Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 166: Thor, prince of nothing. 2010 CE


A group of men and a woman quickly appeared at the edge of the rainbow bridge as a big man with blonde hair ran towards the entrance of the bifrost.

“Why did you bring us back?!” the man, who was Thor, shouted to his father, Odin.

“Do you realise what you’ve done?! What you’ve started?!” Odin shouted back.

“I was protecting my home!”

“You cannot even protect your friends! Let alone a kingdom!” Odin roared.

Thor scoffed as he clenched his new Mjolnir. “There won’t be a kingdom to protect if you’re afraid to act!” he argued. “The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you.”

“That’s pride and vanity talking, not leadership,” said Odin. “You’ve forgotten everything I taught you, about a warrior’s patience, and have you not learned anything while you were on earth? War isn’t everything! The Eternals taught you that!”

“Don’t bring their names here father!” Thor roared. “They are just beings in a backwater realm! Do not think that I am beneath them!”

“But you are!” Odin argued. “Unlike them, you are always consumed by pride! hiding it with a vague mask of righteousness!”

“Well I’m not just going to stand here giving speeches while Asgard falls!” Thor shouted once more. “I might be prideful father, but I know what’s best for our people!”

“Are you!?” Odin questioned angrily. “War that could potentially kills many people is the best way for our people?!”

“A short-term sacrifice is worth the long-time peace—”

“You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!” Odin roared once more. “You don’t want the best for our people, you want the best for your throne!”

“And you are an old man!” Thor countered. “And a fool!”

Odin calmed down a little, and he turned thoughtful.

“Yes… I was a fool…” Odin murmured. “Pluto was right… I should’ve taught you harder when you were young… to think you were ready… I almost doomed us all…”

Loki then stepped in. “Father, this is my fault, I should’ve—”

“HALT!” Odin screamed, making Loki flinch. Odin was truly pissed right now, he then stared at Thor, and spoke again. “Thor Odinson… You have betrayed the express command of your king… through your arrogance and stupidity, you’ve opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war!”

Odin then activated the bifrost, slowly turning its gears.

“You are unworthy of these realms!” Odin roared, cursing the frightened Thor in front of him. “You’re unworthy of your title! You’re unworthy! Of the loved ones that you have betrayed…”

Odin then looked at Thor from top to bottom, before raising his hands. “I now take from you your power!”

Mjolnir in Thor’s hands suddenly flew to Odin. “In the name of my father! And his father before! I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!”

Thor then suddenly was thrown to the bifrost, teleported elsewhere in the universe. Odin then whispered to the hammer, and threw it to the portal, sending it to a place where Thor also fell.

Odin looked at the opened gate, and sighed. “I’m sorry my friend, I was hoping that he would receive one last lesson… from you…”

Loki then approached Odin in protest. “Father, surely this is too much, even for you.” said Loki. “Banishing him to outer space? Isn’t it too cruel?”

“I am not banishing to a random planet Loki,” said Odin. “I’m banishing him to Midgard, and I hope someone will teach him a lesson there...”

“Midgard…” Loki murmured curiously, before following his father back towards Asgard.

Pluto was watching a football game in a stadium alone, cheering for his favourite team as he got a call from someone. He took his new smartphone from his pocket, and answered the phone.

“What is it?!” Pluto shouted as it was really loud.

“Good Evening Mr. Smith.” said the voice from the phone, it was Nick Fury.

“What do you want?!”

“I’m sorry Mr. Smith for bothering you as you seem to be watching a football game right now…” Fury murmured. “But I have discovered something unusual that had just landed in New Mexico.”

“Unusual you say?! What kind of unusual?!”

“A hammer just fell of the sky, Mr. Smith.” said Fury. “I hope that we will be able to have your… expertise… towards all things magical…”

“So I’m your consultant now?! I thought it was Anthony?!”

“Well, we called you because we have no idea what we’re seeing right now sir…” said Fury. “So I would appreciate your help this time.”

Pluto sighed. “Fine! It’s probably someone I know anyway!”

“Someone you know?” Fury questioned in confusion, but Pluto hung up before he could get answers.

Pluto calmed down from the call as he put his phone back to his pocket. He stood up, and walked to the bathroom, vanishing into thin air.

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