Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 99: The ocean is deep and wide, like your mom’s as-. 1511 CE

A/N: Sorry… can’t help myself…

[Atlantic Ocean]

As the sea breeze hit the face of Pluto, Thena, and Gilgamesh, the Portuguese flag waved on top of the ship. Pluto was sitting beside Thena, talking soundly at each other.

“Thena, you had one of your episodes again?” asked Pluto worriedly.

“No…” she murmured. “I told you, Pluto, it was just a one time thing.”

“It didn’t look like it.” refuted Pluto. “Let me bring you to the sorcerer supreme, she’ll help you.”

“I swear Pluto, I’m fine.” insisted Thena. “Don’t worry about me.”

Pluto sighed, and just squeezed her hand. He then looked through the window, the sky was clear as day, but Pluto could feel that something bad was going to happen.

Gilgamesh then entered the room they were in, and said to them. “The others have arrived. They started the cleansing without us.”

“Well, we don’t have to work then.” said Pluto casually, earning an elbow from Thena.

“No…” said Gilgamesh. “We got another mission.”

Pluto raised an eyebrow. “Another?”

“Yep.” said Gil, sitting in front of them. “We were told to eliminate the deviants in the Atlantic ocean.”

Pluto frowned. “Are you serious?”

“Dead serious.” said Gil seriously if you can’t tell.

Pluto massaged his forehead. “Fine, let’s just get this over with.”

“With what? Swimming?” scoffed Gil.

“No, you guys stay here, I’ll use my constructs to just do this quickly…”

“How many constructs do you have?” asked Gil.

Pluto shrugged. “Dunno, my head is really loud right now… so maybe like 69 million? Maybe 70…”

Gil looked at him weirdly. “You know… I don’t know why Ajak doesn’t just allow you to use the constructs to eliminate all the deviants in a couple of years…”

“Well, that would be boring,” said Pluto. “And we can’t show our powers to the majority of humans anymore, remember? My constructs running around Europe would be a dead violation for Ajak’s so-called rules…”

“Well, you have a point…”

“Good thing we’re in the middle of the ocean, right?” said Pluto as he stood up, winking at the two of them, making them groan. “Nobody will ever see it.”

“You guys just sit here, I’ll do the hard work for you.” said Pluto as he walked away from them, exiting the cabin.

Pluto was now standing on one of his old constructs, Ghidorah. The strong breeze of the ocean hit his face, and behind him, thousands of constructs followed.

Most of them are flying constructs, with frost giants constructs on their backs.

“Right boys! Let’s get to work!” shouted Pluto, and the frost giants' constructs cheered behind him.

“God… finally… my head calms down a little…” murmured Pluto, happy that his construct is not in his head for a while.

Then, suddenly, a giant snake came out of the ocean. It had fins, and deadly teeth.

“Well, I guess the ocean’s deviants will be much deadlier…” murmured Pluto. He then ran on one of the heads of Ghidorah, before jumping to the deviant, summoning his Persephone. 

The spear heats up, boiling the seawater around him. As he got nearer and nearer to the deviant, he stabbed the giant snake in the head, its brain melted from the heat of the spear, its body blistered, boiling.

The snake screamed as loud as it could, but Pluto ignored it as more and more deviants suddenly appeared from the ocean.

His golden legion stepped in, pouncing, freezing, biting, and cutting them off one by one.

As Pluto stood in the corpse of the now dead deviant, the seawater boiling around him, he smiled.

“This is a good day.”

He was about to jump again, but then a construct of a teenager appeared before him.

“Can I play too?” asked the teenager.

“It would be boring if you play, Juno.” said Pluto, which made the teenager sad. “But fine, go, do your space magic thing.”

Juno then smirked at him, before disappearing altogether.

After that, Pluto jumped again, and he killed a deviant one by one.

Pluto was standing on top of an island of deviant corpses. He sat on the biggest of them all, catching a breath.

Suddenly, another island, bigger than his, appeared in front of him. It was Juno, bringing all the corpses she had killed.

“Wow, I shouldn’t have allowed you to play…” murmured Pluto in annoyance.

Juno then walked up to him, and sat beside him. “Where to next?” she asked.

Pluto took a deep breath, cosmic energy from the deviants around him slowly gathered to him, before all the deviant corpses vanished, making Juno help Pluto float in the air.

“Let’s just follow the mission first.” said Pluto, before taking out the tesseract. “After that… I will probably place this somewhere safe… Tonsberg again maybe. I don’t need it anymore, as you seem to be growing…”

“And then what?”

“Thena’s sickness.” said Pluto in worry. “She’s quite headstrong… I can’t convince her to meet with the sorcerer supreme yet, she’s adamant that it’s fine…”

“Hmm… yeah, that would be a priority indeed.” 

Pluto sighed, and put the tesseract back, before saying. “Let’s go back.”

Juno nodded her head, before opening a portal towards Thena and Gil.

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