, black, yellow, and definitely Caucasian. Moreover, there are not only healthy limbs, but also some people who lack arms and legs, or who are disabled in some places.

Although they are physically handicapped, from their (well-deserved) expressions, Su Zicheng can't see any sadness or cynical look. I saw that each of them had a knuckle-like thing on their fingers. However, this 'knuckle tiger' can only connect the middle finger and ring finger.

There is also this little thing. On the square behind their living room, they were either practicing magic or waving magic weapons. On the square, the yellow magic circles flying all over the sky are of different colors, as if people are in a fairyland, a magical world of strange Lu Li. .

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