Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 483 Entering The Cave

Chapter 483 Entering the Cave

However, what is embarrassing is that the throne did not move at all, as if it was rooted here.

Su Zicheng had fully estimated the weight of the throne just now, and he used seven or eight percent of his strength when he came up. But judging from the current situation, it is still underestimated.

No way, this time, Su Zicheng directly used all his strength to try to move again. In the next second, the scene fell into embarrassment. No matter how hard Su Zicheng tried and how he changed his position, he couldn't help it.

This time it was Su Zicheng's turn to be discouraged. Seeing that the secret was right under his feet, Su Zicheng was helpless. Isn't this the same thing that a pervert hides a lazy woman from taking a bath through the glass, and a hungry man thinks hard about a full banquet?

"Could it be that this throne also needs to be certified by it just like Yuchui?"

"That's meow, isn't it embarrassing me?"



"Meow Meow Hammer?"

"Oh law..."

Su Zicheng slapped his head, as if he thought~ came up with a solution.

I saw Su Zicheng stretched out his hand, slowly placed it on the throne in front of him, and then closed his eyes, yes, he closed his eyes.

However, with just such a move, the next second, following Su Zicheng's thoughts, the throne disappeared in place. I didn't guess wrong, I didn't expect that Su Zicheng just had the mentality of trying, and he really succeeded. Because the throne has been taken into the hunter-space by Su Zicheng at this moment.

When the throne disappeared, the hole in place was naturally leaked. Su Zicheng looked down. It turned out that what I saw just now was not a hole, but a button of a device. Oh, no, there is a depression on the stone slab, and it seems that something embedded in it should have been buckled out. Then it's exposed to the air, because the sunken place is pitch black

That's why Su Zicheng mistook it for the entrance of the cave.

However, when Su Zicheng took a closer look, he found that the sunken shape was somewhat familiar.

Before he knew it, Su Zicheng seemed to have taken out the mysterious metal key that had been combined into one. After a little comparison, the two are surprisingly similar. After thinking about it, Su Zicheng raised his hand and boldly put the metal in his hand into the depression.

0......seeking flowers......

Seeking wealth and wealth, how can you find tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den? This is probably Su Zicheng's last stubbornness.

When Su Zicheng left his hand, the metal fragments were put in perfectly. One depression, one protrusion, the two things seem to be a set, and there is no gap when they are put together. If it is said to be formed naturally, Su Zicheng will definitely not believe it anyway.

It’s just that Su Zicheng has been staring at the metal fragments all the time, waiting left and right for some reason. Could it be that some people have seen this kind of metal key fragments before, and thought it was fun, so they carved this thing casually? But this is Two metal key fragments, that person will not know that two metal key fragments can integrate even if he is bored.

Strange, Su Zicheng thought it was in disrepair, so he knocked casually with his hand. It didn't matter if the knock was random, but there was a sudden clicking sound after a random knock, as if a button had been triggered and it had been pressed down.

In the next second, there was only a rumbling sound, and the stone slab Su Zicheng was standing on suddenly cracked to the sides, revealing a metal baffle inside again. .

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