Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 152: I told you so. 2009 CE

[Two Months later]

Tony Stark was walking out of a military plane when he saw two individuals waiting for him at the runway with a car beside them. One of them is Happy, who is standing tall with a bit of a soft smile on his face, while the other, Pepper Potts, who looked a bit dishevelled.

“Hm… Your eyes are red.” said Tony in amusement, his broken arm dangling in front of his arm. “A few tears for your long lost boss?”

“Tears of joy.” she said while smiling. “I hate job hunting.”

“Well vacation’s over.” said Tony while walking towards the car. “I need a cheeseburger, let’s go get a cheeseburger.”

“Tony, let’s get you checked up in the hospital first.” Pepper sighed as she entered the car along with Tony.

“No, I’ve been in captivity for almost two months, an Egyptian girl saved me out of all people. I could get out myself, I had a plan, yet that smug face…”

“Tony, what are you talking about?” Pepper questioned, confused at his words.

“Never mind.” Tony murmured. “There’s three things I want to do right now. First, get a cheeseburger, second–”

“That’s enough of that…”

“It’s not what you think.” insisted Tony. “Let’s visit Uncle Smith’s house, I want to talk to him for a minute, after that, I want you to call for a press conference.”

“Tony you just got back, what for–”

“Hogan, drive,” said Tony, cutting off Pepper once again. “Cheeseburger first.”

“Sir, yes sir.”

Tony’s ride stopped in front of a rather low profile house in the middle of Queens. He had a cheeseburger in hand, and he saw the owner of the house come out, paint smeared all over his clothing.

“You know, now that I think about it, I never visited you.” said Tony as he took a bite of cheeseburger. “I still can’t believe you lived in a shack in the middle of Queens…”

“Has its ups and downs.” Pluto hummed as he walked down the stairs of his terrace. “I see you’re alive.”

“I didn’t expect that this ‘eye-opening trip’ would be so… well… eye-opening.” Tony continued. 

“Well I’m glad that the trip taught you a lesson.” said Pluto, putting his arms on his waist. “So why are you here? Last time I saw you, you said that you don’t need my pity, and you don’t want to hear my rambling.”

Tony sighed as he took another bite of cheeseburger. “Is this all your doing? Kidnapping me, to teach me a lesson?”

Pluto chuckled. “Is that how you think of it? Why?”

“Well, if it is, it worked,” said Tony casually. “This is all seemed surreal to me, two months ago, I was kidnapped by Afghan terrorist using my own inventions, they were speaking arabic, and then just a couple days ago, a bunch of Simians, an Egyptian woman, and a French man suddenly barged in to the cave and killed all the terrorists.”

“Well, that must’ve been a shock, poor you.” Pluto shrugged.

“After they killed them all, they dragged me to the desert, I had to leave my unfinished armour which I had built, and then they just left me there, in the desert, all alone to die in the heat.”

“You didn’t die though, that’s good.”

“That’s not the point, old man.” Tony sighed. “How old are you anyway? 200? 300? Are you even alive? Are you like those vampires in Twilight? But you’re not shining like a diamond though…”

“Well, older than that.”

Tony massaged his head. “Anyway… just tell me, did you do it or not? I’m not going to sue you or anything, I just want to know.”

Pluto chuckled in amusement. “I’m not that cruel boy, I didn’t kidnap you, I did save you though, a thank you would be nice.”

“Yeah I’d rather meet the Egyptian girl again and thank her personally.” Tony smirked.

“She’s 2000 years old.”

“Jesus Christ, how old are you then?!” Tony sarcastically said. “Oh, well, it’s the face that’s important.”

Pluto laughed. “Well, what do you want then? You came here just to ask that?”

Tony bit his cheeseburger and swallowed it. “I came here to tell you that I am indeed the Da Vinci of our time.”

“Oh, what makes you say that?” Pluto raised his eyebrow.

“Because I too, realised how dangerous my inventions are.” Tony smirked. “Anyway, see you later, old man, I have a press conference to catch.”

Pluto chuckled at Tony’s behaviour as he turned to the car again. “Anthony?”

Tony turned around. “Yeah?”

“It’s good that you’re alive.” Pluto nodded proudly. “I’m looking forward to your armour suit.” he said, walking back to his home once again.

Tony raised his brow, surprised that he knew what he was going to do, but shrugged it, entering his car once again, speeding to the press conference.

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