Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 74 Very Confident, Can You Be Resurrected (Sixth Watch, Please Subscribe)


This time Su Zicheng has no further hesitation.

Let go of the bowstring, and the arrow shoots out.

As if he had eyes, he pierced Harold's right hand and nailed it to the wall. Now, Harold was nailed to the wall, showing the word "big".


Harold screamed in pain, and habitually wanted to cover his abdomen with his hands, but he was rigidly pinned, and two wounds were involved with a slight movement, and the pain was unbearable.

"This arrow...left leg!"

"This arrow...right leg!"

Harold roared angrily: "You're a bastard......Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

He was completely nailed by Su Zicheng.

Left hand right hand, left leg right leg.

The palms of his hands were pierced, and the thighs of his legs penetrated directly through the leg bones. The pain of the bones being smashed almost made him faint on the spot.

Oh no, she has passed out.

But in the next second, Su Zicheng walked up to him, grabbed the arrow, and snapped it lightly.

Severe pain can make him unconscious, and naturally it can wake him up.

"It's quite interesting."

Su Zicheng picked up the bow of the elements, and casually aimed at Harold: "You said... where should I shoot the next arrow?"

Intentionally or not, he aimed the arrow at Harold's third leg.

"No 623 will let you go! I won't let you go!!"

But Harold seemed to be awakening some strange attribute, smiled indifferently, and muttered to himself with blood on the corner of his mouth.


Su Zicheng shook his head.

Stop howling, it's boring.

Harold slowly raised his head and looked directly at Su Zicheng, his face was stained with blood, and with his expression, he looked like a devil from hell: "I will kill you."


Su Zicheng nodded, raised the elemental bow and pointed it at Harold's head.

His main purpose of coming this time was to torture Harold.

Because this guy is so smug and proud, it really makes him a little uncomfortable.

Ever since he became a bounty hunter, Su Zicheng has been paying attention to a happy relationship, not to mention that this guy doesn't give commissions.

Zong Zong should be punished for the two crimes.

However, the novelty of the torment passes quickly, and Su Zicheng is not a pure pervert either.

He knows a lot about that perverted method of torture.

What kind of person, gouges out his eyes, smokes his ears, pours medicine to make him dumb, cuts off his hands and feet, and throws him into a cied...

Ling Chi, inch beheading, and beheading, commonly known as thousands of cuts and ten thousand pieces of corpses......

There is also grooming. The grooming mentioned here is not a woman's grooming, but a very cruel punishment. It refers to scalding the prisoner's body with boiling water, and then rubbing the flesh of the person with an iron brush. Grab and comb down until the bones are exposed, and finally die.

As a native of Daxia, there are countless horrific punishments in Daxia in ancient times, and there are also innovative "The above three loyalty is something that Su Zicheng can think of and do.

But just thinking about those punishments made Su Zicheng feel horrified, let alone execute them himself.

You are the big brother, and I am the younger brother.

Although many people were killed, Su Zicheng felt that if he was allowed to carry out the execution, he might vomit to the point of weakness before he died.

The arrows slowly condensed.

The arrow reaches to the forehead.

Harold only felt that his forehead was locked by an air force. Although the arrow hadn't shot out, it seemed that it was urging the surrounding elements to turn into drills and drill hard into his forehead all the time.

Honestly, it hurts.

But Harold didn't change his face. Instead, he smiled happily, his eyes were extremely sinister, like a dying Beast, emitting a faint light: "Kill me."

As he said that, he pushed his head forward as much as possible, as if he couldn't wait to die.

It was completely different from the desire to survive just now, with a dangerous smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Eh! I forgot."

Su Zicheng patted his head lightly as if remembering something: "The Hand will revive you, right?"

Harold's pupils shrank suddenly.

How does he know?!

Is he from the Hand?

No...absolutely not!

Then why would he know?!

Harold was a little panicked, because the reason for his sudden change of attitude was the hand technique!

The Hand can revive others and use a mysterious and mysterious power.

Harold, who had been dead for three days, was rescued in this way.

Harold is not afraid of death, because he knows that his opponents will still be useful, so resurrection is inevitable.

And after can cooperate with the Hand, lurking in the dark to deal a series of blows to this bounty hunter!

Under such fearless conditions, he would make such a deadly move.

However, who would have thought that this bounty hunter would know the secret that the Hand can resurrect people.

Harold really panicked, his body was trembling slightly, this time it was not because of pain.

Hand resurrection is also conditional.

If the bounty hunter took him away, took him to a certain place and killed him, or simply destroyed his body and wiped out all the traces, and he couldn't find a single hair, no matter how fantastic and awesome the Hand would be, it would be impossible to revive him.

He's not Wolverine, he's not Deadpool, there's no such thing as a broken limb reborn who can live with a headshot.

The Hand would not look around for him because he was kidnapped, at worst, they would just replace him with another puppet, he was just easier to use, but there are countless rich and terminally ill people in the world, and many people have always been willing to be dogs for the Hand.

Once he died, at most he would regard the person who killed him as a provocative hand, and would issue a hunting order.

But what is the use of this? Everyone is already dead, and it has nothing to do with him if he pursues or not.

However, even if he was flustered, Harold was still a fine person after all. He suppressed the panic in the depths of his eyes, making it hard to see. Instead of denying it, he nodded.

"That's right! The Hand is able to resurrect me! broken limb reborn! Deadman reborn! Even if I have only one head, one hand, or even one finger left, I can still live! And once I am resurrected, it will be yours Time to die!"

Harold stared at Su Zicheng firmly, in order to make his words more convincing, he even became the best actor, smiling as if he was real, very arrogant.


Su Zicheng laughed wildly.

If I hadn't watched TV dramas and learned about the Hand, I would have been fooled by you.

"You said...a single finger can be resurrected? What about a cloud of ash? Or a puddle of pus?"

"The Hand, can you resurrect you?"

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