Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 39: Scrolls and Memories, 1194 CE

[Pluto’s POV]

I walked towards the scattered parchments, and picked up one of them. As I opened the parchment and read it, my eyes widened.

Greetings, this is me, Helen, son of Tyndareus, and this is me practising my writings. 

I had been in this world for almost 12 years, and last month, I was kidnapped by a bad man from Athens. Father told me that that man was the king of Athens, I didn't know why I was kidnapped, I never did anything bad.

But a nice man and a kind woman saved me. Their names are Pluto and Thena. Father said that they are Immortals, it means that they cannot die. Pluto seemed scary at first, but he comforted me when thunder appeared, and he told me to not be afraid of anything.

He gave me a cat. The cat is strange though, it’s transparent, it didn’t eat, it didn’t drink, but it was still cute.

He helped me travel back home, it was a fun journey, I never really went outside apart from this. They showed me many things, they showed me animals, plants, and they cooked for me. It wasn’t as delicious, but it is special.

In the middle of the road however, my brothers came to pick me up. I was disappointed a bit, after all, they are good company, he gave me the cat though, I hope they come to visit…

“This is… Diary?” I murmured. Do Greeks do this type of thing? The entry said it is for writing practice though.

I closed the parchment I had, and took another one, I opened it.

Today, finally, Pluto and Thena came to visit. They didn’t change at all, the perks of being an immortal perhaps?

They visited me when it was the time for my father to choose who I would marry. I was nervous of course, honestly, I’d rather have Pluto as my husband, but I don’t know if Pluto and Thena are lovers or not, I never ask…

We talked in the gardens, Pluto told me that I am beautiful, it was nice…

They also told me to choose my own groom, it was a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that? I told my father about it, and he agreed. He made the men swear to protect my marriage, which was nice.

After I chose Menelaus as my husband, Pluto and Thena told me that they’ll stay in Sparta for a few decades, which was great! I could visit them more often!

I opened another one.

I have a daughter now. Which was strange, it only feels like yesterday when I met Pluto and Thena. I have grown up now, my breasts are developed, hairs are growing in peculiar places, but they haven’t changed at all. Sometimes I envy them, especially Thena, she looks so beautiful, and she stayed with Pluto all the time.

But now, I feel like those two are my parents in anything but blood. They taught me things that I wouldn’t have known if I stayed in the palace, and I am grateful for it.

I chuckled at her writing, and opened another one.

I have lived for over 20 years now. My daughter is almost the same age as me when I met Pluto. So I asked him if he could bring my daughter to travel. I don’t want her to be like me, locked up in the palace. Instead, I want her to explore the world. I got a taste of it when I met Pluto, I wanted my daughter to have more than a taste.

He agreed, but he looked reluctant as he usually does, but I know he’s happy that I asked him to do that, I could feel it.

I opened another parchment, and another, and another. As I opened all the letters, I realised that I have been sitting in this room for so long, that the sky outside is dark. I also felt something in my eyes, something wet.

“Does the room have a water leakage?” I asked myself as I looked up on the ceiling, wiping the wetness around my eyes.

I shrugged, and I tidied her room. I put all the parchments back to the chest. I tidied her bed, put her collection of clothes back to where it should be, and I threw away all the broken things.

But then, I can hear a slam in the door. I looked at the door, and saw Menelaus, standing angrily as he stared at me.

“Where is my wife?!” he shouted as he grabbed my collar, threatening me. “Did you conspire against Troy to kidnap her out of my grasp, you Athenians?!”

This man is annoying. I grabbed his hand, and I started to secrete Hydra’s acid from my palm, which made him shrieked in pain.

“Don’t touch me.” I said coldly.

“You!!” shouted Menelaus, grasping his hand as the pain still hadn’t resided.

“You should cut your hands, it’s better that way.” I said nonchalantly. I heard that he still shouted, cursing me, but I didn’t care, as I saw my construct, the cat, sitting on the window.

I approached the construct, I touched the cat’s head, and it transferred all that it saw to me.

I saw it all.

Helen was abducted. Paris hurt her, Troy hurt her.

Then, I feel a strange feeling in my heart, in my chest. I forgot what this overwhelming feeling is, can somebody tell me?

“It’s Rage, Pluto.” said Idemnon in my head. “It’s rage.”

Ah, yes, it’s rage.

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