Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 663 You Have To Listen To Me

Chapter 663 You Have to Listen to Me



"And just?"

Before Su Zicheng could finish being happy, he suddenly felt that a basin of cold water was about to pour down on the system.

"Only, the mission is to prevent Dormammu from invading Earth,"

It's about the earth again, Su Zicheng's heart tightened when he heard these two words.

"So, the focus is on the word aggression," "Five Five Seven" "As long as Dormammu don't invade Earth,"

"Whether the host uses the hunter space,"

"Or take it out directly,"

"It's all established."

"Oh Shet,"

"Scare me."

Really, I originally planned to speak to Dormammu, but the system turned around again, and it came to a gradual change. This is for fun.

"cough cough,


"I promise you,"


"After the contract is made,"

"You have to listen to me.

Since the system judges that there is no problem. Then Su Zicheng has nothing to worry about. The contract-concluding magic was cast again. Su Zicheng said confidently.

"That's natural."

Hearing that Su Zicheng also agreed to its request. Dormammu was also a little excited. Maybe it was enough tormenting in this integrated magic circle, so next, before Su Zicheng told it the next step, Dormammu skillfully allocated a little soul power and directly integrated it into the contract-concluding magic.

Seeing this scene, Su Zicheng also shook his head with a wry smile. Damn it, a servant is more cunning than his master, this makes Su Zicheng a little ashamed.

After seeing that Dormammu was done, Su Zicheng also controlled the soul power, just like making a magic weapon, it was also infused into the magic of contract conclusion.

In the next second, the original blood-red magic circle gradually became transparent as the soul power of the two entered. It was as if someone had poured water into it to dilute it. Moreover, the angel and devil-like patterns made of the lines inside seem to be moving.

Wrapped by the soul power, the two patterns move gradually, as if they are eroding each other, and they seem to be constantly integrating.

Suddenly, a ray of light rushed towards Su Zicheng with a whoosh. Su Zicheng dodged like a conditioned reflex 0... However, after seeing the same light point flying towards Dormammu, Dormammu also seemed to be used to it, waiting motionlessly for the light point to get into his head .

Seeing this, Su Zicheng smiled helplessly again. Hey, it's obvious that he wants to conclude a contract, but why is he like this one who has never seen the world. It's a bit embarrassing.


When Su Zicheng also let the light spots into his head like Dormammu, at that moment, he only felt his brain lighten up.

In the next second, Su Zicheng sensed carefully, and everything seemed to be the same. However, the only difference is in the depths of the spirit. There, it seems that a pattern has been branded there. Like the spiritual seeds, they are deeply hidden in the depths.

Following the 3.3 pattern, Su Zicheng tentatively covered the mental power. Suddenly, Su Zicheng's spiritual power was directly sucked in as if being drawn by the pattern.

Su Zicheng closed his eyes and carefully felt the spiritual power. along the pattern. Su Zicheng found that he could feel the depths of Dormammu's soul. Although I still can't feel what it is thinking, Su Zicheng has a wonderful feeling. .

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