A gray crystal the size of a fingernail was being played with in Rock’s palm.

“”Master, what is this?” Little Red Riding Hood asked curiously.

“First of all, I am not your master.”

“As for this thing, it is the source of that guy’s beast transformation.”

Little Red Riding Hood frowned slightly:”Why does that monster have this thing in his body?”

“That’s the problem.”Rock pursed his lips and said,”It’s impossible for humans to have such a thing in their bodies. I’m also very curious about who transformed them into this.”

This crystal is somewhat similar to the extraordinary seed, but it’s much inferior to the extraordinary seed. The extraordinary seed opens an extraordinary sequence and can grow step by step. In theory, even the most ordinary knight and witch sequence may grow to the legendary level. Of course

, this possibility is very low.

And this crystal can also allow ordinary life to enter the extraordinary, but the extraordinary level created is directly solidified, and the strength of what is completed after the transformation is what it is.

But for Rock, the value of this thing is no less than that of the extraordinary seed. After all, the extraordinary seed is rare, but this thing can be produced in batches, and it is not bad to use it to cultivate a batch of extraordinary cannon fodder.

“Do you want to try it?” Rock suddenly handed the crystal to Little Red Riding Hood with a playful look.

“You can become extraordinary directly.”

Little Red Riding Hood took a few steps back, her face full of vigilance.

“No, that monster is too ugly!”

“Besides, Master, the evil humor on your face is almost overflowing!”

“Don’t forget it”

“Let’s go~”

“Let’s go, where to?”

“Kill monsters, and you will get treasures.”

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

At night, in a remote alley, a man was running away in a panic, looking behind him in fear from time to time, as if there was something scary behind him.

Suddenly, the man froze, and his face showed extreme fear.

The next moment, the whole person exploded and turned into debris.

On a tall building, a man and a woman looked down from above. The man was wearing a windbreaker, and the woman was wearing a jacket and stockings. They were Rock and Little Red Riding Hood.

After taking a look at the debris below, Rock hooked his hand, as if an invisible rope spread out, and skillfully hooked a gray crystal stone into his hand.

“No. 17, the efficiency is OK”

“Next, it’s time to play to your strengths again.”

Little Red Riding Hood pouted:”Master, I’m not a dog, please don’t treat me like a dog!”

“Also, when are you going to teach me that move? It’s really cool!”

Rock shook his head:”You can’t learn it.”

This didn’t fool the little girl. Rock has been using the same move, formerly known as Witch Whip, which is the only magic that Rock got from the Witch Queen.

With such a heaven-defying talent as the ability to upgrade, there is no reason for Rock to waste it. Unfortunately, there are really no serious extraordinary skills in the world of the Witch Queen. After searching for a long time, there are only two that Rock can use. One is the Witch Whip, which condenses magic power into a rope, which can double the pain when hitting the enemy.

With Rock’s five-fold ability increase, it directly turned into an invisible killing whip.


This was not the first time she had heard this. What could Little Red Riding Hood do? She closed her eyes, sniffed gently, and sensed carefully.

Rock glanced at Little Red Riding Hood who was in a serious state. This little girl could be considered a gifted person with excellent perception ability. In some cases, it could even be considered an extraordinary talent.

However, this little girl herself was a little disgusted because she used this ability too much. The more she looked at it, the more she looked like a dog, or a tracking dog.

Little Red Riding Hood, who was silently sensing and searching, was suddenly stunned and opened her eyes with a solemn expression.

“Master, I smell a lot of decay. It seems that the monsters have gathered together.”

“Oh, they noticed something was wrong and are planning to join forces to kill us.” Rock’s expression remained calm.

“Hey, hey, hey, Master, I know you are very strong, but I feel that there are at least more than ten-digit monsters there!”

“Just a group delivery~”

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